Proposal: Who stays, Who goes


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
Central, Ma
I would have been ok with Claude being back, but definitely not happy seeing Chiarelli still employed.

The downfall of this team was started a few years ago, its not like this was his one bad year. Its just the year all those bad moves caught up to him.


Formerly: Strafer
Jan 18, 2003
The Hub
Wow, it's over...What a terrible news conference. Right after NESN shows a commercial showing B's highlights and Jack Edwards screaming about how great they are and fist pumping....I wanna puke.


Formerly: Strafer
Jan 18, 2003
The Hub
I would have been ok with Claude being back, but definitely not happy seeing Chiarelli still employed.

The downfall of this team was started a few years ago, its not like this was his one bad year. Its just the year all those bad moves caught up to him.

That's exactly what Chia sold it as. As though it's just been one year. He mentioned Lucic coming in with the wrong mindset trying to be less reactive (read violent)... Let the excuses begin.


Registered User
Oct 22, 2009
Really? Was a consistent 20g guy his entire career. I expect him to pot 20+ a year even here

based on a sucky year last year and slow start this year I didn't see him putting up any numbers worth noting so to me this was him proving me wrong I don't give quite as much credit to his numbers on a cellar dwellar team but you make a point...


Formerly: Strafer
Jan 18, 2003
The Hub
Looks like I didn't miss much from tha presser. Mismanagement as usual.

Yes but I blame Cam and Charlie. Those two should've been out with a cardboard box not in charge of a news conference. As soon as I saw that morose face I knew that it was business as usual. :shakehead
Even if they have a "short leash" it should be a choker leash. Now we get to watch Chia **** up yet another off season. What more do they need to see from him..... HE's lost his fastball.

captain stone

Registered User
Jul 10, 2004
Hershey PA
My View:

1. Management first; What are we doing here? Keeping the Chia / Claude duo or making changes.

2. Team identity; What kind of team identity are they going to create? Keep it the same or make a shift? This is so massively weighted on #1 above and really comes down to Cam and Charlie Jacobs. They have to figure out if the current guys can build something new and adjust to the current state of the NHL or do they want to try to fix some things (i.e. make some tweaks and fix THIS current system).

They can (reasonably) argue that the team missed the playoffs by one ROW. Had we had less injuries, identified a better player (called Spooner up earlier for example) or had one game go the other way, they'd be in the playoffs competing for the cup.

Reasons Claude has to go (for me).
Malcom Subban starting the St. Louis game and not Edmonton. Seriously, is this not the stupidest thing you've ever seen? You have the second worst team in the league and a valid playoff team that is gritty and plays much like Boston. HOW THE &#%^$% do you not start him for Edmonton? This absolutely baffles me to this date. I'll NEVER understand this one. You need to give Tuukka a night off and then he has to go in because your management team cannot identify the proper game to start Subban. A 6 year old could handle this task.

Spooner hate. I get that Spooner is a liability and tends to play at the end of his stick. He does, it's 100% accurate. He is also really, really talented AND was identified and drafted by YOUR TEAM. Isn't the job of a 'great' coach to get the most out of the players in their keep? You have a defensive minded couch (a good one) and a non defensive type of player. That to me seems to be a scenario where a good coach can do that thing called... what is it.. Oh, yeah, coaching!

Cambell / Paille / aging veteran love. I get these guys have earned his trust. Totally understand. Won you a cup, check, they did absolutely help and were warriors. Coach is responsible to win as many games as possible and put the organization before any personal feelings. Simon Gagne anyone? After a couple of games, we knew what we needed to know. As much as I hate to agree with Felger, gotta hand it to him with the Fribble crew. So true. It's comical and still true.

Uhm, Riley Smith.. 2 Years @ 3.whatever million. Really? Worse, he did it mid season when there was NO REASON. Doesn't RFA mean RESTRICTED free agent not REQUIRED free agent. Again, average intelligence is all that is required here.

Johnny Boychuck. I get it, you are not going to sign the player and need to get value, but to do it 4 days before the season opens and kill the spirit of the team immediately? We can argue value (and he's convinced because "other GMs" told him it was good value (his words)) wasn't enough, but whatever. This was awful timing by a guy that is supposed to have the "big picture" in mind.

Where are the "series of moves" we were promised? Did they ever come?

Drafting players for a defensive minded system and handing them to a coach that hates them. Seems like they should draft players that fit their system. Oh yeah, his drafting is abhorrent. Save Pasta, Spooner and Hamilton and a sprinkling of others. Isn't this supposed to be the hallmark of a great GM? Drafting great players allowing the team to not spend crazy money on free agents?

