Your worst hockey injury


Registered User
May 3, 2006
We've all had our bumps and bruises, but what's your worst?

I've had two lol. Was 4 years old playing road hockey before Thanksgiving dinner with the WHOLE family at the house. The dinner bell rang and it was time to come in...problem was, my older brother stoll my hat. So a very long story short....he had my hat...I wanted it...he started doing a helicopter swing with a wood goalie stick and BAM! Right on my nose! So needless to say Thanksgiving was ruined by a trip to the hospital but at least I was alive. Doctor says "I can't be sure if it's broken or not yet". My mom says "are you fn ********, it's sideways". So I suffered with that till I was 16 and surgery was possible. Still suffer after at 33.

2nd. I'm 14. Playing "A" hockey in dirty Coburg, ON. A guy sticked me in the nuts so naturally I went down. I swatted at him with my stick while on the ice. As I'm getting up he turns around and literally jumps on me. Problem is his 200lb plus fat *** takes me right over my left skate edge. My body weight plus his basically went over my ankle. It's tough to describe, but I thank good taping of my skates for my ankle not to break. The most excruciating pain ive ever felt. Again at the hospital for hours and hear nothing other then "well your ankle is f'd". To top things off, the next morning I managed to forget it and stepped out of bed like normal...bad idea lol. I was on crutches for 3 months and still to this day "roll" that ankle daily.

I've taken cross checks to the face, slappers off the post to my face etc...

Sorry for the long read
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Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Took a puck to the ribs. Was hard to breathe and absolutely killed whenever I got touched. I kept playing though like a good old Canadian boy would.

Worst injury I ever saw was also in Cobourg. We were in Peewee and one of our players got hit from behind and his helmet flew up and he hit his teeth on the lower dasher of the boards. His teeth got jammed up into his gums and you couldn't see them. Worst part, he had braces. They took him to the hospital but didn't realize his teeth were jammed up into gums so they went back to the rink to look for his teeth but to no avail. When they finally realized, he was flown to Toronto to have them surgically pulled down to their regular spot.

shoeshine boy

Registered User
Aug 14, 2008
2 years ago I took a teammate's slapshot to the ear. even with the ear protectors in my helmet it sliced it open and required stitches. oddly though that injury wasn't that painful at the time, imo because your brain shuts down when something that painful happens.
back in September I crashed into the boards "full speed" with my shoulder. my brain must've thought I could handle that one because that hurt WAY more!


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
A couple chipped teeth, a couple gashes around my eyebrows requiring stitches, a sprained ankle or two. Nothing major, but a little painful for a while. I've certainly seen much, much worse so I can't complain at all.


Bevy of Humanity
Aug 28, 2015
Triad, NC
Nothing crazy. Pulled a muscle under my shoulder blade a while back and it still nags me a little the day after games.


Registered User
May 27, 2008
Windsor, ON
Beer league (Sunday AM league), played forward, got a shot on the other teams goalie, he covered it. Small scrum ensued (not sure why - but the team we were playing were a bunch of meat heads basically). I got grabbed in a headlock, and the idiot drove me head first into the ice. I got up slowly, sat on the bench.....then went to dressing room. After a few minutes - I couldn't remember how I got to the arena, if my girlfriend (now my wife :) ) was there or not. Started talking non-sense in the dressing room. Had one of my buddies drive me home, while another drove my car home. Never went to doctor/hospital - but safe to say, was probably concussed. Yep.....Sunday AM fun beer league!

Worst I saw - had a team mate fall down, only to have the guy on the other team windup for a slapper 6 feet from his face. Had to put his hand up to block the puck - totally obliterated his finger (inside his glove) - never heard a guy scream like in pain like that ever!

Also, had team gut a puck that was rung around the corner of the boards, and came up and hit him in the mouth (4 teeth lost). He was scheduled to get a custom mouth guard a day or 2 after that. Has posts and nice fake teeth in place now.

Bedards Dad

I was in the pool!!
Nov 3, 2011
Had a few concussions, lots of bumps and bruises from pucks and sticks. Lost a tooth from a puck, but last weekend I tore my left MCL and Meniscus, even got it on video...


Bedards Dad

I was in the pool!!
Nov 3, 2011
2nd. I'm 14. Playing "A" hockey in dirty Coburg, ON. A guy sticked me in the nuts so naturally I went down. I swatted at him with my stick while on the ice. As I'm getting up he turns around and literally jumps on me. Problem is his 200lb plus fat *** takes me right over my left skate edge. My body weight plus his basically went over my ankle. It's tough to describe, but I thank good taping of my skates for my ankle not to break. The most excruciating pain ive ever felt. Again at the hospital for hours and hear nothing other then "well your ankle is f'd". To top things off, the next morning I managed to forget it and stepped out of bed like normal...bad idea lol. I was on crutches for 3 months and still to this day "roll" that ankle daily.

I've taken cross checks to the face, slappers off the post to my face etc...

Sorry for the long read

Took a puck to the ribs. Was hard to breathe and absolutely killed whenever I got touched. I kept playing though like a good old Canadian boy would.

Worst injury I ever saw was also in Cobourg. We were in Peewee and one of our players got hit from behind and his helmet flew up and he hit his teeth on the lower dasher of the boards. His teeth got jammed up into his gums and you couldn't see them. Worst part, he had braces. They took him to the hospital but didn't realize his teeth were jammed up into gums so they went back to the rink to look for his teeth but to no avail. When they finally realized, he was flown to Toronto to have them surgically pulled down to their regular spot.

