GDT: Sabres @ Montreal 7PM EST TV:MSG Radio:WGR550

Howie Hodge

Zombie Woof
Sep 16, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Now this win will mean something if we can follow up with another strong game in Pittsburgh this coming Saturday!


Shout out to the Old Aud Phantom Sign Makers:

"Taro like Penguins; sauteed with rice!"


Registered User
Nov 18, 2010
What happened to Dahlin?

Despite being selected as an All-Star this year, I feel like he is playing like a below average top 4 defensemen.
Personal opinion... He has has a few bad games lately, and isn't as dominant as he was last year before he got injured. Overall, he's still making a lot of good plays every game.

I think it's more of an expectations thing than anything else, which is fair, but I think his struggles have been overblown a bit, but hopefully he'll turn it up a bit in 2024. Aside from the one mistake last night, I think he had a fine game.


Registered User
Jun 28, 2010
Mighty Taco, NY
Cozens is starting to bug me, to the point of probably being a bit unreasonable about it lol.

It's obvious Quinn and to a lesser extent Peterka are the straws that stir the drink on that line. I'm still not sure what Cozens excels at exactly. He has a decent shot but doesn't make good decisions when and how to use it. Occasionally he has a good burst of speed when he gets the odd breakaway but in regular play he's skating in molasses and falling down constantly. Every so often a deke works but he's two steps behind so it rarely results in anything.

Maybe he's not well suited for center or something, I dunno. He has some of these tangibles but maybe he's not using them well in an effort to be "defensively responsible", be in position, make safer plays... which usually ends up blowing up on him one way or another anyways.

Also, why did Cozens get the 4 minutes? Still trying to figure that out. Looked like he just tried to get body position in front of the net and two players just kinda attacked him.

Bobby Bottle Service

Win for Rick
Dec 15, 2005
Geez. That graph looks ugly for Buffalo. Glad Levi played well, but the graph makes it appear Montreal wins that game more often than not. Did Montreal look like the better team last night?

Also, I have to give Levi credit. He has his stinkers, but he also has his fair share of games like this.
For the 3rd game this season, the better team lost.


Registered User
Oct 16, 2012
Below average top 4 defensemen don't lead D men in goals while playing for atrocious teams.
Ok. He's playing as a below average top pair defensemen.

Watch how many times he gives the puck away when trying to move the puck out of his zone. The team is atrocious in part because of his play.
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2019
Last night's win was great.

Now, prove that you can do that consistently across a long stretch of games.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2006
Just from the highlights:
- Scored 2 goals on the PP from down low and near the net. Not sure if that was a fluke or a change in strategy from the perimeter play.
- That play by Dahlin on the SHG against was a terrible sequence by him. Careless with the puck and then finishes it off by screening the goalie on a shot from the slot.
- Levi looked amazing. If he can get some consistency then the sky is the limit for him.


Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
Cozens is starting to bug me, to the point of probably being a bit unreasonable about it lol.

It's obvious Quinn and to a lesser extent Peterka are the straws that stir the drink on that line. I'm still not sure what Cozens excels at exactly. He has a decent shot but doesn't make good decisions when and how to use it. Occasionally he has a good burst of speed when he gets the odd breakaway but in regular play he's skating in molasses and falling down constantly. Every so often a deke works but he's two steps behind so it rarely results in anything.

Maybe he's not well suited for center or something, I dunno. He has some of these tangibles but maybe he's not using them well in an effort to be "defensively responsible", be in position, make safer plays... which usually ends up blowing up on him one way or another anyways.

Also, why did Cozens get the 4 minutes? Still trying to figure that out. Looked like he just tried to get body position in front of the net and two players just kinda attacked him.

I think Cozens has started to get better in the last week or two.

Der Jaeger

Generational EBUG
Feb 14, 2009
Cair Paravel
Cozens is starting to bug me, to the point of probably being a bit unreasonable about it lol.

It's obvious Quinn and to a lesser extent Peterka are the straws that stir the drink on that line. I'm still not sure what Cozens excels at exactly. He has a decent shot but doesn't make good decisions when and how to use it. Occasionally he has a good burst of speed when he gets the odd breakaway but in regular play he's skating in molasses and falling down constantly. Every so often a deke works but he's two steps behind so it rarely results in anything.

Maybe he's not well suited for center or something, I dunno. He has some of these tangibles but maybe he's not using them well in an effort to be "defensively responsible", be in position, make safer plays... which usually ends up blowing up on him one way or another anyways.

Also, why did Cozens get the 4 minutes? Still trying to figure that out. Looked like he just tried to get body position in front of the net and two players just kinda attacked him.
I still think Cozens is a winger. Simplify the game for him and let him use his speed and power.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2021
San Jose,CA
I still think Cozens is a winger. Simplify the game for him and let him use his speed and power.
Agreed. Cozens (at least this season) doesn't have the skill or mind set for a center IMO. He takes too long to make a decision with the puck, especially when it comes to getting his shot off. Countless times I see him holding on to the puck just long enough for a defender to get in the line to block his shot. He doesn't have the skillset to create enough space for himself to counteract that issue either...

