Windsor Spitfires 2018-19 Thread (Part 9)

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Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace


- Despite only 2599, I really enjoyed how much the crowd got into it. They were as loud as I've heard in some time.
- The first 20 minutes were almost ideal for the Spitfires. They hit, they shot, they created havoc. THAT was what this team needed.
- The final two minutes... where was that team for the rest of the third period?
- Incze made some huge saves, deserved a better fate.
- Cuylle/Foudy/Douglas proved valuable. Keep. Them. Together!
- I liked the physical game, the "take no prisoners" attiude. More of that is necessary!
- D'Amico played a smart game. I'm not worried about him going forward.
- Henault keeps improving; not a flashy guy but I like what he's bringing.


- Can someone PLEASE give Corcoran a break?? I've never seen a player so out of breath so frequently. I said after that "a rested Robinson does more for us than a dog-tired Corcoran." I stand by that. When your top d-man can't do much because he's ready to fall down from exhaustion, that really doesn't help anyone.
- The first 18-minutes of the third period. Why, for the love of nachos, do they insist on playing the defence-first game? You get stuck in your own zone, the Knights force penalties, then capitalize with the extra man. Take it to them and you don't have this issue... as we saw in the first period.
- Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of the officiating. They seemed to have this "what happened? Who cares?" approach to it all.

If the Spitfires want to win Game 4, get out there and take it to the Knights. We saw what happens when they do... it's actually good. Maybe you win. Maybe you lose. But, at least you gave it your all. This "sit back and wait for them" stuff isn't working. Clearly. Enough is enough.

Now, regarding Allen/Bouchard...

For me, this goes back to the officiating. They collide along the end boards. Allen holds him. Fine, two min. Then, Bouchard gives him a two-hander. Allen looks back. No call. THAT. Right there. That's the issue. You call that, nothing happens. Two each, no sweat. Instead, the official gives the "ho hum" look, so Allen has to stand up for himself, which I don't blame him. Bouchard covered up real quick and I don't know if Allen got a punch in or not. The Knights bench was fuming (rightfully so) and Tymkin got two min for interfering from the bench.

Let's turn this arond for a second...

Tymkin holds Corcoran, who then returns the favour with a two-hander. Does anyone really blame Tymkin for throwing down? No. Don't do stupid stuff and you won't get called out for it.

Call what needs to be called or this is what could happen. It's really simple.

Now, onto Game 4.

Actually, they had been quite loud. I was impressed given the smaller nature of the crowd (2,599). It's not easy to tell on TV, I realize.
Lost a lot of respect for Bouchard last night - he lands a nasty slash on a player and then turtles as soon as that player reacts. Funny thing was it was the London fans in my section were yelling at him to "get up and fight like a man". He will never have much success playing in higher leagues if he reacts like that. Hunter screaming at Allen was classless as well. I remember Something like this a few weeks ago and London fans were upset that a coach would yell at a player.
Did like how the refs assigned the penalties to that sequence. No real fight and Timkin from the bench was the right call.

Obvious London is the better team but Spits gave them a run. Really hope Spits play the same Thursday which is likely their last game but you never know.

London really keying on Foudy. Even with the extra attention he had some moves, although some of them bad. He was a direct factor in 2 of London's goals. He will learn so not too worried about it.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2011
Was working didnt see the game but by your acct's they played hard for 2 periods.

London knew how to pressure n the 3rd to win.You key on 2 Spits players and its over thats our problem.

Bring in the Russian and add a couple of pieces in the draft and I'll give the returning group the benefit of the doubt that we can get better.With all that said though...........

TL should be fired Friday morn. if they want STH to return.

On to rebuild year 3 :thumbd::help::ha::popcorn:


Registered User
Jan 6, 2018
Kudos to the guys for at least trying. This is what pisses me off. 2 good periods and then u lay down in the third!!! That has to be coach driven no other reason! Kinda glad the stands were so empty, not for the players, but it shows WR we aren’t about to just throw our money at this team with this coaching staff!! London’s lack of class is why I hate them so much. Been decades of this crap. No reason for staff to yell at players and the dirty play without the willingness to back it up is disgusting.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Kudos to the guys for at least trying. This is what pisses me off. 2 good periods and then u lay down in the third!!! That has to be coach driven no other reason! Kinda glad the stands were so empty, not for the players, but it shows WR we aren’t about to just throw our money at this team with this coaching staff!! London’s lack of class is why I hate them so much. Been decades of this crap. No reason for staff to yell at players and the dirty play without the willingness to back it up is disgusting.

