USHL Won't Include Birthdates for "Security Reasons"


Jun 17, 2002
I suppose most around here haven't noticed and/or don't care but I'm pretty surprised and puzzled by this...

The USHL is using the popular "Pointstreak" statistical system as it has been for a number of years now but this year they've decided not to include players birthdates for "security reasons", to quote the response I got from an e-mail I sent to the league. While it is relatively easy to find this information with a little bit of work I am puzzled as to what kind of "security reasons" they could be worried about? Every other junior league I've seen has included this information for as long as I've been following junior level hockey.

It's common for leagues below junior level to hold back information such as statistics from the general public to protect younger players from heightened scrutiny which is understandable. However, most players in the USHL are 18 years or older and playing in an environment in which birthdates are pertinent information to many who follow the league. These players know they are being watched every game by scouts who know how old they are, so the pressure is there whether the average hockey fan knows they are 17 or 18 or an early or late birthdate.

Or is there something else entirely different the league fears? If so, what is it? How does keeping a players age a secret protect them from it?

Maybe the league should just stop keeping stats and refer to players by the number on thier jersey. 'Number 17 might have scored a goal with possible assists from number 12 and number 2.'

Maybe nobody else cares but it just seems absurd and annoying to me.
What a strange ruling.:confused: It's not as if these are children who are just playing for recreation. I'm assuming pretty much all the players in the league hope to pursue hockey as a possible career if everything worked out properly. Publicity and info about themselves is probably something that would be a positive for them. As a shot in the dark, perhaps there are some legal thing surrounding releasing information about minors. IMO, this just makes the league a little less fan-friendly and doesn't exactly help them in their quest for being compared to the CHL.

Perhaps, Cagney, you should send them an e-mail with your suggestions for better security to protect the children. I'll add in that they should remove the names off the back of the jerseys and introduce full visors to ensure that players can't be identified by any unsavory characters.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2002
What makes the USHL/Poinstreak decision even more idiotic, is the team sites do have the players DOB's listed. So far no one I've talked to has been able to even guess as to how exactly this is protecting the players.


Jun 17, 2002
I'm guessing security against Identity theft :dunno:

If this is really the issue couldn't they just list the month and year of birth?

Most teams do have birthdate information on thier sites though Green Bay and Des Moines do not. However, many of these websites don't do a very good job of updating throughout the year which means any players who are added at a later date probably won't have thier info added.

I just can't believe the top junior league in the US would make a decision like this. Imagine if thier Canadian counterparts in the CHL made the same decision. I bet it would be all over the news up there.


Registered User
Nov 2, 2005
If this is really the issue couldn't they just list the month and year of birth?

Most teams do have birthdate information on thier sites though Green Bay and Des Moines do not. However, many of these websites don't do a very good job of updating throughout the year which means any players who are added at a later date probably won't have thier info added.

I just can't believe the top junior league in the US would make a decision like this. Imagine if thier Canadian counterparts in the CHL made the same decision. I bet it would be all over the news up there.

I fail to see how it is a security issue when the Knights put an 89 beside Gagner's name on the game sheet.

Going to a junior game, it's almost a must to see the birthdate's on the player roster.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2002
Looks like they've changed their mind, because the birthdates are back.


Registered User
Some blogs have been covering the story. Here's a link to someone who has taken further steps in contacting the league than myself...

Actually, it was a league rep that contacted me after my original blog post on the subject. He felt I hadn't done my homework. Fact is as a university administrator I know a great deal about the FERPA law that was apparently mis-applied by the league (or I should say, USA Hockey, as the subject apparently came up in the summer meetings). I provided a number of citations and other points regarding the absurdity of the policy, and my contact thanked me and said he'd forward them along...

In any case, it was clearly a hastily considered policy with little upside (the protection was limited as you can mine DOB from other sources, like voter registration), no peer review (no other league/sport has taken this sort of drastic measure), and no alignment throughout the organization (as evidenced by the other teams posting DOBs on their websites, seemingly oblivious to the policy of the league). I guess with all this brought to light, the league reconsidered...



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