Like you pointed out, Cozens does have size and speed.. things you can benefit from as a winger.


born Ruffian
Nov 19, 2007
City of Buffalo
I still think Cozens is a winger. Simplify the game for him and let him use his speed and power.
He's looked about the least powerful a 6'3 forward could this year. Like troublingly weak on his skates, constantly falling down and unable to hold off guys on his back. And the speed isn't really there either. I'm still wondering if his off-season regimen up in that garage in Yellowknife wasn't the best.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 3, 2015
Geez. That graph looks ugly for Buffalo. Glad Levi played well, but the graph makes it appear Montreal wins that game more often than not. Did Montreal look like the better team last night?

Also, I have to give Levi credit. He has his stinkers, but he also has his fair share of games like this.
Huh? The graph shows Buffalo winning, not Montreal.
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Registered User
Sep 12, 2014
Beyond the Wall
He's looked about the least powerful a 6'3 forward could this year. Like troublingly weak on his skates, constantly falling down and unable to hold off guys on his back. And the speed isn't really there either. I'm still wondering if his off-season regimen up in that garage in Yellowknife wasn't the best.
He's from Whitehorse not Yellowknife. Don't you put that blame on us! It's those softies in the Yukon that are at fault!
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Matt Ress

Don't sleep on me
Aug 5, 2014
Just from the highlights:
- Scored 2 goals on the PP from down low and near the net. Not sure if that was a fluke or a change in strategy from the perimeter play.
- That play by Dahlin on the SHG against was a terrible sequence by him. Careless with the puck and then finishes it off by screening the goalie on a shot from the slot.
- Levi looked amazing. If he can get some consistency then the sky is the limit for him.
Weird that when you get the puck down low and move your feet that you get more scoring chances. Most of all you just have to be able to switch it up and keep the other teams guessing and having to think. That's when they start making mistakes. For the first 2 months they've been playing the same old raggedy PP with the same pilthy results. Maybe we'll see some hockey strategizing.


"Eric Cartman?"
May 10, 2007
In the Panderverse
I watched on DVR after realizing I was not a victim of the FUBO nonsense. Finished viewing at 11:00 sharp. Also, I had MSG feed and not TNT - more on that below.

Damn, Greenway just put his face directly in the shot lane.

I had to rewind when I saw that real-time. Mucho respecto. Even with a face shield that's a jumbo-sized cohones move. Sabres really missed having him out of the lineup, and not just for his on-ice play. He's so engaged emotionally - I liked E. Kane for the same reason, and same with Skinner, even when Skinner isn't clicking.
Did anyone here bang any of these TNT announcers' wives, because they're struggling to say anything positive tonight about the Sabres.
Did those of you with the TNT broadcast miss this LOL-gem from Rayzor during the live PBP call: "Dan, the Canadiens dressed 7 defensemen tonight, but they should have dressed 8 or 9 because they are just not getting it done."
Need more production from Benson to confirm it for me.
I don't. Not this year, for sure. He's 18.5 years old, making smart plays with and without the puck game in and game out, despite being physically undersized, and rarely looking out of place. He's years smarter than his age.
The short handed goal he let in was bad but other then that he's been solid.
Can we at least agree Armia had two excellent snipes last night?

GBU in New Testament format

The Epiphany of the Lord, traditionally celebrated January 6th, is right around the corner.
Paralleling Matthew 2: 1-12, we had last night's re-enactment of events ~2000 years ago:

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star* at its rising and have come to do him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was greatly troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it has been written through the prophet: ‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; since from you shall come a ruler, who is to shepherd my people Israel.’” Then Herod called the magi secretly and ascertained from them the time of the star’s appearance. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search diligently for the child. When you have found him, bring me word, that I too may go and do him homage.”

After their audience with the king, they set out. And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way.

Herod: played by TNT and the Refs and other pundits on the puppet strings of the NHL office, fearing the Sabres rise threatens their narrative control, secretly wish to do them harm.
The Star in the East: Played by Rasmus Dahlin named to the NHL All-Star Eastern Conference roster. After his 200-ft empty net goal, he and Eric Johnson had some kind of secret handshake whispering lingo on the Sabres bench afterwards. I wonder what was said.
Astronomer / wise man with Gold: Played by Jack Quinn. Golden snipe, indeed.
Astronomer / wise man with Frankincense: Played by Thompson, who perfumed the stench of the Habs.
Astronomer / wise man with Myrrh, an incense often used in burial: Played by Jeff Skinner, who continues to kill les Habs in MTL.
The Child: Devon Levi
The Epiphany (realization of a revelation / manifestation): When Levi is on and the Sabres play up to capability, they are both dominating and entertaining.

And having been warned in a dream not to return to Buffalo, they departed for their country via Pittsburgh.


Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
He's looked about the least powerful a 6'3 forward could this year. Like troublingly weak on his skates, constantly falling down and unable to hold off guys on his back. And the speed isn't really there either. I'm still wondering if his off-season regimen up in that garage in Yellowknife wasn't the best.

He trains in the London Ontario area from what he's said. Perhaps he went too much upper body and not enough leg if he's having an issue staying on his feet. He also has seemed to talk about being a 40-goal guy instead of being the player they need him to be - last year's production but with the attention to defensive and transition detail he's shown at times, especially when Quinn and JJ were still figuring themselves out.


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