NMC clauses. Do any players NOT get NMC/NTC? Remember when the Bruins WOULDN'T allow these because it was team policy (which was also stupid)? There should be give and take here, but not served as a free side with your meal.

Can this be fixed with the current core? Absolutely!
Can they build / change their team identity / type and bring in players that will slowly change the system and adapt to the league? Sure.

I just don't think these two can do it.

Sadly, I don't know that there is much out there better than these guys and that is what I fear Cam / Charlie are saying. "Who are we going to get to replace a Stanley cup winning coach / GM combo?"

I'm sorry, but you just can't evaluate player movement (in a meaningful way) without knowing what the management team / strategy will be.

Good post, and I agree with everything in it, which only scratches the surface of all of the ChiaPet's mismanagement.

House Targaryen

Registered User
May 9, 2013
Boston / San Jose
In a simplistic view, I'd do the following:

Keep: Bergy, Marchy, Lucic, Krejci, Pasta, Spooner, Dougie, Krug, Bart
Dump: Chara, Seids, Kelly, Campbell (Done), Paille (Done), Smitty

That's obviously a lot to dump, but we need to shake things up. Chara and Seids both looked really old and slow this year. I know Z fought some injuries but let's be honest, his game has been trending down the last couple of years. Seids is a shell of his 2011 self. Nothing needs to be said about the forwards I listed.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2009
Bruins, my take

Chara – Gets props for playing while obviously injured but had lost step(s) and was hurt by rule changes even prior to injury. Still barring massive overpayment (which isn’t coming) I keep the captain. Just because he isn’t as dominant as he was doesn’t mean a healthy chara still can’t be a very good player. I for one totally agree with Orr who says Chara better defensively in his prime than either he or Bourque. Even 75% of that dominant prime level pretty darn good for couple more years. Hopefully with health the snarl returns too, it has been missed.

Krejci – One of the biggest Krejci fans here but he just can’t stay healthy, if his frame was as big and as strong as his heart he would be an elite player but just can’t produce over 82 games. Glad to keep him, I’m a rare bruins fan who believes his “A “ game is actually better than Bergeron’s but Krejci’s “A†game is often on the injury list…. Glad to keep but certainly willing to trade if right package coming back.

Speaking of Bergeron – Team and media have made him the face of the team in many ways and he is a fine player (who will not be traded) but for the record he is over-rated in Boston. I know that's not popular opinion but that's how I see it. Let me repeat….good, even very good player (you can be GOOD and over-rated) but not elite since his offensive game is a couple of notches minimum below that level. His post concussion offensive numbers tell the story (his post Olympic goal scoring spree in 2014 seems to be the anomaly) and it is a long track record. And don‘t give me the he is too busy playing defense to score more…..he gets a lot of shots so unless he is shooting from his own zone that ain’t the problem ..the problem isn’t shots, it’s that they only go in 9-10% of the time and he isn’t a particularly creative center either. Glad to have him as a bruins but shouldn’t be considered untouchable. No 55 point player on 9th place team should be.

Eriksson – Pretty good player who probably has couple of good years left. So as branch rickey would say, trade the guy a year too early and get something. Smart good defensively plays multiple position gets his share of in tight goals but not fast, not physical, and not a pure scorer. Happy to see him healthy and re-establish his career but should continue it elsewhere. Hopefully get back a physical winger who can play or maybe Dman.

Riley Smith – I sometimes cringe at the softball interviews felger does with seabass (who deserves much more heat for seguin debacle than he has received) but felger knows his hockey better than critics acknowledge and he is right on about this player. What does Smith do well? Average size and speed, probably below average d and playmaking. Allergic to contact. Of course he is better than he looked this year and has a good shot but his ceiling is good 3rd liner on good team. I assume he was signed to be traded.... so trade him.

Lucic – Key number for him not 17 but 21, as in 18 goals plus 3 fights = 21. Overly simplistic stat sure but sums up Looch. Needs goals plus fights in the 30 plus range to justify contract. Looch with 24-28 goals and 8-10 fights and lots of hits a very rare and valuable player. Not only rare but maybe unique. Looch is one of my all time favorite bruins. Would I trade him for a young always hurt unprovem taylor hall? Yes, of course I would are you crazy? Hell I’d drive him to the airport for Hall. But would I trade him for the much more likely standard mid first, a decent prospect and cap savings? Wouldn’t even consider that. Gladly keep looch barring a major young star coming back.