I don't get hung up on what team is classy, what team isn't classy. What Hunter does is something you shouldn't do but there's nothing illegal about it either. He's never once cared for appearances so no reason for him to care now.

Those first two periods were very enjoyable unfortunately it's probably been 6 weeks since they put 2 periods like that together against a very talented team. I am not surprised they couldn't do it for 3 straight periods. This team still needs to understand the value of putting in work for 60 minutes.

In regards to WR this isn't a 1 year quick fix. It needs to be sustainable for the long term. Fans aren't going to buy in next year if they have 76 points or so and middle of the pack. We are talking 90+ points contender in the west, The following year it has to be at a similar high level as well. They hosted the Memorial Cup in 2017 and 2 years later a message has been sent. Rychel has to realize it has to be a long term vision not just a 1 year kick at the can for a title.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
Lost a lot of respect for Bouchard last night - he lands a nasty slash on a player and then turtles as soon as that player reacts. Funny thing was it was the London fans in my section were yelling at him to "get up and fight like a man". He will never have much success playing in higher leagues if he reacts like that. Hunter screaming at Allen was classless as well. I remember Something like this a few weeks ago and London fans were upset that a coach would yell at a player.
Did like how the refs assigned the penalties to that sequence. No real fight and Timkin from the bench was the right call.

It also reminds me of the CIS brawl a bit ago where the coaches were yelling at specific opposing players. That said, I doubt Allen minded it much. He didn't start the whole thing but he's not a guy to walk away and not finish. I've seen a few non-Windsor fans say he's this and that but, having saw it all unfold, I can honestly say this wasn't on him.

As for the penalties, I would have given Allen two for holding and two for roughing, Bouchard two for slashing, and Tymkin two for bench interference.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2018
I don't get hung up on what team is classy, what team isn't classy. What Hunter does is something you shouldn't do but there's nothing illegal about it either. He's never once cared for appearances so no reason for him to care now.

Those first two periods were very enjoyable unfortunately it's probably been 6 weeks since they put 2 periods like that together against a very talented team. I am not surprised they couldn't do it for 3 straight periods. This team still needs to understand the value of putting in work for 60 minutes.

In regards to WR this isn't a 1 year quick fix. It needs to be sustainable for the long term. Fans aren't going to buy in next year if they have 76 points or so and middle of the pack. We are talking 90+ points contender in the west, The following year it has to be at a similar high level as well. They hosted the Memorial Cup in 2017 and 2 years later a message has been sent. Rychel has to realize it has to be a long term vision not just a 1 year kick at the can for a title.
Not illegal but not ok either just isn’t a thing coaches do so yea it’s low class. Imho what happened in the third was a coaching directive. Teams just don’t go from on the gas to defending unless they were told to. We’ve debated this before, I’ll take cup wins over playoff runs everyday. Won’t I won’t except is what’s gone on behind the bench this year and frankly last. Yes a message has been sent, let’s see if he heard it!


Registered User
May 23, 2018
It also reminds me of the CIS brawl a bit ago where the coaches were yelling at specific opposing players. That said, I doubt Allen minded it much. He didn't start the whole thing but he's not a guy to walk away and not finish. I've seen a few non-Windsor fans say he's this and that but, having saw it all unfold, I can honestly say this wasn't on him.

As for the penalties, I would have given Allen two for holding and two for roughing, Bouchard two for slashing, and Tymkin two for bench interference.
This is what i don’t like. You can’t go back and give penalties that weren’t being called to start with. Why give Allen a holding penalty that wasn’t being called that ki da started things. If anything the penalties should have been double minor for roughing for Allen and 2 for Tymkin. After what Allen did you can’t go back and say well Bouchard slashed him so we might as well call that. Also i think Allen checked to see if Bouchard was getting penalty first before going after him. As for Bouchard, if you are going to slash a guy like Allen be prepared for something to happen. The refs weren’t good this game at all and the one even assigned Windsor a timeout cause he thought they were taking to long at bench. I’ve never seen that happen before.


