50/50 split - bait for players

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Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
the owners should offer the players 50 percent of all the playoff revenue this year to get them to the table.

why not ... the owners need to get this thing solved and time is ticking.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2004
DR said:
the owners should offer the players 50 percent of all the playoff revenue this year to get them to the table.

why not ... the owners need to get this thing solved and time is ticking.

The owners don't have to do anything, a point continually missed by the PA and their supporters. The owners, or at least a fair number of them, aren't losing a dime as a result of the lockout and those that are have many other more profitable sources of revenue to fall back on.
The only thing the owners stand to lose are some fans for the short-term. But as baseball proved after its '94 train wreck, the fans will eventually flock back.
The players, on the other hand, have millions of dollars they'll never recover and careers at stake.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
CarlRacki said:
The owners don't have to do anything, a point continually missed by the PA and their supporters. The owners, or at least a fair number of them, aren't losing a dime as a result of the lockout and those that are have many other more profitable sources of revenue to fall back on.
The only thing the owners stand to lose are some fans for the short-term. But as baseball proved after its '94 train wreck, the fans will eventually flock back.
The players, on the other had, have millions of dollars they'll never recover and careers at stake.
well of course they dont have to do anyhting. not if they dont care that there is no NHL.



Registered User
Jul 9, 2004

most of the public is behind the owners on this and want to see hockey get fixed

I know, personally speaking I want the owners to keep the players locked out as long as it takes to make a deal that allows each and every team to compete for players fairly

the owners were losing money under the old system, the NHLPA pretty much admitted to that by the 24% roll backs

Forbes also showed the NHL owners losing money, along with the Levitts report..how much money is for another thread and another depate

even if the owners lost the 120 million last year Forbes states they lost...thats alot of money added up each and every season

right some owners are losing less money without their product taking the ice...that should show you how much resolve the owners have in this

the owners are going to get cost certainty one way or another...and its going to be a fixed percentage of revenues

so the players need to ask themselves if they want a 54-57% of 1.8 billion in revenues or if they want 54-57% of 1 billion in revenues

either way the owners will not fold, and that is why they voted to veto any proposal that just 8 teams are against

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
likea said:
most of the public is behind the owners on this and want to see hockey get fixed
i didnt say otherwise. publick support and $1.00 gets you a Pepsi and coke at 7-11.

likea said:
I know, personally speaking I want the owners to keep the players locked out as long as it takes
i didnt say otherwise. dont you prefer that as long as it takes comes sooner rather than later ?

likea said:
to make a deal that allows each and every team to compete for players fairly
i hope they arent waiting for this. it exists already and certainly in the PA's offer.

likea said:
the owners were losing money under the old system, the NHLPA pretty much admitted to that by the 24% roll backs
thats one spin. i say the players offered it as an alternative option for the owners to a hard cap.

likea said:
the owners are going to get cost certainty one way or another...and its going to be a fixed percentage of revenues
i didnt say otherwise. im trying to come up with ways to get the game back on the ice at the owners terms without a scorched earth policy.

likea said:
so the players need to ask themselves if they want a 54-57% of 1.8 billion in revenues or if they want 54-57% of 1 billion in revenues
this still has nothing to do with the theme of the thread. i never said otherwise on this either.

likea said:
either way the owners will not fold, and that is why they voted to veto any proposal that just 8 teams are against
sigh ... im not suggesting the owners fold. im suggesting they put some sugar on the table to get the players to the table.

you do not care that the owners cant even find a way to get what they need AND get the game back ?

so once again ...

the owners should offer the players 50 percent of all the playoff revenue this year to get them to the table.

why not ... the owners need to get this thing solved and time is ticking.

Lanny MacDonald*

DR said:
the owners should offer the players 50 percent of all the playoff revenue this year to get them to the table.

why not ... the owners need to get this thing solved and time is ticking.

Easy answer to that. "Hosts: We'll say this again we have asked for the other side a million times, they will not talk to us... We have tried a thousand times to get Goodenow to the phone, he wont come to the phone." Why should the NHL offer a damn thing? Greedenow won't negotiate. The puck is in his end. Let's see him do something besides ice the puck.

Oh, and the owners don't have to get the product back on the ice. They are getting paid regardless of what goes on. The PLAYERS are the ones who need this thing resolved. The majority of the union is sitting at home doing nothing and not earning any money. The players need to get this thing solved, and time is ticking.


