Why was Curt Keilback fired?


He suffers the same curse as Gary Bettman. He should do audio only. Seeing him on screen while he's talking is uncomfortable.

Oh, come on. Getting all over a hockey analyst for not being a pretty face? That's as shallow as it gets, IMO.


Registered User
Jan 20, 2011
Keewatin, Ontario
What happened with Keilback?

I just watched Goon the other night and once again I asked, why isn't Keilback doing hockey broadcasts?

I grew up in Winnipeg and spent many nights listening to the radio for the Jets games. Way before NHL Network, we were lucky to get 10 away games on the TV a season and there was no internet, so if you followed the team it was radio or nothing.

When the team moved so did Keilback and that lasted for a few years? I stopped following so I have no idea.

So what happened to the "Voice of the Jets", as I remember him. He is apparently basically out of the business, doing senior hockey or something along that line.

Watching the movie, I thought geez this guy still has it, why isn't he working the big leagues? Was he an issue? I know he didn't get hired when the Jets returned, so I wonder what happened?


Let it burn
Mar 30, 2010
Glendale, Arizona
Not sure anybody knows the real reason. I talked to Doug Moss right after it happened. He told me he got just as many calls demanding he be fired as calls mad about it. I find that hard to believe but that's what he said. Kurt brought a familiar flare to the games. Me and my friends still do our Keilback impressions. The guys we've had since are vanilla and boring in my opinion. We need more tradition and unique aspects brought back to our Coyotes. Gretzkey started a move to vanilla that I still don't understand.


Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
As far as I know, there were personal things going on with Keilback behind the scenes and the Coyotes were tiring of it. They had a chance to upgrade and went for it. Pretty telling that he got fired (and the way they did it was also telling) right after he got the press box named after him. There must be some burned bridges there if he hasn't found work since.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2011
Dallas, TX
We've all talked about Todd Walsh to death, I just wish he was less awkward and didn't ask questions with implied or obvious answers in interviews. He obviously cares a lot about Arizona hockey and is very passionate about his work, so I guess there's a ventricle in my heart for Todd Walsh.

Todd might care, but he doesn't have a ****in clue.

Dirty Old Man

So funny I forgot to laugh
Jan 29, 2008
Ostrich City
I just watched this Canadian flick called "My Awkward Sexual Adventure". It's set in Winnipeg and Toronto. Curt Keilback briefly plays a reporter in it.


Did he never land another hockey job? I mean other than playing in "Goon". :sarcasm:

Actually, one of his scenes in 'Goon' could be labelled an awkward sexual adventure. But it's pretty funny.


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