OT: Summer Fitness Thread


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Wherever I'm standing atm
100 pounds off. Goddamn good stuff.

I was around 250 for years. I'd slingshot 10 pounds up or down every so often. When I got fully motivated again I started MMA. That was the extra push I needed to get the hell away from 250. Insane cardio.

Money, time and laziness took that option away though. Then I started coming up with little goals. Goals like I'd see how many days in a row I could go on a 2 mile run. (I think my record was 6). Later on I started running a mile as fast as I possibly could. Where I am there's a roundabout that's almost exactly 1/5 of a mile. At first it was just running 1 lap as fast as I could once a day everyday. Kept on trying more. I added in weight lifting 2-3 times a week and restricted myself to a small food budget. Finally I was consistently at just a smidge over 200. Ran an 8 minute mile for the first time in my entire life. Now I've been lazy all year and put on another 15-20 pounds. Just went for a mile run. I didn't push myself like crazy. I feel like I'd have been barely below 10 minutes if I had. Might've died trying.
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Ben Grimm

Blue collar cool 🛒
Dec 10, 2007
Lower E. Side
I've lost 10 pounds by eating less and walking a little, but I need to lose at least 30 more. There's a very hilly park with paved sidewalks near me, but the GA Summer humidity makes me ill and I have bad knees. Luckily, I have 2 new things, an elliptical and a stationary bike. Tomorrow I'll start using them for 3 months and in October I'll be able to walk outside again.


Zucc's buddy
Nov 7, 2017
Try this...lock up on a heavy weight and start running, incredible leg workout. Zucc getting ready for next season, pic taken a couple of days ago, should've included the weight :D



Gabriel Perreault Fan Account
Nov 2, 2011
I do 40-50 pushups and 60-75 crunches when I wake up every morning, do my best to run 2-3 times a week, and then do regular weight-lifting sporadically throughout the week

On top of that I don't eat dairy, don't eat sweets, hardly ever eat bread, and really drink anything besides water or coffee (alcohol is different, but even then I don't drink beer and go for Whiskey/Gin/Tequila)

Calories is the most obvious thing to get on track, but once you get the regular handle of that you don't really need to track it anymore because it is second nature
Saturated fat is the next big thing, get rid of white sugars and whatnot, as well as general fatty things
Fiber, lots of water, and some vitamin probiotics can go a long way

I'm not some underwear model but I get to drink when I want, don't fret about drunk food, and still am in pretty damn good shape without having to overexert myself
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Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
I would really like to eat breakfast, and a small lunch and reasonable dinner. It's just hard right now at this point in my life, since I have to get up and get the kids ready and the little one to daycare (and since it's summer, the older one to camp). I don't have time to do breakfast. I could if I woke up early, but I don't sleep enough as it is AND I have to take sleeping pills which make the morning an even bigger chore.

I like to think in a couple years when things settle down, I can devote some time to eating more healthy and just living a healthier lifestyle. Also quitting smoking.

Switch to a vape pen. Seriously, get the f*** off cigs, man. The vape pen is a gateway to quitting and is exponentially better for you than legit cigs.

Lion Hound

Mar 12, 2007
Montauk NY
Some people adapt really slowly, others adapt within a few days and don't feel any symptoms. When I was on it I used to eat one big meal a day, it was awesome.

btw, you need to eat more. 1200 Calories is really, really low.

I know...Have to increase the calories on it. Crazy that im even saying that. Diet can be harder if you are not making your own food. I am in the middle of a renovation on my home, so every meal until this weekend we were eating out. Its tough to know what some of the restaurants were putting in the food. Specifically, like if we ordered BBQ like Ribs. We would request no sauce, and would ask if they could use a rub, but when you tasted it there was sugar or molasses in it somewhere. So in that time frame i opted to go straight to the basics. Chicken salad with bacon became an every other day meal.

Lion Hound

Mar 12, 2007
Montauk NY
What's your weight? Agreed with GAS - 1200 may be too low, bro. You can run into some metabolic issues running that low. You won't notice it now, but it may come back to hurt you in 5 months. Just be aware of that. My two cents.

Enjoy the diet, though. I've had a blast on it and there are more and more products available to folks doing keto (I just bought keto granola and keto oatmeal/hot cereal, for example).

Im 6'3 305. Looking to get back to 225.