Registered User
May 23, 2018
Not illegal but not ok either just isn’t a thing coaches do so yea it’s low class. Imho what happened in the third was a coaching directive. Teams just don’t go from on the gas to defending unless they were told to. We’ve debated this before, I’ll take cup wins over playoff runs everyday. Won’t I won’t except is what’s gone on behind the bench this year and frankly last. Yes a message has been sent, let’s see if he heard it!
Yes cups are nice but how do you want to get there now not having any success in playoffs since 2011. I’d really enjoy playoff runs over Cups wins because the only way to win a cup is to have success in the playoffs.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
Coaches fire shots after emotional Rangers-Knights tilt

"He was yelling at Bouchard too," said Hunter. "You're not supposed to do that with kids. That's unacceptable. You're not allowed to yell at the kids."

THAT'S what I was thinking of (on top of CIS). Thanks!

This is what i don’t like. You can’t go back and give penalties that weren’t being called to start with. Why give Allen a holding penalty that wasn’t being called that ki da started things.

I mean before the bench stuff happened, I'd have given Allen two for holding and Bouchard two for the retaliatory slash. IF that slash is called, then Allen maybe doesn't drop 'em. (maybe, I don't know for certain)

As for Bouchard, if you are going to slash a guy like Allen be prepared for something to happen.

It's not like it's an uncommon thing, too. Allen's never been the type to lay off someone; if you do something stupid, he's going to let you know.

the one even assigned Windsor a timeout cause he thought they were taking to long at bench. I’ve never seen that happen before.

I thought the Spitfires asked for one?!


Registered User
May 23, 2018
THAT'S what I was thinking of (on top of CIS). Thanks!

I mean before the bench stuff happened, I'd have given Allen two for holding and Bouchard two for the retaliatory slash. IF that slash is called, then Allen maybe doesn't drop 'em. (maybe, I don't know for certain)

It's not like it's an uncommon thing, too. Allen's never been the type to lay off someone; if you do something stupid, he's going to let you know.

I thought the Spitfires asked for one?!
Maybe they did but some of us thought the ref did it. The the demeanor of the ref and then TL spending about 5-10 sec yelling at the officials during the timeout made it seem odd. Could be wrong on that tho.
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Maybe they did but some of us thought the ref did it. The the demeanor of the ref and then TL spending about 5-10 sec yelling at the officials during the timeout made it seem odd. Could be wrong on that tho.

That's the most emotion Letowski has shown since jumping Bill Bowler in the 95 playoffs.
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
Yes cups are nice but how do you want to get there now not having any success in playoffs since 2011. I’d really enjoy playoff runs over Cups wins because the only way to win a cup is to have success in the playoffs.

Agreed I would take a 2011 season right about now as I am sure a lot of fans would. Yes cups are nice but as you said can't win one without winning playoff series. Just like you crawl before you walk, walk before you jog, jog before you run, and run before you sprint. In order to win a cup you sure in heck better be running or very close to sprinting. At this stage it's more of a crawl/walk. Maybe they get to the consistently walking/jogging stage next year, in order to run they would need a lot of things to go right.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2009
southern ontario
Maybe they did but some of us thought the ref did it. The the demeanor of the ref and then TL spending about 5-10 sec yelling at the officials during the timeout made it seem odd. Could be wrong on that tho.

the one ref called the timeout for windsor after seeing hunter complaining about how long they were taking.. I too have never seen a ref call something like that before, he should have skated over to the bench to break the little huddle up or give a warning of somekind.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2015
Mikey won his 1st playoff series tonight. Maybe he wasn't the problem for the last 3 years.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Game #4.
what do the spits do?
Do they actually play a full 60?
No trap or laying back?
The vets actually play?
Or do they just concede the series n let London go for the sweep to put more salt in the wound for the light light crowd tonight in Windsor?
Somehow i am guessing Windsor wins tonight. Maybe with some luck. However it will n should be the last game on home ice this season probably for Windsor. Let the firing begin after that!!!
Just a guess though.
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