Windsor Spitfires 2020 Offseason Thread (Part 2)

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Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
When Rychel drafted the first year as Spits owner, it was an incredible draft. He had a ton of knowledge from scouting in the NHL Drafting went away as he tenure increased. He appeared to always be looking for another Ryan Ellis, and struck out many times! He was always his "own man", and most likely did not listen to his scouts!!!!! Therefore missing the playoffs became a yearly thing.
He is old school, and maybe those days have gone by.

I would still be extremely satisfied if Boughner and Rychel were still in charge of the Spits, as they gave the fans some great thrills!

U don't like the current owner always going cheap? Lol


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
Tonight is, historically, the home opener (Save for a few years). Having no hockey is an odd feeling; it doesnt feel like Fall or even like Oct is next week. While it creates a unique build-up to hockey, whenever that begins, there is still an empty feeling.
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Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Tonight is, historically, the home opener (Save for a few years). Having no hockey is an odd feeling; it doesnt feel like Fall or even like Oct is next week. While it creates a unique build-up to hockey, whenever that begins, there is still an empty feeling.

Not missed.
Always other stuff to do.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
I'll admit - I miss it. Very much so. Back in May, I said a delay to the season was fine but that doesnt make it easy. As long as everyone takes this seriously and does this part, hopefully we'll be back soon.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
COVID is going to alter how things are done for the time being. That doesn't mean players won't come at some point or the recruitment stops. Alazem wasn't going to light-up the O this season, either. He's young; lots of time.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace
Tonight is, historically, the home opener (Save for a few years). Having no hockey is an odd feeling; it doesnt feel like Fall or even like Oct is next week. While it creates a unique build-up to hockey, whenever that begins, there is still an empty feeling.
I was thinking the same thing about todays date. The date gets entrenched in your mind after a few decades. I'm still ok with waiting as long as everyone stays safe.
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Sep 5, 2011
Speaking of Bougie and WR, anyone else have the feeling that they wernt on good terms alot of times during the ownership and especially at the end ???


Registered User
Jan 4, 2019
Covid-Remember when I stated in early summer that people's selfishness would affect the return of OHL to any sense of normalcy in the spring? Many posted that I was wrong to suggest such. Here we sit, school just started with the 2nd wave arriving. Already talk of rolling back again. Too many idiots that either refuse to wear a mask or decide it's party time again. Yes idiot is a strong word but meets the definition to do something over and over again expecting different results. As much as I would love to see A live game again, It's bleak looking at best. How long before Dec start is rolled back? I still can't see games being played without fans in substantial numbers. The smaller funded clubs would feel the pinch in a heartbeat. Border issues, costs for U.S. based teams to operate remotely. Seems highly unlikely. Of course they had to announce something "return to play" It's called hope. I have it but I'm also realistic. Even if they have limited fans allowed at some point, the majority of STH are a older crowd like myself. I highly doubt there will be much of a demand with the plague hanging over us.
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Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
Covid-Remember when I stated in early summer that people's selfishness would affect the return of OHL to any sense of normalcy in the spring? Many posted that I was wrong to suggest such.

For the most part, all of this has been within our control. If we took the necessary precautions in April, we would have a shot at hockey right now. Instead, we have people who fully believe this is a hoax (somehow) and that everything that's being done now is part of an effort to control us. I know two people (one personally) who have enthusiastically stressed (after getting it) that Covid is real, it's not to be messed with, and do everything we can to avoid it... yet, people still don't believe it. You'll never convince everyone, which is fine, but as long as people continue to pull the "you can't make me" or "this is all a hoax" attitude, it'll affect the rest of us. You can't scream hoax, then wonder why everything is shut down when numbers go up.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2019
Theyre not idiots cherrydon, some people refuse to live in Nazi germany. if you choose to wear a mask do so by all means but everyone doesnt have to. At the beginning of this china virus they recommneded NOT to wear masks bc they dont do anyhting to stop it. Now that they see an opening for control of the population they say everyone has to wear one. There's more to this scamdemic .......
What planet are you from. Oh sorry you must be living under a rock. People like you I am sure wear MAGA hats. Smarten up.


