Sean Couturier

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Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train

I hated berube all year and then when i read that quote i had an instant change of heart. No but in all seriousness, I am just not a big fan of Coaches taken all the blame especially when the roster is as bad as it is. Its an easy way for players to escape blame and what not. This roster was bad , and he played sean in a way in which it was the only way we could win. Imagine how terrible we would be if we had anyone other than coots and g taking all those dzone faceoffs. Just imagine that for a moment.

The problem is that he is now showing total ignorance of how his usage of Couturier can impact his production. It shows a complete ignorance of really basic concepts. It shows a lack of awareness that is pretty shocking.

If he had said "Yeah, we wish Couturier had produced more but he had some hard minutes." That doesn't give some sort of leverage to Couturier's agent, and it does nothing to bash the player. It's also not stupid. What he said instead is just downright dumb and tears down Couts unfairly.


Bennyflyers16 get a life
Oct 5, 2013
Well the big question is do you really want Lecavalier to be playing RW defense when the face offs are in the defensive end?

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
When you realize that cvv and vinny were two of our better even strength performers per 60 minutes then it kind of makes sense.

No, it makes no sense. Giroux and Voracek are our two best players, Raffl was one of our best goal scorers. The top line should go then, not the 4th line.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2010
Fairfax, Virginia
It actually does give him leverage because its an admission of sabotaging his point totals. POint totals lead to big contracts not corsi and shutdown centers.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
It actually does give him leverage because its an admission of sabotaging his point totals. POint totals lead to big contracts not corsi and shutdown centers.

No, it does not give him a shred of leverage. If that gives his agent significant leverage, his agent would either have to be incredible or Hextall would have to be awful at negotiating. I think his agent already knows what impact Couts' usage has, and Berube saying stupid things does not serve as a rebuttal. "Oh, Berube said it doesn't matter! I guess it doesn't. I retract my argument, we'll sign cheap!"

And since when does Berube care about player negotiations? He should only care about getting the most out of his players. Frustrating a player by putting him in a no-win situation isn't a very good way to do that. It's a good way to drive him off, in fact.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2010
Fairfax, Virginia
No, it does not give him a shred of leverage. If that gives his agent significant leverage, his agent would either have to be incredible or Hextall would have to be awful at negotiating. I think his agent already knows what impact Couts' usage has, and Berube saying stupid things does not serve as a rebuttal. "Oh, Berube said it doesn't matter! I guess it doesn't. I retract my argument, we'll sign cheap!"

And since when does Berube care about player negotiations? He should only care about getting the most out of his players. Frustrating a player by putting him in a no-win situation isn't a very good way to do that. It's a good way to drive him off, in fact.

putting him in no win situations but putting our team in a win siutation. If you don't think coots getting a ton of dzone starts is not in the best interest of this team then i don't know what to tell you.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2013
Where else can you really put Lecavalier besides the press box though? I keep seeing people hit on Berube for Lecavaliers use but he just doesn't fit anywhere.

Send VdV/Umberger-Bellemare-Read out for some DZ faceoffs. Let Couturier play with BSchenn and Simmonds some of the time. These are options Berube never tried because he was too inflexible to break up Coots and Readeven when they were struggling.

And before anyone says Umberger shouldn't be out on DZ draws, he was a lot of the time with Couturier and Read.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Giroux had the 3rd highest toi of any forward in the league but he still hasn't played enough according to you?

He needed more offensive zone time, yeah. He started in the offensive zone 54% of the time, 6-10% less than most top line forwards.

Because Berube just had to cart out Vinny after those breaks and while the other team was tired.

Roo Mad Bro

U havin a giggle m8?
Dec 6, 2010
Wow Berube is a ****ing potato.

Embarrassed that he was the HC of the team I love for the past 2 seasons.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2013
Paris of the Praries
When you realize that cvv and vinny were two of our better even strength performers per 60 minutes then it kind of makes sense.

Do you think that they performed well based on the difference in talent between them and the other players or because of the position they were in.

What percentage of the blame do you put on Berube. Do you think he should be fired?

You are right Couts taking D-zone draws is important for the team to win. Do you think starting in the D-zone affects how much offense he produces.

Please quote this and apply direct answers.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
putting him in no win situations but putting our team in a win siutation. If you don't think coots getting a ton of dzone starts is not in the best interest of this team then i don't know what to tell you.

No, the no win situation is being put in his situation and then lambasted for not scoring enough because your coach is too ****ing stupid to understand what your usage entails for production.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2010
Fairfax, Virginia
No, the no win situation is being put in his situation and then lambasted for not scoring enough because your coach is too ****ing stupid to understand what your usage entails for production.

Do you really think he doesn't know that. Seriously. He is a professional hockey coach on a team that embracing advanced stats.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Do you really think he doesn't know that. Seriously. He is a professional hockey coach on a team that embracing advanced stats.

He truly doesn't seem to know that. If he knew that, he wouldn't say the exact opposite thing not once, but twice in a season.

Edit: Also, his status as a professional coach means nothing, as he has shown he's entirely unqualified for the job he's doing.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Jtown, why are you defending Berube on this? Do you believe Couturier's offense is unaffected by his usage and zone starts?

Because if you don't believe that, why defend Berube on it?


Registered User
Oct 6, 2010
Fairfax, Virginia
Do you think that they performed well based on the difference in talent between them and the other players or because of the
position they were in.

I don't know. But i do know that CVV late in the year was 3rd or 4th in even strength goals.

What percentage of the blame do you put on Berube. Do you think he should be fired?

I don't know. I'd say about 50 percent on berube. I really did not like this boring style of play as a fan. As a realist he played the team in a way which gave us the best chance to win. It was a flawed roster and he did as much with it as he could. I don't believe he deserves to get fired, but a head coach is always an easy target for a team that lacks talent. If he gets fired I think it will have more to do with the flyers wanting to upgrade the coaching position rather than a dislike for him as a coach.

You are right Couts taking D-zone draws is important for the team to win. Do you think starting in the D-zone affects how much offense he produces.

Of course. It doesn't take a braniac to understand that pts are tied to ozone time.

Please quote this and apply direct answers.
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