Injury Report: Archibald “Not up to Speed”


Jun 24, 2003
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I don’t want him crucified, just countering those that think because he hasn’t tweeted in a while that it meant he changed his mind. Which is highly doubtful, as if he had he would have posted about it. We have no idea how many people he has influenced, maybe none, but it is looking likely that his own beliefs lead to him being in his current condition. Which is unfortunate.

Agreed. I'm confident he hasn't changed, but learned to keep it to tighter private circles with people he knows personally.
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Jan 19, 2006
Direct quote

My reading comprehension is fine. You seem to just enjoy saying things, then saying that you didn't or that people are twisting your words.
You're right, I guess I did say that - I was wrong about that one point of yours - but the intention behind that post is to show how celebrities that are washed up and haven't been in the spotlight for over a decade can still have relevance, and so a 4th line plug can have relevance to those who follow sports.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
A public figure with a fraction of the influence of David freaking Staples. Cmon man.

I just did a quick scan of tweets related to the subject, and most are critical of the player, but there are a decent number that are rallying behind him, convinced that the heart issue is because he was forced to take the vaccine and the league is covering it up, and to stay true to the cause. So he may not be intentionally influencing people, but indirectly he apparently is.


Jan 19, 2006

Regardless if I mistyped something in this thread that you guys are picking apart to disprove my point and earn some kind of points on the internet for proving someone wrong, or incorrect, this is my final word on the matter:

Any single piece of misinformation that is shared that is based on no facts, only conspiracy theories built to divide and cause general mayhem should be condemned beyond measure. If Archibald has one follower or hundreds, this is true. His number of followers doesn't matter one f***ing lick to me, because the information got out there even if people weren't following his twitter. It has been all over sports news that he has refused to take the vaccine, so even without his tweets, he is an anti-vax science denier and that is enough for me to write him off completely as a person. That goes for any single person in the world. If you are spreading misinformation, you are the worst kind of person.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
Its hard to have any convo re the player now because quite simply we don't know if he can continue to be a player or athlete. All we know it that he's presently unable, and that may not be a temporary state of affairs.

As far as the player he was theres a limited shelf life for him here anyway. McLeod, Foegele are clearly better bottomsix options. Sceviour is starting to look like a player. Holloway will be here some point a which point who do we drop? Yama. Reality is Archie had probably been bumped to bottomline and limited minutes regardless.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Myocarditis is no joke. And Archibald while having lots of elements I like was merely okay in his time here. Sure he hits like a brick, but that only happens sparingly (mostly when revenge is needed). Sure, he produced a bit but much of it was in an empty net situation. Archibald is still a slight upgrade over others we have right now in the 4th line, but taking into account his health/rustiness and I don’t think he’ll be the upgrade we’re looking for.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2019
I am re-opening this thread simply because I miss what this player brings to the table and would love to see a 4th line of Benson/Shore-Sceviour-Archibald at some point this season. Has anyone heard any updates on Archie's condition or timeline?

No covid talk allowed.
I’m with you. Maybe I’m just exaggerating it in my head since it’s been a while, but I really miss archi as a player.

Having him on the fourth line giving it his all every shift is definitely the type of energy we could have used at the start of many games this season.

I think Foegele and Hyman are obviously better players, but Archi was a perfect energy guy for the fourth line. Would much prefer him switching in vs Turris and even Shore


Jul 1, 2010
Not missing him a bit.

The horrendous defensive play was never worth the few hits he'd throw with his 150lb frame.

It's a blessing in disguise that he won't play this year. The fourth line would improve even more if Turris and Shore somehow couldn't play too and it forced Holland/Tipp to ice actual NHL players on the fourth line.


Pray For Ukraine
Sep 13, 2004
Not missing him a bit.

The horrendous defensive play was never worth the few hits he'd throw with his 150lb frame.

It's a blessing in disguise that he won't play this year. The fourth line would improve even more if Turris and Shore somehow couldn't play too and it forced Holland/Tipp to ice actual NHL players on the fourth line.

I guess he's a 150lbs. of lead based on the impact on these hits.


Pray For Ukraine
Sep 13, 2004
Its hard to have any convo re the player now because quite simply we don't know if he can continue to be a player or athlete. All we know it that he's presently unable, and that may not be a temporary state of affairs.

As far as the player he was theres a limited shelf life for him here anyway. McLeod, Foegele are clearly better bottomsix options. Sceviour is starting to look like a player. Holloway will be here some point a which point who do we drop? Yama. Reality is Archie had probably been bumped to bottomline and limited minutes regardless.

I 100% see him as a 4th liner here. One that brings grit, a physical element, a lunchpail type of a guy that can also pot a few goals. If he can return healthy I wouldn't mind him at all for that role unless we could find someone bigger and tougher for that role.


Registered User
Nov 8, 2013
Miss his hitting. Our PK is doing fine without him.

Still got him as my avatar but I think his career is over. Yak retired in KHL due to similar post covid issue and Stalock isn't coming back either.
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Pray For Ukraine
Sep 13, 2004
Miss his hitting. Our PK is doing fine without him.

Still got him as my avatar but I think his career is over. Yak retired in KHL due to similar post covid issue and Stalock isn't coming back either.

I hope that you're wrong, but only time will tell. This is the 2nd season in a row for Stalock, it really sucks to see people cut down in their primes.
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Registered User
Jun 2, 2012
Not missing him a bit.

The horrendous defensive play was never worth the few hits he'd throw with his 150lb frame.

It's a blessing in disguise that he won't play this year. The fourth line would improve even more if Turris and Shore somehow couldn't play too and it forced Holland/Tipp to ice actual NHL players on the fourth line.

Tend to agree on Turris but I thought Shore was decent in the time he played this season?


Registered User
Oct 15, 2006
Miss the physical play and aggressive attitude on the ice because it's what holds us back from the real contenders in the league, but he's not coming back imo. Even if the condition clears up now, the risk of recurrence for him would be pretty high imo.


Jul 1, 2010
That second replay is what McDnicks is talking about.

Terrible defensive play, to throw a hit.

All archibald does is try hard and throw meaningless hits.

Yup. That clip is Archibald in a nutshell.

Ignore defensive responsibilities, forego the simple play on the puck, make a pointless hit and watch the puck end up in the net two seconds later.

It's those kinds of decisions that should keep far from a roster spot even if he's healthy.


non torsii subligarium
Jul 23, 2007
If only he was as “selfless” as those Sens and Isles players who still spread it around the locker room despite 100% vaxxed
Archie fills a much needed role and I’m willing to bet the team would welcome him back no problem..despite some “virtuous” posters ok here

Moot anyway.

Captain Conspiracy Theory can't cross the border and his career is over for that, if not over for all of the other bullshit.
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