Keeping up
Aug 11, 2017
Theyre not idiots cherrydon, some people refuse to live in Nazi germany. if you choose to wear a mask do so by all means but everyone doesnt have to. At the beginning of this china virus they recommneded NOT to wear masks bc they dont do anyhting to stop it. Now that they see an opening for control of the population they say everyone has to wear one. There's more to this scamdemic .......
So you believed “they” when “they” said a mask does nothing, but now that “they” want you to wear one, “they” are Nazis.
Please go back to Facebook and get more solid news and life lessons. 5G is here bud, go get your helmet.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Covid-Remember when I stated in early summer that people's selfishness would affect the return of OHL to any sense of normalcy in the spring? Many posted that I was wrong to suggest such. Here we sit, school just started with the 2nd wave arriving. Already talk of rolling back again. Too many idiots that either refuse to wear a mask or decide it's party time again. Yes idiot is a strong word but meets the definition to do something over and over again expecting different results. As much as I would love to see A live game again, It's bleak looking at best. How long before Dec start is rolled back? I still can't see games being played without fans in substantial numbers. The smaller funded clubs would feel the pinch in a heartbeat. Border issues, costs for U.S. based teams to operate remotely. Seems highly unlikely. Of course they had to announce something "return to play" It's called hope. I have it but I'm also realistic. Even if they have limited fans allowed at some point, the majority of STH are a older crowd like myself. I highly doubt there will be much of a demand with the plague hanging over us.

I just don't like the idea of "blaming the idiots." It reeks of people not wanting to blame themselves when they don't have symptoms. How do you know that you haven't been asymptomatic. Do you really believe when thing shutdown in March that you thought there would be OHL hockey in September? If you were then you were blind and myopic. Chalking it up to everybody has themselves to blame and saying "oh I do the right things" just speaks to the arrogance of others. Why has Windsor been doing so well lately but now our region has to pay for the sins of Toronto/Peel/Ottawa when we were held back in stage 2 or stage 3. This has been absolutely horrendously managed from the get go (well since late May) and now we are in this situation. At the end of the day if there is no OHL hockey and some teams have to shutdown sign me up, won't shed a tear here.

member 71782

Theyre not idiots cherrydon, some people refuse to live in Nazi germany. if you choose to wear a mask do so by all means but everyone doesnt have to. At the beginning of this china virus they recommneded NOT to wear masks bc they dont do anyhting to stop it. Now that they see an opening for control of the population they say everyone has to wear one. There's more to this scamdemic .......

While I would be one of the first to say this whole situation has been poorly handled at best I do find what you and others who say similar things to be quite contradictory with what you say.

You do realize why people were told not to wear a mask, whichever side of the border you may be following don't you? Both sides had shortages of PPE and everyone went out and bought up all the masks/PPE there would have been even greater shortages for frontline/healthcare workers which would have created a bigger problem once people started showing up for care and treatment.

In Nazi Germany they likely would have ensured those of the chosen race would all have worn masks and those they considered to be lesser would have been denied any type of protection so who would have had more freedom? Those who fit the chosen description and would have been supplied masks for their protection or those who weren't chosen and denied masks to help in the Nazi goal of exterminating them?

Which statement do you trust from those you apparently don't trust? Don't where a mask or wear a mask? It's the same people but one seems to fit a narrative you support in justifying your position while the other seems to support an opinion based on political leanings. It's the same people and if you followed along this whole time you would have known about the shortages that came along with the first recommendation.

The China virus, the Wuhan flu etc. The conspiracy theories. You do know the first conspiracy theory with this don't you? The first one had to do with the US, the country with the largest biological and chemical weapons programs in the world actually developed the virus and set it loose in China. If you've been following along there has been evidence showing the virus was in Europe as early as 2018, discovered through re-examining various test results as they try to track the origin of the virus.

Control of the population? What do you think people pushing the narrative you apparently support are doing? Controlling a certain part of the population to drum up support for their agendas sounds about right. Every governing body or or group seeking some form of power and are using their messages to sway others to support them which is nothing more than controlling the population, or at least certain portions of it. Those following guidelines are controlled as much as those following the lead of those calling this a scam/hoax/infringement on rights etc. You are just as controlled as those doing the exact opposite. Look back at the "open Up" protests in various states back in May. They were touted as local protests but turns out half or more of the attendees were bussed in from other states to beef up the numbers, at the expense of special interest groups. Talk about controlling a part of the population.

I do have a question for you or anyone who feels this is not as serious as you may feel it's been portrayed.

If someone knowingly passes this along to others by refusing to take precautions what should happen to them? Now I'm not saying intentionally going up to someone and spitting/coughing/sneezing on someone else but if someone knows they've been in contact with someone else who has the virus, feels it's not as serious as it's been portrayed, refuses to take any precautions and/or get tested but continues to go out and interact normally with others and passes it on to them what should happen to that person? If someone dies from the intentional/willful negligence of someone else should that be a manslaughter charge or something similar? If they cause someone to be hospitalized should there be any legal/civil repercussions? Just curious since there's so many things people want others to be held accountable for without any malicious intent but clear willful disregard for the safety of others should those same standards be applied in a situation like this? You think it's a hoax or not as serious as it's been portrayed, you likely don't think mask wearing should be mandatory in public spaces, which are more to protect others than yourself depending on the type of mask but do you think if you know you came into contact with someone who had it, refused to get tested and refused to wear a mask/quarantine etc and then passed it on to someone else what should be done about your choice to willfully endanger the health and potentially life of someone else who has n idea that you are posing a threat to their safety?

