GDT: #12 | Pittsburgh Penguins @ New Jersey Devils | Feb 9th @ 1:00PM EST

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Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
I don't know about anybody else, but I watch the games not for the players, but to see the refs. They're so cool. I'm betting they pat each others ***** after the game, bragging about how much TV time they got today.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2007
Arklay Mansion
So when we win it's because the other team rolled over no matter how many wins there are and when we lose it's because we suck.... Since the Flyers we've beaten teh Rangers twice, handed the Devils their only regulation loss of the season, and beaten a Sens team that has been solid so far. And regardless, tis' an 8-4 team after this that has been much better of late and loses one.
It doesn't matter if we handed them their only loss, it doesn't change the fact that they didn't even challenge the Pens in that game. It doesn't change the fact that we've beat a grand total of 1 team in those 8 wins that actually played alright.

A hockey team that is going to challenge in the playoffs can beat teams that challenge them. That hasn't been the case yet.

The team ain't trash, it just doesn't react well to competition. It can beat up teams that play poorly, but has no fight against actual challenge.


Registered User
Apr 3, 2012
I just hate when the refs are starting to call that kind of penalty at the end of the game. Call it the whole game or don´t call it at all. Don´t care which team´s getting the call

Dipsy Doodle

Rent A Barn
May 28, 2006
It was. The Devils pitched one of the worst games I've seen this year last week. Now that they've come to play, it's completely one sided. Whenever any team pushes back even a little, we fold up. That won't take you past the first round when the games actually matter.

The Pens have been making other teams look bad. The Devils are the same damn team they played last week.

"Now that they've come to play"?

Of course, when the Pens lose a game where the refs were woefully inconsistent, it's because they're a pretender who got beat because the other team came to play. When Jersey gets spanked, they're a contender who just got caught on a tired day. Comical. :laugh:

But I should've known our first loss in 6 games would bring out these types of comments.


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
It's a situation that feeds itself. The Penguins were getting screwed through 2 periods. They had no flow to the game. They had no time on attack. They weren't able to play hockey.

Did they get frustrated and undisciplined in the 3rd? Yep. But one only happened because of the other.

Look at the Martin call. Martin should have never been in the situation to hold.

But he's undisciplined.

The refs made bad calls. It happens. The team needs to keep their composure. 2 or 3 bad calls is not a good excuse for what this game has turned in to. You can use this same argument the other way. Once we started taking penalties all over the place the refs were going to start calling everything borderline to keep us under control


Registered User
Mar 26, 2008
It doesn't matter if we handed them their only loss, it doesn't change the fact that they didn't even challenge the Pens in that game. It doesn't change the fact that we've beat a grand total of 1 team in those 8 wins that actually played alright.

A hockey team that is going to challenge in the playoffs can beat teams that challenge them. That hasn't been the case yet.

The team ain't trash, it just doesn't react well to competition. It can beat up teams that play poorly, but has no fight against actual challenge.

1 win out of the 8 where the team played "alright"? :laugh:


Registered User
Jul 3, 2008
The Burgh
It doesn't matter if we handed them their only loss, it doesn't change the fact that they didn't even challenge the Pens in that game. It doesn't change the fact that we've beat a grand total of 1 team in those 8 wins that actually played alright.

A hockey team that is going to challenge in the playoffs can beat teams that challenge them. That hasn't been the case yet.

The team ain't trash, it just doesn't react well to competition. It can beat up teams that play poorly, but has no fight against actual challenge.

And I assume the Pens get 0 credit when another team plays bad against them? All other teams just randomly choose to play their worst games against the Pens? Or could it be that not every team plays great every game in general and maybe the Pens make teams look bad when they're playing well?


Registered User
Feb 4, 2012
You think Mike Babcock puts up with this crap. He is all over the zebras early on and let them know the calls are BS. But Disco Dan after five straight penalties is standing there looking confused. Hey Dan, if you don't put some heat on them, they will call that crap all day long.

Ugene Magic

Oct 17, 2008
Guys, 1,2,3 bad penalty calls in such short order gives you just what you're watching.

A great team slowed down by reffing tiring them out playing defense instead of offense.

The Pens have played an entire period of defense.

24 minutes of playing defense only.
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