Seids – Should be better and healthier and likely wouldn’t get much for him at this point so ok with giving him another year. But if someone offers a fair deal, I would move on even knowing a healthy Seids could have a couple of solid years left.

Hamilton – Very good player, likely top pair dman. Scored lots of points, happy to have him. Can’t believe I am saying this though I actually sort of agree with Milbury here, not sure he has feel for the game to be an elite Norris trophy type player. However he is all the talent in the world and “feel†comes with experience so would take a boatload to trade him. But not quite untouchable.

Campbell – Great bruin but no longer an asset, skating poor and breaking down, we need to thank him for great run and move on.

Paille - His problems mental and confidence, can still skate and defend. If he’d stay for 850k - 1 million 1 yr I’d keep him around as depth. I know that is unpopular but I’d keep him on the cheap.

Bart – I know people hate him but he can skate on a team that lacks speed. Has no feel for the game and lacks confidence but those things can change, even at 26. If he can be signed cheap I would do so and see how he does.

Krug – a rare bruin…..very under rated. Has weaknesses but absolutely dynamic with puck and you would not get full value for him. Keep and extend.

Mcq – Keep if you can, team lacks toughness and he is mean and plays a decent d first game.

Rask – One of best goalies in the league and as we learned when we played our backups, if your goaltending is bad.... you lose. Cap hit is big and if someone sent a good goalie back plus other good assets sure I’d probably do it but goalies don’t get that type of haul in trades so more than glad to keep a guy with his talent and production. And only 28. Tuuka not perfect but one of the best.

House Targaryen

Registered User
May 9, 2013
Boston / San Jose
^ I used to think Bergy was overrated a bit, but not after this year. No way.

And he's not considered an elite player because of elite offensive talent IMO. He's an elite two way player, elite faceoff guy, and above average offensive talent. I don't think anyone considers him a top 5 guy in the league, but he's an elite NHL player IMO.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2006
^ I used to think Bergy was overrated a bit, but not after this year. No way.

And he's not considered an elite player because of elite offensive talent IMO. He's an elite two way player, elite faceoff guy, and above average offensive talent. I don't think anyone considers him a top 5 guy in the league, but he's an elite NHL player IMO.

What kind of offensive output would you see from Bergeron if he was playing fewer defensive minutes and given more favorable offensive minutes?
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Registered User
May 22, 2013
If we can ditch Chiarelli whilst keeping Julien that is honestly the most ideal scenario.

Don't know if it's realistic though.

Clode is a great coach. With a refreshed, younger roster he can still do work.

9/10 replacement coaches you'll get will be worse than him.

Inb4 "but Babcock"

Just no.


*** 15 ***
Jun 11, 2003
N.Windham, CT
Of course there's a lot of Chia and Clode hate...that was a given...but it's interesting to read the various rationals for people that want to axe one and keep the other...

There are a wide variety from both camps. Didn't see that coming.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2010
If nothing is done regarding our coaching it will just be more of the same next year with a few new 4th liners, not good enough.


Bleed Black & Gold
Dec 3, 2005
Woburn, MA
^ I used to think Bergy was overrated a bit, but not after this year. No way.

And he's not considered an elite player because of elite offensive talent IMO. He's an elite two way player, elite faceoff guy, and above average offensive talent. I don't think anyone considers him a top 5 guy in the league, but he's an elite NHL player IMO.

Bergeron is elite IMO. Too easy to look at goals and assists and deem a player as elite. Some are elite with just offensive stats but over the last 2 or 3 years people are beginning to look at other aspects of a players game. Great 2 way all around player who is a monster on faceoffs.


Bleed Black & Gold
Dec 3, 2005
Woburn, MA
Dumb... he isn't going to sign where he gets less than 1/10th of what he'll get here

ata from Switzerland denied however by the agent Claes Elefalk, which via Twitter stating that Soderberg will play in the NHL and nowhere else.

Read to the bottom...

After spending all that time playing for Malmo I think Soderberg is a different kind of guy. WTS... I believe he signs a long term contract in the NHL in the off-season.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2015
marchand - bergy - connolly
XXXXX - Krejci - XXXXX
pasta - spooner - Lucic

fill in 4th line as grinder line if CJ/his replacement want to role the 4th line a lot again. trading smith for d/2nd line forward help, maybe trade loui or stick him on line 2 if the return is good. maybe swap connolly with loui on 1 and have krejci and connolly together

meh still have a decent core roster where there are definitely a lot of line options, defense hurts though, kelly would definitely be gone though to save money.


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