A suggestion for you.

Why don't you talk to a healthcare worker who went to work with a head covering, an N95 mask for their protection, a surgical mask for the protection of others, a face shield, gown and gloves and dealt with people who were infected, came home and changed out of their clothes in a garage, bagging all their clothes to throw straight into the wash before jumping into the shower and having as little contact with their families as possible so as to minimize any exposure to their family. Or those who went even further and slept in trailers or stayed at hotels and didn't see their families for days/weeks so as to avoid exposing them to what they went through. Then ask them about their day treating people, watching people die from this hoax including fellow healthcare workers. After that tell them what a scam this is and see the reaction you get.

If you want to say this has been completely mishandled I'll agree with you 100%, it has been. This should have been resolved within a couple of months max but Western nations in particular prioritized corporate interests over public health and used political positions supported by their donors to control different factions of the population for political gain and self enrichment.

If you think people following guidelines for their protection and the protection of others are being controlled but you pushing an opposing narrative pushed by those in or seeking power are not being controlled than you are just as clueless as you're trying to portray those following guidelines with the problem being those following guidelines, while being a bit inconvenienced aren't willfully putting others at risk while if you act as you talk are potentially putting people's health and lives at risk if your actions lead to you becoming infected and you continue on without taking any precautions or having any concern for others.

I'll ask it again here, if you knowingly contracted this through your own choices in how you are doing things through this and willfully continued on the same way knowing you may be infected and passed it on to someone else should they have any legal recourse if they become sick/die? What, if any legal responsibility do you have if your actions cause someone else's death if you choose not to follow basic guidelines?


Registered User
Sep 5, 2011
Btw should be writing for the Star , you really know how to articulate a narrative.

member 71782

Btw should be writing for the Star , you really know how to articulate a narrative.

Just stating the obvious.

Look at it this way.

If you had someone close to you who had a compromised immune system, were susceptible to infections would you wear a mask/gloves etc in order to see them?

If you had to undergo surgery for something would you want the doctor to to perform it without a mask/gloves etc?

If you would wear a mask to protect someone you care about from infection or would expect a surgeon to wear PPE so as not to infect you while undergoing surgery then you must understand they provide a certain level of protection. So you would also understand that a virus that can spread at an alarming rate, can cause complications that can affect people for a lifetime and can cause death in the most vulnerable as well as those that are relatively healthy requires some precautions in order to deal with it.

Governments have mishandled this, people have picked sides based on who they support and twisted facts to support their opinion. I'm am far from pro government, I am not a right of left leaning person, I am someone capable of thinking for myself and don't support any political parties or look to anyone who is seeking to gain some form of power or notoriety to make a buck, gain some type of fame or enrich themselves financially. I believe in common sense and individual rights but I also believe with individual rights comes individual responsibilities to others since my rights do not include overriding the rights of others. Currently most people think only their rights matter and they should not have to take responsibility for their actions so they try to downplay what's happening and try to make those taking responsibility look like sheep just doing as their told.

I'll ask you again.

If you knowingly put people at risk by not taking precautions when you should know that you could be spreading this virus and someone you come into contact with contracts it and either suffers with long term complications or dies from it should you face any consequences for your actions? It's a simple question but your answer would create more questions. Regardless of intent or what you believe the results is what would matter.

Someone knowingly gets in a car and drives drunk. They don't intend to cause harm or injure someone but if they do there's consequences. While drunk driving has been made illegal is that not stepping on one's right to choose to do it since they've applied consequences to it?

If not then why would requiring people to wear a mask be any different?

It's not a narrative, it's common sense and taking responsibility for your actions. Unfortunately not everyone approaches things using common sense, many approach things with a simplistic, individual view because they've followed a narrative that tells them personal responsibility is secondary to personal choice when the reality is they go together. I don't want to wear a mask but when I go out I do, not because I have to but because I know and understand what my actions can lead to.

If you think this is all a scam then go find a group of people with Covid, give them all a nice big hug and kiss and spend the day hanging out in close quarters. If it's a scam then you should have no issues with that. If you're not willing to do that then do you really believe it's a scam or are you simply choosing to spread a narrative that someone else is throwing out there to be a contrarian to common thought?
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