Study: just smelling food can make you fat


Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

A study by UC Berkeley researchers found that a sense of smell can influence the brain’s decision to burn fat or store it in the body — or a least the bodies of mice.
Researchers Andrew Dillin and Celine Riera studied three groups of mice — normal mice, “super-smellers†and ones without a sense of smell — and saw a direct correlation between their ability to smell and how much weight they gained from a high-fat, “Burger King diet,†Dillin said.
Each mouse ate the same amount of food, but those with a super sense of smell gained the most weight.
The normal mice ballooned, too — up to 100 percent from the weight they were when the research started.
But the mice who couldn’t smell anything gained only 10 percent of their weight. Obese mice who had their sense of smell wiped out slimmed down to the size of normal counterparts without a change in diet.

Just kill me now. Sigh.


Stand-Up Philosopher
Mar 26, 2011
I wonder what the causation is here. Will be interesting to read that if they figure it out. It's pretty clear the effect exists, but it seems still unclear exactly how a lack of smell results in burning of more fat.


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