Who's to blame?

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
the guy in charge of the hockey department...
the guy who acknowledged that this is "his" team, "his" mess...
the guy who hired and extended the terrible coaching staff(s)...
the guy who spent more time on video games than in the real world...
the guy who builds through the draft by trading out more picks than he acquires...
the guy who preaches character but makes moves that ignore that very quality...
the guy who loaded up his hockey ops with friends and cronies vs the best pro's he could find...

the one
the only

Mr. Bargainbin himself

Marc "all style no substance" Bergevin

I think Bergevin needs to be fired, but at the end of the day, the team he assembled is no where near as bad as they're playing now.
Therrien is completely mismanaging his roster.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Geoff Molson for hiring Marc Bergevin and then extending his contract last November.
Bergevin did nothing in the off season that improved the team or even no changes at the deadline to help scoring for the play off run.


My cap runneth over
Jul 1, 2012
In the olden times of yore sometimes villages would eat magic mushrooms or moldy bread by accident. They would hallucinate and later blame this on a secret witch hidden among them.

We just need to find the witch that might have a reason to put a hex on the Habs *cough* Semin *achoo* Semin *fart* Semin!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Maybe someone could start a KICKSTARTER program so we could raise enough money to pay Bergevin's contract back to Geoff Molson.

Does anyone know how much Bergevin's contract is worth?

Molson probably wouldn't take but it would be interesting to see how much money fans would raise to see Bergevin let go.

Travis Moen

Registered User
May 5, 2006
Simply pure luck. With Price gone, we lost that slight edge and it's all it takes to make the house of cards crumble.

I'm actually impressed by Bergevin. He had all the excuses to fire Therrien but he stood up. He could have made trades and destroy our future to please and calm the fans, but he didn't. He acted like a leader, someone who will take all the blame and the pressure away.

He remained cool and patient and it's going to pay off in the future.

This episode is going to make the team stronger and better. If you trade the whole team or fire Therrien, it would have been all for nothing.

Les Habitants

Registered User
Jul 21, 2010

Therrien is an idiot and he was hired by Bergevin.
Desharnais sucks and was re-signed by Bergevin.
Lefebvre sucks and was hired by Bergevin.
We have a bunch of young kids who aren't being developed properly
because of the choices made by Bergevin.
We still don't have a #1 centre.
Our wings lack depth.
He's not addressing the aging Markov problem.
The Subban contract negotiations.

And the last straw for me, sticking by a coach who doesn't know how to put
players in a position to succeed.

Nobody here would have a problem with Desharnais if he was our 3rd line centre. In fact, when he was earlier this year, he did quite well. That's just one of many issues i have with MT.

If Galchenyuk needs to be groomed to be a first line scoring centre... then he should play often and at that position not playing less then DD (who's not your future) and AWAY from the position you want to groom him in.

just so much more but It's all MB's fault. Cause of what he's done and what he's not doing


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
For me MT is directly responsible for the reasons people have plastered the boards with. At the end of the day, MB is the guy who is standing by MT so since the buck stops with him, he is to blame as well.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2010
Mtl., QC.

-He hired the coach and ahl coach
-Did not adresssed any of our needs (By adding toughness, trading small players, a number one centerman and replacing Cole).
-he stayed put instead of improving the team.
-Never fixed our bad propsect pool (we are probably bottom five in that area).
-Never gained draft picks to go along his : building through the draft.

He sucks


Registered User
Jun 7, 2010
Outside view (Bruins fan)

It's the players. At first it appeared that the lack of Price was the defining factor. Then perhaps that management had lost control of the room.

Either the non-core players are performing at actual ability and were over-performing before or they only play significantly better with Price in net. In either situation it is the players.

Keep the core and cut the fat that has identified itself.

Really, had they kept up a torrid pace of players over-performing, eventually the drop-off would have happened. Price would have made up for the shortcomings but the deadline would have passed and the problem would have identified itself leading into the playoffs when it was too late. Now there is an opportunity to make moves and turn things around. Blessing in disguise.

Having watched this MTL team, I know the core players very well and they share a common trait. They love the comeback and being the underdogs to spoil the party. Add an emotional Price return pre-playoffs into the mix and it's game-time. (Remember Koivu's return... I do) Fight your way back into the playoffs while we hold on for dear life ourselves. (Unlikely we maintain... Let's be honest.)

If we fail you need to snag that last spot and underdog the heck out of WSH. If I can't see BOS-MTL in the post season, the next best thing is to see an overconfident team get upset and then relentlessly flamed by a fan-base. Our historical differences aside, we can all agree that someone needs to take them down a peg and as a realist I don't think we can... But a re-adjusted, emotional MTL roster might be able to.

Now clean house and get back in the race.


More PIM's than Points
Jun 22, 2010
in water
I really wanted Bergevin to be a good choice for GM. But......and as horrid as Therrien is I have to vote that Bergevin is mostly responsible for the collapse because he hired Therrien.

Miller Time

Registered User
Sep 16, 2004
I think Bergevin needs to be fired, but at the end of the day, the team he assembled is no where near as bad as they're playing now.
Therrien is completely mismanaging his roster.


but when you have an incompetent employee messing up, who do you blame, the incompetent employee or the manager who evaluated him as a star and gave him a massive guaranteed contract?

buck stops at the decision maker. MT is responsible for the failures on the ice, MB for the failures behind the bench and Molson & co. for the failures in hockey ops... but owners don't fire themselves...
Apr 28, 2010
Bergevin for me.

- Contract extensions for MT and DD.
- Not signing Jagr. I've wanted him since 2013.
- Having that PC to let us know MT is not going anywhere. A very bad, stupid move.
- John Scott/Tinordi situation.

Just very disappointing, man.


Have some PRIDE, Eric...
Mar 1, 2013
Principle's Office

...dammit, I luv this gif...:laugh:


Registered User
Nov 13, 2012
I would put the blame on all the coaching, not just Therrien. They should all be fired (except S.Waite).


Fill the net!
Sep 10, 2007
Price isn't really to blame, but he is one of the most significant factors. I don't believe we suck so badly with him healthy and in the line up.

Apoplectic Habs Fan

Registered User
Aug 17, 2002
Bergevin. Then it will be Molsons if they dont address the need to simple hire the best win.

Really i guess we shouldnt have been surprised when bergy brought in his friends and an inordinant amount of assistants, advisors, etc

Its a country club and pension plan for bergys buddies


Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
MB first.... You can't make moves just 4th liners and back up goalies.
MT no clue how to coach.


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