I didn't even know Keto Granola or Cereal existed. I have to get that. My wife found Keto Bagels. She said they taste like cardboard so im passing on them.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown

Im 6'3 305. Looking to get back to 225.

I didn't even know Keto Granola or Cereal existed. I have to get that. My wife found Keto Bagels. She said they taste like cardboard so im passing on them.

Keto bagels are great, depending on the company. Great Low Carb Bread Company is very good.

Go to Netrition.com.

The granola and cereal is made by Sensato. The butter pecan cereal is amazing and the cranberry granola is delicious.

Netrition is an amazing site. They also have all of the keto breads. I spend about $100/mo there on stuff. All of the keto snacks they have are great, too. The Smartcake keto cakes are delicious. I couldn't believe how damn good the tangerine Smartcakes were.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
I know...Have to increase the calories on it. Crazy that im even saying that. Diet can be harder if you are not making your own food. I am in the middle of a renovation on my home, so every meal until this weekend we were eating out. Its tough to know what some of the restaurants were putting in the food. Specifically, like if we ordered BBQ like Ribs. We would request no sauce, and would ask if they could use a rub, but when you tasted it there was sugar or molasses in it somewhere. So in that time frame i opted to go straight to the basics. Chicken salad with bacon became an every other day meal.

Realize that McDonalds is also excellent for Keto (as is Wendy's).

I get two triple cheeseburgers with no bun or ketchup. Messy but delicious.
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Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
I think I've said more than a few times that I have been eating a ketogenic diet since last August (save for a few days last week on vacation). Prior to really getting back into the gym, I was down about 65 pounds just eating mostly meat and cheese.

Started my 5-days-per-week gym routine a few months ago (March, maybe?). I do roughly three lifting days and two cardio days. Arms and shoulders/chest, legs/thighs, arms and back. Cardio is some relatively light elliptical work (like a 300 calorie burn for 30 minutes).

Since then, I'm down another 35 pounds or so for about 100 overall since last August. I'm down to my HS weight, which is kind of insane.

During the week, I generally eat around 1500 calories. Bacon, egg, and cheese on a plate in the AM, Quest protein bar at lunch (or soup), and then whatever I want for dinner.

So it's been summer for a few days now. What is everyone doing to get and/or stay in shape?

Keto all the way. It is important that if you plan on staying Keto long term that you gradually begin to reintroduce things such as fruit - Strawberries and Raspberries are the lowest in carbs.

After hitting my goal weight of 185 (I still had more to go but it was a good stopping point) I am back on with my wife as she works to lose some of the post pregnancy weight. We take a ketone supplement called KetoOS. Helps kick start ketosis and is good for the first month.

I will say this - Keto took me from near 210 to 185, major loss of body fat, I no longer need high blood pressure pills (I have had hypertension since I was 24), the mental clarity and energy I have are just incredible. The first few days getting back into Keto always suck as I end up with Keto flu but after day 3/4 I feel awesome.

As far as working out goes... I have a bad back so I just do light workouts these days. I tried to get back into lifting but in the end my back/neck almost always end up screwed up. At this point, I just look to increase muscle definition.

One thing that is important to remember is - different strokes for different folks. Keto is not the best option for everyone. If you are looking to lose weight and have not had success on some of the programs you have tried, that means they likely weren't right for you. It isn't going to be easy you should find something you enjoy.
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Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
I've lost 10 pounds by eating less and walking a little, but I need to lose at least 30 more. There's a very hilly park with paved sidewalks near me, but the GA Summer humidity makes me ill and I have bad knees. Luckily, I have 2 new things, an elliptical and a stationary bike. Tomorrow I'll start using them for 3 months and in October I'll be able to walk outside again.
I live in GA as well and yeah, it is brutal. I would recommend swimming, especially if you have bad knees. The buoyancy of the water helps take the pressure off joints.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
Keto all the way. It is important that if you plan on staying Keto long term that you gradually begin to reintroduce things such as fruit - Strawberries and Raspberries are the lowest in carbs.

After hitting my goal weight of 185 (I still had more to go but it was a good stopping point) I am back on with my wife as she works to lose some of the post pregnancy weight. We take a ketone supplement called KetoOS. Helps kick start ketosis and is good for the first month.

I will say this - Keto took me from near 210 to 185, major loss of body fat, I no longer need high blood pressure pills (I have had hypertension since I was 24), the mental clarity and energy I have are just incredible. The first few days getting back into Keto always suck as I end up with Keto flu but after day 3/4 I feel awesome.

