Sportsnet/Fan590( "NO formal/official proposal")

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Registered User
Jul 28, 2003
This is interesting. Its absolutely hilarious to watch local media outlets jump all over the smallest bit of news, and completely blow it out of proportion. TSN has been so guilty of that, as has Sportsnet.

I thought there were some false reports out there, I guess as sources get back to their respective stations, the news will continue to change.


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Mar 18, 2002
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Crows said:;jsessionid=OHKFMLBOLAKH?content=20050126_122859_2272

A source close to the talks told The Canadian Press no formal, official proposal was put forward from the NHL although different "salary cap concepts" were brought up by the league -- still a total non-starter for the NHL Players' Association.

All is not lost.
The NHL is dragging the PA to the bitter end.
WTF? All this negotiation is fine and well but what is with all the crap reports like this? Can anyone tell the farkin truth? Either there was or wasn't a proposal. You've got all these different 'sources' saying all these different things which are totally contradictory. They ought to either tell us truths or tell us nothing.


Team of the Future
Jan 13, 2005
It's funny because I had just posted that I wasn't fully convinced that there was a proposal at all. And until it comes out of one of these figureheads I won't believe it. Of course even then I may question it. :speechles


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Aug 12, 2003

Scotty Bowman may still be right...My Saturdays are free for the next two weeks...(not this Saturday...).


Registered User
Jan 19, 2004
The rollercoaster ride is about to come to the last big drop, hang on to your hats.. its almost over :cry:


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Anyone listening to the FAN 590?

I heard twice this morning on there that the NHL didn't even make an offer last night. Anyone else hear that?


Registered User
Jul 29, 2004

this is what we get, JERKED AROUND.

no one cares about the fans in all of this, that's the ultimate sad part. the NHL doesn't give a good goddamn about the fans except for the fact that he fans hand money over to them. the players are the same, they just want money

both sides try to use the fans to curry some favor but ultimately, forget 'em

that's what pisses me off the most...


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
They're just all taking us for a ride. Maybe both sides think that if they keep saying 'no progress, no meeting' they'll keep losing the media. I'm sure someone out there would have to know though.

Maybe not...?

Twine Seeking Missle

Go monkey go!!!
Dec 30, 2004
go kim johnsson said:
I heard twice this morning on there that the NHL didn't even make an offer last night. Anyone else hear that?

Does it even matter if they did or didnt? Im really not trying to be an @$$ but who cares? The talks broke down last night. They said there were " no talks scheduled " which because today is Jan 28th, means the season is over. If they dont plan to have any further talks, that says it all right there, proposal or no proposal last night.


drop the puck
Feb 13, 2003
Western MA
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no further talks planned could mean that the PA or the NHL has requested a day or 2 to discuss options with their own group. Just because they aren't scheduled right now doesn't mean that the PA can't call the NHL and say 'we've thought about it and want to discuss your last proposal tonight.'


Registered User
Nov 15, 2003
Columbus, OH
Twine Seeking Missle said:
Does it even matter if they did or didnt? Im really not trying to be an @$$ but who cares? The talks broke down last night. They said there were " no talks scheduled " which because today is Jan 28th, means the season is over. If they dont plan to have any further talks, that says it all right there, proposal or no proposal last night.
Thats not entirely true.

No talks scheduled could also mean the deal has been put together and they are awating approval from their constituents (Bettman, Goodenow)

It's been said all along that no news is good news, and if they aren't bashing eachother in the media, that's a sign of progress


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
futurcorerock said:
Thats not entirely true.

No talks scheduled could also mean the deal has been put together and they are awating approval from their constituents (Bettman, Goodenow)

It's been said all along that no news is good news, and if they aren't bashing eachother in the media, that's a sign of progress

Great points. Although one would have to think they would still set mup a meeting to have them there, and someone would know about it, but the media also can't get a hold or report everything. Maybe someone said "we're going to tell you guys what to say, or we're not going to tell you anything"


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Feb 17, 2003
around the 49th para
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If they were making any kind of progress these guys would be working through the night to get it done. It's over and as far as I'm concerned I'll never pay another 2 cents to see this breed of player ever play again. Stubborn pride and stupidity led my an EGOmaniac who really doesn't care about the fans, the game, associated employees and business's. :madfire: :madfire: :madfire:


Registered User
Apr 28, 2003
Wyoming, MN
The optimist in me says that conflicting reports means that something is happening, but not all insiders know what it is. Action in negotiation is good. If there was absolutely nothing happening, I think the situation would be much more grim. Remember how the other sports lockouts/strikes have gone down. There's always a lot of hustle right at the end, lots of conflicting reports, and lots of negativity. The death of the season would be signified by silence, IMO.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
eye said:
If they were making any kind of progress these guys would be working through the night to get it done. It's over and as far as I'm concerned I'll never pay another 2 cents to see this breed of player ever play again. Stubborn pride and stupidity led my an EGOmaniac who really doesn't care about the fans, the game, associated employees and business's. :madfire: :madfire: :madfire:

Why do you keep coming around then if you don't care? Maybe they don't need to work through the night because it's already almost done.

The Maltais Falcon

Registered User
Jan 9, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Levitate said:
no one cares about the fans in all of this, that's the ultimate sad part. the NHL doesn't give a good goddamn about the fans except for the fact that he fans hand money over to them. the players are the same, they just want money

both sides try to use the fans to curry some favor but ultimately, forget 'em

that's what pisses me off the most...
That's true of any business. Businesses only care about their customers to the extent that they want them to keep coming back with money in hand to buy more goods and services. The NHL is no different. They're not running a charity.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2003
Columbus, OH
Well in the case of this fiasco... i've shut out the media. It broke last night that the deal was rejected, then my local paper reports it as truth... so i mean what do i believe? In terms of NHL's breaking news on the lockout i dont even look at ESPN anymore. They know nothing. Yahoo news is reporting crazy stuff too.

At this stage of negotiation, the ONLY thing fans can do is wait for "the announcement" because that can't be disputed.

Plus as ceber said, a lot of hustle is good news, and all you optimists out there should be overjoyed that all this news has gone down in the NHL. You gotta admit, the boards havent been this exciting in the past two weeks since what.... last season?
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