Music: ABBA to reunite


Jul 9, 2012
So California
Just heard about this and was going to make a thread then saw this one. ABBA is prob my best guilty pleasure group there is.

the squared circle

Registered User
Aug 3, 2005
Maple Leaf Gardens
Yeah i remember it as them being offered a billion dollars to reunite around 20 years ago (around the height of Mamma Mia).
Super guilty pleasure - Dancing Queen.
Guilty pleasure - their whole greatest hits album!
Pleasure - those two women were such babes back in the day! :)


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Saw this, wondered what I could have possibly posted about it. Not what I expected.


Listened to ABBA when they were big. My dad had all the albums. I think I was maybe 4, 5 when their first came out. Haven't listened to them since Visitors.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
Their 9th studio album, Voyage, was released today. It's crazy that their previous album was released 40 years ago this month... and I thought that waiting 4 years for an artist's next album was an eternity.

The full album has been uploaded to ABBA's YouTube account. I guess that it's true that the members don't need the money.

(^Album playlist. It should go through all 10 songs if you let it)

sr edler

gold is not reality
Mar 20, 2010
ABBA is one of the most overrated groups of all time. Dancing Queen is a damn catchy song, but even that one you get tired of very very fast. Very shallow and hollow music that doesn't say anything about anything.

They have a very friendly image though, so no one in the mainstream dares to trash them.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
ABBA is one of the most overrated groups of all time. Dancing Queen is a damn catchy song, but even that one you get tired of very very fast. Very shallow and hollow music that doesn't say anything about anything.

They have a very friendly image though, so no one in the mainstream dares to trash them.

I think that no one trashes them because trashing fun, inoffensive pop/disco music that puts smiles on people's faces is dumb. So is judging music only by the depth of its lyrics, IMO. Classical music has no lyrics, yet is appreciated for its ability to put the listener in a good mood. ABBA's music similarly puts listeners in a good mood, which, I think, is partly why it's as popular as it is. Saying that it's overrated seems like saying that people are wrong to like it so much.

A couple of months ago, I didn't think highly of ABBA, either. I had gone my whole life not getting the appeal. It's because of this thread that I decided to give them a chance and I've since gone through all of their albums and listened to most of their songs over and over. I definitely like and appreciate them now. No, the lyrics aren't the deepest, but they're also not the shallowest, either. They don't say much, but a lot of their songs do say something. You mentioned Dancing Queen, which isn't just a meaningless dance song. It's about teenage innocence, and I think that the attractiveness of that theme is as much a reason for the song's popularity as the catchiness of the tune. It's even reportedly become an anthem of sorts for the gay community, so it must be saying something. Also, some of their later songs were more introspective, especially some of their songs about breakups, which reflected the group's troubled marriages. Regardless, lyrics don't have to be deep to be relatable, and if they're relatable to people, does it matter if they're deep or not? Perhaps you should do what I did and give them a chance. You might come to appreciate them, as I have.
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