Pre-Game Talk: SENS in Montreal, Saturday Night 7:00 pm on TSN


Registered User
Mar 20, 2013
But will they be double digits mad or just a little miffed
They'll Be about as mad as I was that I watched whole 2 seasons of sons of anarchy. Waste of time and I knew it was a waste of time very early on. End of the world? No. Did it affect the rest of my show watching career? No. But still pissed.


Veteran User
Feb 22, 2007
Charlottetown, PE
I'm fine with losing a pre-season game and trying out different line combos. But would think as it comes to an end the team would be more so what you would see for the season opener. Not sure what to think right now for Thursday's matchup against the Caps.

50 in 07

Registered User
Feb 10, 2016
that proves more that the pre-season record doesn't matter.

This is true but I think its less about the wins/losses and more about the level of our play (ie, super shitty tonight) which is a concern

As many have pointed out that was reasonably close to our opening night lineup which doesn't bode well. Hopefully Boucher tears into them and it doesn't happen again when it really counts


Effortless sexy.
Jul 13, 2006

Chris should have left the possession stats, who generated the most, how long we were in our zone, etc. +- is fairly useless most times. The team gave the zone too much, was uninterested much of the night and even Andy was average. Hoping to see the mythical "switch" flipped on Wednesday. Now Mendes is saying no Karl until early November...but he's in practices. Not sure wtf is going on there.


Sep 22, 2008
Get it out of our system before the season begins. I have no problem losing now instead of when it counts.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2011
I only managed to watch about the first half of this game and had to FFWD the rest. That was a bad one!

What I’m seeing the past few games is lack of compete level and frustration with penalties. The compete level dropped as soon as the majority of cuts were made. Outside of 2-3 guys fighting for a chance to make the team, the other players are simply getting ready for the regular season and want to make it through pre-season without getting hurt. Boucher might have been focusing on implementing his system the past few games not caring so much about the results, especially with the new players.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2008
For all that went wrong tonight, I was most upset when Claesson was qb'ing the pp breakout and didn't pass it to a wide open Chabot. He just sat there stick-handling the puck, staring intently at the NZ where it was obvious nobody was open and nobody was going to get open. Pass the puck to Chabot! He's open! And gaining the NZ and OZ is what he does well! And it just makes sense to help open up the ice by passing the puck across to your partner! Don't waste the f***ing opportunity! <<Claesson throws the puck up-ice and it's promptly turned over.>>


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
Sens fans need to remember as soon as Julien took over the Habs they have owned Ottawa. Why? Who knows.

But Ottawa has to figure the Julien hans out, that’s 16 points up for grabs and it could be the difference between us or Montreal making the playoffs


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
Sens fans need to remember as soon as Julien took over the Habs they have owned Ottawa. Why? Who knows.

But Ottawa has to figure the Julien hans out, that’s 16 points up for grabs and it could be the difference between us or Montreal making the playoffs
We are not going to beat the Habs every time we play them, they still have Price, but you are right we need to be a whole lot better versus the Habs, lately we have been terrible.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2002
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People can go on about it being pre season which is a legitimate argument. However the team has given up 21 goals in the last 3 games and the d core looks like its in shambles. Losing Methot and starting without Karlsson is not nothing its not oh its pre season there are real issues on D. On top of that the coach has been playing D men out of position who certainly cannot play those positions. I hope there are some adjustments being made, its too bad they didnt give Claesson or Chabot one game on their natural side after it was obvious it wasnt working. The 'system' as it is only works with the right personel, this team doesnt have that personel at the moment its time to adjust the system.

Sens of Anarchy

Registered User
Jul 9, 2013
People can go on about it being pre season which is a legitimate argument. However the team has given up 21 goals in the last 3 games and the d core looks like its in shambles. Losing Methot and starting without Karlsson is not nothing its not oh its pre season there are real issues on D. On top of that the coach has been playing D men out of position who certainly cannot play those positions. I hope there are some adjustments being made, its too bad they didnt give Claesson or Chabot one game on their natural side after it was obvious it wasnt working. The 'system' as it is only works with the right personel, this team doesnt have that personel at the moment its time to adjust the system.

Without EK IMO we have 2 legit top 4 Dmen at this time. Phaneuf and Ceci. Ceci debateable to some. We have good young D depth. Lets go with Chabot ... at the moment he oozes talent but he needs some time to adjust, I think its fair that we cannot call him a top 4 at the moment. Oduya , might have been one, but he is really not one now. Claesson, Harpur, Wideman, Boro are all bottom pair D at the moment. Jaros and Lajoie are developing in Belleville. We can rah rah for any of these guys but imo that is where they are on their development curve right now. As much as our D depth has been praised early in preseason, we have issues at the top of the lineup.

Our forward depth has to be addressed as well. We need another quality forward.
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DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Very good post SoA, fair assessment.

Ceci is a Top-4 and it's not debatable even though what some will tell you. He is a #3 right now, our D core has looked very bad when he is not playing

Problem with Chabot is that he is jumping from junior to the NHL, like you said he needs a bit of time. But we have to put him in a favorable situation.

Claesson is not a Top-4 without Karlsson, he needs to be paired with him if we want to use him more than his normal usage. It's probably Swedish chemistry but we have to take benefit of it (until Chabot is ready to play top pair)

Oduya is going to be fine, he looked good with Ceci before so let's continue with that. It's about finding the right partners for each player

Phaneuf cannot play too much at even strength. Give him a lot of time on special units and 3rd pair to ease Chabot in the NHL could be a great mission for him

Our defense needs to be :


- Boro draws in against physical teams and if injuries

Now who replaces EK until he's back?


No really other choice...


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