As far as working out goes... I have a bad back so I just do light workouts these days. I tried to get back into lifting but in the end my back/neck almost always end up screwed up. At this point, I just look to increase muscle definition.

One thing that is important to remember is - different strokes for different folks. Keto is not the best option for everyone. If you are looking to lose weight and have not had success on some of the programs you have tried, that means they likely weren't right for you. It isn't going to be easy you should find something you enjoy.

Frozen raspberries (1/2 to 3/4 thawed) + Equal + Fage Total = an amazing lunch or amazing desert.

The best thing about keto, other than the weight loss, other than the mental clarity change, other than the ability to feel full quicker, and other than a few other things has been the radical change in my Triglycerides. They were pretty bad before for someone my age. In merely 5 months, they were reduced to the level of an elite athlete. The one problem with weight loss is that your HDL lowers during that time period. Since my LDL has also been dropping, the initial blood test was very odd (it comes off as poor, but you need to realize that your HDL will begin elevating once you incorporate exercise and your rapid weight loss levels off). You had a moderate-high LDL and a low HDL, which is usually a bad combo. But it was counter-acted by an absurdly low Triglyceride level.

My doctor sort of laughed. He's a DO and not a MD, so a bit more open to the keto diet.
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Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
Sugar free margarita mix and good tequila makes me forget about beer.

Also, Whiskey. No carbs. I give up beer (sans the occasional Corona Premier) when on Keto.

Nothing could make me forget about beer.

As a beer junkie, I agree but you find you get used to it.

Considering keto gets me legit drunk off of like 2 beers, it’s better just to sip a margarita with no carbs. Same result.

I will say this, hangovers on Keto are the WORST.

Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
Also, Whiskey. No carbs. I give up beer (sans the occasional Corona Premier) when on Keto.

GOOD gin and sugar free tonic is the most magical keto drink other than a sugar free margarita.

I will say this, hangovers on Keto are the WORST.

They are awful. And it takes less to do it. Although I'd rather a keto headache from alcohol than a keto headache from an accidental reintroduction (or a purposeful one like I did two weekends ago) of heavy carbs.
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Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
GOOD gin and sugar free tonic is the most magical keto drink other than a sugar free margarita.

They are awful. And it takes less to do it. Although I'd rather a keto headache from alcohol than a keto headache from an accidental reintroduction (or a purposeful one like I did two weekends ago) of heavy carbs.
I'm suffering right now. We are back in and its day 4.
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Lion Hound

Mar 12, 2007
Montauk NY
Realize that McDonalds is also excellent for Keto (as is Wendy's).

I get two triple cheeseburgers with no bun or ketchup. Messy but delicious.

Funny...I had that on the boat the other day. Just two cheeseburgers. Took off the bun.

Burgerfi has a double cheeseburger with bacon, but they make it on a lettuce wrap. Was awesome! Little pricey though for a Burger.
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Registered User
Jul 20, 2005
I would really like to eat breakfast, and a small lunch and reasonable dinner. It's just hard right now at this point in my life, since I have to get up and get the kids ready and the little one to daycare (and since it's summer, the older one to camp). I don't have time to do breakfast. I could if I woke up early, but I don't sleep enough as it is AND I have to take sleeping pills which make the morning an even bigger chore.

I like to think in a couple years when things settle down, I can devote some time to eating more healthy and just living a healthier lifestyle. Also quitting smoking.

I’m concerned we might be the same person.
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Hunter Gathers

The Crown
Feb 27, 2002
parts unknown
Funny...I had that on the boat the other day. Just two cheeseburgers. Took off the bun.

Burgerfi has a double cheeseburger with bacon, but they make it on a lettuce wrap. Was awesome! Little pricey though for a Burger.

Have you bought any books or anything for keto? Everyone sort of starting out, to me, should buy the Keto Bible off of Amazon. I wouldn't really buy anything other than cook books (supplements are worthless, IMHO, other than MCT oil).


Kris King's Ghost
Mar 1, 2002
Amish Paradise
Even back to my playing days, fitness never held my interest.

I'm the type that if someone lays out a weekly, or monthly plan for me, I can follow it to the letter. But if I'm left to improvise, I'm screwed.

Post back injury, and family health issues, my overall fitness level is not where I want it to be. But I haven't had the time, or motivation, to come up with a comprehensive plan.


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