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Nov 12, 2002
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DR said:
the owners should offer the players 50 percent of all the playoff revenue this year to get them to the table.

why not ... the owners need to get this thing solved and time is ticking.

The last owner offer had a cap tied to league revenues, which I assume must include playoff revenues, so technically, this offer (actually, a better offer) has already been offered to the players.

It obviously doesn't have enough juice to fly though, in the eyes of the NHLPA.
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Registered User
Jan 1, 2004
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Why on earth should the owners be the ones to make the next move? They are dominating the PR battle. They have way more leverage than the PA. And the made the last damn offer. Them making the next move would do nothing but hurt their position since it would make them look desperate and force them to make a second offer in a row. It is absolutely rediculous to me how anyone can honestly complain about the NHL not intitiating negotiations again when the PA are the ones who should be sh***ing their pants that the season is on the verge of being cancelled. They thought the owners would fold as in the past, that didn`t happen, so they should get the hell back to the bargaining table because they aren`t going to get a better deal one year from now than the one they could get today.


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Jan 31, 2003
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CarlRacki said:
The owners don't have to do anything, a point continually missed by the PA and their supporters. The owners, or at least a fair number of them, aren't losing a dime as a result of the lockout and those that are have many other more profitable sources of revenue to fall back on.

I dont think so. I think that the teams are losing money. It would be an interesting thread on how much they are losing from either loss of revenue, front office expenses, contracts with arenas, etc.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
Chelios said:
Why on earth should the owners be the ones to make the next move? .
maybe because their motivation is to get the NHL back in business and not just crush the union ?


Mighty Duck

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Jul 6, 2003
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CarlRacki said:
The owners don't have to do anything, a point continually missed by the PA and their supporters. The owners, or at least a fair number of them, aren't losing a dime as a result of the lockout and those that are have many other more profitable sources of revenue to fall back on.
The only thing the owners stand to lose are some fans for the short-term. But as baseball proved after its '94 train wreck, the fans will eventually flock back.
The players, on the other hand, have millions of dollars they'll never recover and careers at stake.

Well, if the owners hadn't done anything in the 1st place, we wouldn't be here having this discussion. The owners made this mess by irresponsible spending. Now they want the NHLPA to take the blame for running up the credit card. Tell that one to Brain Burke, he will drive them to the airport. :banghead:


Registered User
Mar 18, 2004
Mighty Duck said:
Well, if the owners hadn't done anything in the 1st place, we wouldn't be here having this discussion. The owners made this mess by irresponsible spending. Now they want the NHLPA to take the blame for running up the credit card. Tell that one to Brain Burke, he will drive them to the airport. :banghead:

Link? When did the owners ever blame the players for the stupid player signings that have skyrocketted costs and put the NHL where it is today? And what does it matter at this point where to place the blame? We should be focused on solutions, which everyone, including the players, agrees are needed, though they obviously disagree on the form of those solutions.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
Jaded-Fan said:
Link? When did the owners ever blame the players for the stupid player signings that have skyrocketted costs and put the NHL where it is today? And what does it matter at this point where to place the blame? We should be focused on solutions, which everyone, including the players, agrees are needed, though they obviously disagree on the form of those solutions.

"Let's be clear on where the responsibility lies for where we find ourselves today: it lies exclusively at the feet of union ... "



Registered User
Sep 10, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
Well, that's only half of the quote. If you read it in context it is true.

Actually, there isn't anything in that quote concerning the salaries, it's all about the fact that the players wouldn't be locked out right now, if the Union had reacted after the NHL approached them.

If you read other quotes from Bettman and Daly, you will see that they made it pretty clear who spend all the money and that they didn't blame the players for using the old system to their advantage.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
Sanderson said:
Well, that's only half of the quote. If you read it in context it is true.

Actually, there isn't anything in that quote concerning the salaries, it's all about the fact that the players wouldn't be locked out right now, if the Union had reacted after the NHL approached them.

If you read other quotes from Bettman and Daly, you will see that they made it pretty clear who spend all the money and that they didn't blame the players for using the old system to their advantage.
the owners would not have negotiated with the players if the situation was reversed. for the owners to blame the players for the lockout on that basis is garbage.

we are where we are today soley because of the NHL owners, both in terms of being locked out and the financial state of the league, and to claim otherwise is strictly PR spin.



Sanderson said:
Well, that's only half of the quote. If you read it in context it is true.