Cobourg players were the worst! Always had fights when we played there.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2016
Edmonton, AB
Lots of them, but the worst was when we were playing a aaa team in midgets and I got boarded, knocked unconscious and had a pretty serious concussion.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2009
Face first into the goal post at full speed earned me a major concussion with skull and jaw fractures and broken/knocked out teeth. I was out of the game for 10 years after that, and just started skating again a year ago.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Houston, TX
Geez, I have quite the list, but depends on what is meant by worst:

I was on bad teams most of my life, but on my first good team, my teammate got jumped by two guys at the end of a playoff game. I jumped in and somewhere in the melee I broke two ribs. It hurt like hell even when I drove. Sneezing was death.Definitely the most painful injury. I wasn't supposed to play for a few months, but our championship game was 2 days later. I sucked it up with only Tylenol. I also was playing with an mcl sprain and a dislocated shoulder/torn labrum. I always thought I was Western Canadian at heart.

Let's see, when I tore my acl it felt like a bolt of lightning struck my knee. It was sore for nine months. The doc said I still had some mileage on it and that we would operate after it completely tore. I'm still skating on it.

My torn labrum and dislocated shoulder hurt like hell for years. It would always pop out, especially after a face-off. I never got it operated because I didn't want to stop playing. Man would it hurt and be sore for days and then happen again during the next game.

I broke my nose three times and had my face shattered a couple of times - cross check to the face(broken orbital) and once an elbow.

The minor stuff was the broken toes/fingers. Fractured a wrist once, but kept playing. I got stitches a couple of times. Chipped teeth a few times.

The only time I missed a game was due to a high fever when I got the flu. I prided myself on toughness. Maybe it was macho stupidity.

Oh, for a while I played without a cup and took a slap shot directly to the nuts. I was sore for a long time. Definitely stupidity on my part.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Houston, TX
Took a puck to the ribs. Was hard to breathe and absolutely killed whenever I got touched. I kept playing though like a good old Canadian boy would.

Worst injury I ever saw was also in Cobourg. We were in Peewee and one of our players got hit from behind and his helmet flew up and he hit his teeth on the lower dasher of the boards. His teeth got jammed up into his gums and you couldn't see them. Worst part, he had braces. They took him to the hospital but didn't realize his teeth were jammed up into gums so they went back to the rink to look for his teeth but to no avail. When they finally realized, he was flown to Toronto to have them surgically pulled down to their regular spot.



Registered User
May 12, 2012
Boxers fracture left hand pinkie from a fight on the ice.
Had a cast for 6 weeks during January-Feb months and had some rehab but made it back for final few games.


Registered User
May 3, 2006
So much ouch in here. I'll add another one. Got my ring finger tangled up pretty bad in a guys jersey during a fight. No idea what actually happened medical wise but I can't fully straighten that finger anymore. Nor will it gibble finger lol


Registered User
Oct 4, 2009
I'll add my #2 worst, I lost an edge and slid into the boards when I tried to cut left at full stride. My right foot impacted the boards straight, and my knee was also straight causing the bones in my knee to impact each other. I ended up with a 4" crack up the femur from the knee as well as a bunch of soft tissue damage.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2008
Blocked a shot when I was 17 (let me preface by saying I never block shots....) and it hit me right in the thumb. I couldn't even hold my stick with my bottom hand but continued the shift while we were hemmed in our end.

Taped up my hand like a good 'ol Canadian boy to finish the game and ended up scoring twice.

Definitely wish I didn't try to play through, broke my thumb and that hand has never really been the same since. I played half the season with a cast as well after which probably didn't help, as the vibrations on my stick really did a number on my thumb.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2011
You guys are a mess! I was pretty lucky for my first 20 years. Only real injury was when I took 30+ stitches to the thigh when somebody's skate came up when I hit him.

After that the chronic stuff kicked in - labrum torn too mildly for surgery, tennis elbow, and arthritis in big toe (and a failed surgery to correct it). Those and a bad high ankle sprain took me out of the game for 12 years. Back now for one.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2006
Cracked ribs on two occasions, pneumothorax on one occasion, a few cuts and a broken wrist. Buddy just had a finger tip shattered by a wrist shot. Oh, and I split my elbow open and it got infected. Three days on intravenous antibiotics. That could have been the worst one if the infection got into the elbow joint. Amputation could have been the outcome.

One or two concussions as well. Most recent one from an asshat I play against regularly. He is big and can fly around the ice but not so good at turning and stopping. Result was a blindside hit to the head because he couldn't avoid me, even though I wasn't moving!

Jesus, forgot about broken toe from unintentionally blocking a slap shot. I don't want to think about it any more. Freaking me out!
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Registered User
Mar 25, 2014
Oh, for a while I played without a cup and took a slap shot directly to the nuts. I was sore for a long time. Definitely stupidity on my part.

That hurt just reading it! One time in peewee during practice I get tripped and I'm spinning on my knees and as I'm turning to face my teammate he decides to take his golf slap shot with the blade tilted and I get shot in the nuts with cup on thankfully and later in the same season during a game me and another guy are racing for the puck we both knock each other down I go sliding into the boards hands first and break my thumb that was the end of my season and swelled up about the size of a golf ball but that was the worst not too bad actually. I got to miss a week of school.


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