A 'crisis mode' at all levels: How technology put officials in a tough spot


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
To quote:

"Officials in pro sports often express gratitude for the safety net that video review can provide, but a growing legion of sports participants frets about its impact on expectations and wonders if it has helped fuel the toxic environments found at youth and amateur sporting events.

Often, however, that guiding principle has bogged down into granular examinations of slow-motion video. A famous case occurred in the 2013 Masters Tournament, after a television viewer noticed that Tiger Woods had made a nearly imperceptible illegal drop and contacted tournament officials. Woods was issued a two-stroke penalty. And the past few months have provided a fair share of instant-replay controversies:

[For example] Chaos erupted in this spring's Stanley Cup playoffs when St. Louis Blues fans realized that hand passes are not reviewable after a missed call that allowed the San Jose Sharks to score the winning goal during Game 3 of the Western Conference finals."

Source: www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/27000520/a-crisis-mode-all-levels-how-technology-put-officials-tough-spot


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