Actually, there isn't anything in that quote concerning the salaries, it's all about the fact that the players wouldn't be locked out right now, if the Union had reacted after the NHL approached them.

The NHLPA met with the league for nine days of secret meetings in March 2003 dubbed "Project Blue Fin". The year previously the NHLPA began reviewing the finances of four teams (Buffalo, LA, Montreal and Boston) in preparation for negotiations. However when the NHLPA discovered that the teams had concealed $52 million in revenue not disclosed in the URO's and brought it to the NHL, the NHL shut things down.

You need to quit taking what Bettman says as gospel - he is spinning.


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Jun 2, 2002
Wetcoaster said:
The NHLPA met with the league for nine days of secret meetings in March 2003 dubbed "Project Blue Fin". The year previously the NHLPA began reviewing the finances of four teams (Buffalo, LA, Montreal and Boston) in preparation for negotiations. However when the NHLPA discovered that the teams had concealed $52 million in revenue not disclosed in the URO's and brought it to the NHL, the NHL shut things down.

You need to quit taking what Bettman says as gospel - he is spinning.
You might need a link to back this up.


Registered User
Sep 10, 2002
Hamburg, Germany
That's true, the owners are responsible for the lockout, but that's always that way because they are the only ones who can lock out someone. The players would have been stupid to strike in this situation, since the last CBA was in their favour.

If it was the other way round, the players would have done the same as well. It's not like Unions never strike if they don't like something.

The owners were responsible for their losses (although the player agents have to share a bit of the blame as well) and they have made it very clear that they take responsibility for that. All you have done is take a quote out of context, disregarding the fact that Bettman and Daly took the blame in basically every interview they have given.

Well, that's four years after the league asked them to do something. They were really fast...

Lanny MacDonald*

Wetcoaster said:
You need to quit taking what Bettman says as gospel - he is spinning.

I might recommend the same for you and Greedenow. The guy is spinning so much he makes the world dizzy watching.
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slats432 said:
You might need a link to back this up.

The links have been posted before and I thought a moderator of all people would know that or have run a search before posting but here goes again:

The NHL and NHLPA met in secret for nine days in 2003 to discuss several proposals on luxury taxes and revenue sharing. But the talks between March 26, 2003, and June 4, 2003 -- dubbed the Blue Fin Project -- broke down when the NHL rejected a proposal from the NHLPA.

How about The Hockey News?
In none of the previous sessions held throughout the summer of 2004, or for that matter during the secret ‘Blue Fin Project’ discussions held in 2003, were the two parties able to overcome that fundamental cost-certainty/no-cap divide. It’s believed that if no agreement is reached by the first week of January at the latest, there will be no season.


Dazed and Concussed

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Mar 14, 2002
Sherwood Park, Alberta
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DR said:
the owners would not have negotiated with the players if the situation was reversed. for the owners to blame the players for the lockout on that basis is garbage.

we are where we are today soley because of the NHL owners, both in terms of being locked out and the financial state of the league, and to claim otherwise is strictly PR spin.


Whether or not the owners would or wouldn't have negotiated is irrelevant. It was the players who choose not to negotiate until just a few months ago.

We are where we are today because the system which allowed irresponsible spending was not working and the attempts to fix the system in prior years and now are being rejected by the players. Does the term "if your not part of the solution you're part of the problem" mean anything to you?


Dazed and Concussed said:
Whether or not the owners would or wouldn't have negotiated is irrelevant. It was the players who choose not to negotiate until just a few months ago.

Not true - see the post above on Project Blue Fin.

Lanny MacDonald*

Wetcoaster said:
Translation into English please????

Quit taking what Greedenow has to say as gospel. He's leading you clowns down a dark back alley and you ain't tough enough to go up against the characters that hang out there. His negotiation tactics have been exposed and the NHL is doing a masterful job keeping him off balance. Its only a matter of time. The agents will tire of this and take their business to the other side at some point. That point appears to be near.


The Iconoclast said:
Quit taking what Greedenow has to say as gospel. He's leading you clowns down a dark back alley and you ain't tough enough to go up against the characters that hang out there. His negotiation tactics have been exposed and the NHL is doing a masterful job keeping him off balance. Its only a matter of time. The agents will tire of this and take their business to the other side at some point. That point appears to be near.

I do not take what either side says as gospel.

I look at the facts for myself and form my own judgments and opinions.

Thus far Goodenow has ended up on the winning side in each and every face-off with the owners. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
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