WWE: Sting to have neck surgery; wants one more match

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
- Sting just appeared on Ric Flair's "Whoo! Nation" podcast and revealed that he needs neck surgery after facing Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions a few months ago.

Sting suffered a career-threatening spinal injury during that match and Ric asked Sting if he’s feeling better. “Well yes and no,†Sting responds with a certain candid honesty. “Obviously that night I had some problems. It wasn’t Seth’s fault, completely mine. I have no idea what I did but my neck whiplashed on both buckle bombs. And on the second one, I’m having a casual conversation in my own mind thinking: ‘Okay Steve tuck your chin. Do what you know how to do.â€

Sting said he could barely walk following the second buckle bomb, but knew the stakes were too high to quit. He somehow mustered the wherewithal to perform another two minutes before finally opting to “go home.†Sting is set to undergo surgery at the hands of Dr. Joseph C. Maroon, and is hopeful that he won’t have to have anything fused. He says he’ll have the same procedure done that John Cena required a few years back, and is confident he’ll return to the ring for “one more match.â€

I wonder if he's holding out hope that he'd get to work with The Undertaker before retiring. I thought he was done after Night of Champions.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Full quotes

"Yes and no. Obviously that night I had some problems. Both buckle bombs -- not Seth's fault, completely mine, I have no idea what I did, I have no idea -- but my neck whiplashed on both of them. On the second one, he picked me up and I'm having a casual conversation in my own mind as I'm hoisted up on his shoulders thinking 'okay, Steve, tuck your chin. Do what you know how to do. This is ridiculous.' I wasn't worried at all, even though the first one I had a shock going down the left and right thigh down both down to the fingertips. And I thought 'oh man' you can see me in the ring trying to shake my hands out and get feeling back in my hands. And then the second time, again, having the casual conversation, and then for whatever reason I clicked out, checked out, I don't know what happened but I did the same thing. This time, it affected my legs. Yeah, there was just no strength. The power in my legs was just kinda going away and I felt like I didn't have control over them, and I didn't. I had a temporary paralysis. For a few minutes I thought 'I don't think I can continue, I think I'm done. But I can't do this, the stakes are so high, and I can't do this to Seth.' Anyway, then the crowd starts chanting and everything else. Somehow or another it just kinda came back enough where 'okay, I can do another minute or two here and get out of this thing.'"

"Yeah, MRI's and neurologists have been looking at it, Dr. Maroon out of Pittsburgh, he's looked at it. He's telling me that I'll have to have a surgery. The dust only in the last couple weeks has kind of started to settle a little bit for me, just trying to get so much done in life but now it's time to go get this thing taken care of. No, I'm hoping (they don't have to do a fusion surgery). I know that's one of the techniques that they use and I'm not sure if Dr. Maroon will have to do that or not. I've got two spots in my neck that are troublesome. I guess it's called cervical spinal stenosis. That's what it is. I have two areas in my neck where the spinal canal, which holds the spinal cord, it's kind of choked off in two different locations. Lucky that a catastrophe didn't happen that night, long story short. I've gotta go get it fixed. I guess John Cena had something very similar, he had his fixed, and Dr. Maroon has done several of the WWE guys up there and all with great success."

He sounds really lucky it wasn't worse. He might be holding out for a Taker match at WM 33, but honestly it sounds like he needs to just call it a career.

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
Guy is a beast for continuing another 2 minutes after. Glad he's at least doing a little bit better. I would like to see him have one more match where he gets to have the match he wants and not have it end the way his last one did, but only if he's healthy and ready. Don't need any more scares like that


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
Maybe the build up and entrances would be kind of neat, but I have no desire to see either of them wrestle at this point.

That would be perfectly fine. I don't think people that are clamoring for the match are doing so for the quality of match they'd put on. Just the spectacle of it.


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