Ryan O'Reilly charged with Impaired Driving [Mod Warning OP]

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Registered User
Jan 18, 2011
This is interesting.

So he had a DUI hit and run (effectively). I am certain that all of the good moral folks who wanted Voynov's head will be equally vocal about this one. RoR intentionally drove his vehicle while drunk and or impaired caused damage to private property and then left the scene. Under his level of impairment he decided that it was alright to risk his and everyone else on the roads life by getting behind the wheel. He deserves at least 90 days in jail and 3 years probation for what he did. He is damned lucky he didn't kill anyone but of course if he had he would have been able to walk without any real punishment.

I hope he gets help for his problem today and that it goes away. Anyone who takes this sort of thing lightly has likely never had anyone horribly injured by a drunk driver before in their lives. To me the punishment doesn't fit the crime at all for first offenders.

Here in Canada nobody gets jail time after their first DUI, unless somebody is killed. If found guilty he will get a one year driving prohib and a fine(the fine will most likely depend on his level of intoxication). Not saying its right.. but that's the way in Canada.


Killer Instinct™
Feb 10, 2007
Long Island
Hopefully he will learn from his mistake and become a better person when all is said and done. He seems like a stand up guy, let's hear his side of the story also.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2008
It is just my opinion, or is the shine of the NHL player as the goody-goody of the sporting world coming off spectacularly in this past year? Of course there have been many, many incidents and lawbreakers over the history of the NHL, but it just feels so much more acute with the recent litany of sins among the NHL ranks. I think many of us embraced the myth of the good, young hockey player as being morally superior to those in the NBA, NFL and MLB. I'd go further to say that many Canadians (like myself) took a bit of pride that such a Canada-centric game (albeit less so with every year) was relatively absent of the criminal association we quickly attributed to other major sports. In all probability, the relative lack of popularity of hockey in the U.S. fueled this supposition because the wrongdoings weren't trumpeted as loudly as the latest NFLer or NBAer arrested for battery or armed assault.

All in all, the O'Reilly situation, pending confirmation of actual events, adds evidence to the only possible conclusion that we need to be very careful in looking for role models, and that a stats sheet or championship roster is a shaky place to start.

Finally, I am sad for Buffalo Sabres fans. You deserve so much better from the athletes you support.

I think NHL players will continue their reputation as goody-goody in comparison to the NBA and NFL but with social media, every little thing is going to be heard by every sports fan.

Donte Stallworth KILLED a man while driving drunk and continued to play in the NFL.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2014
You just proved his point by saying that you changing the circumstances should change the punishments for the two individuals.

That was my point long before he even got to the thread. Like 20 pages before.

The fact his apologists claim he was drinking and driving ........many folks do it.

That was itself IGNORING major facts. He rammed his truck into a building. He fled the scene hoping not be found out. He had to be caught by police.

These other facts make this a far worse situation than someone just getting caught at a DUI checkpoint or 'hitting an anonymous tree' and staying there to face the music.


Poked the bear!!!!!
Jun 30, 2006
Montreal, QC
Hopefully he will learn from his mistake and become a better person when all is said and done. He seems like a stand up guy, let's hear his side of the story also.

Normally I'm on board with that but when the facts are that he was drunk and crashed into a building and fled the scene on foot...I'm not sure exactly what he could say that would make any of that seem like a big misunderstanding on his part.

Sens Rule

Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
I'd say he gets jail time. I am sure details are not entirely clear. How much and what kind of damage was there at the Tim's? Did he he the drive thru box? did he crash thru the door?

No way he gets jail time. He broke a window. I think he screwed up popping the clutch starting the truck and it rolled a few feet into a window.

He did flee. But he won't get jail time. Fine. Licence suspension. Interlock. If the judge wants to be more punitive because he fled he could... Maybe get a year's probabtion.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2011
No way he gets jail time. He broke a window. I think he screwed up popping the clutch starting the truck and it rolled a few feet into a window.

He did flee. But he won't get jail time. Fine. Licence suspension. Interlock. If the judge wants to be more punitive because he fled he could... Maybe get a year's probabtion.

Won't get any probation, failing to remain is a ticket, he will get a fine.


Enjoy the chaos
Jul 1, 2003
You just proved his point by saying that you changing the circumstances should change the punishments for the two individuals.

And he added that one had been drinking when the other hadn't which changes the crimes.

But yes, the point is that all other circumstances being equal, results matter.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
Hopefully he will learn from his mistake and become a better person when all is said and done. He seems like a stand up guy, let's hear his side of the story also.

Maybe he's a stand up guy, I have no idea. However, with all due respect, he doesn't have a side to the story.

He got in an accident, left the scene, and the police tested him and determined that he'd been driving under the influence.

Unless the police are lying or the tests are completely wrong -- there is no story.

Maybe the DUI Test is Accurate Checklist:
Hits a stationary building with a car. Check.
Hits that building at approximately 4AM. Check.
Decides to leave the scene of the accident. Check.
Breath smells of alcohol. Check.
Fails breathalyzer test. Check.

Quack Shot

Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
ROR is an idiot. He needs to be suspended 15-30 games without pay by the Sabres and his money should be used to pay for the repairs of the Tim Horton's.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2010
This is interesting.

So he had a DUI hit and run (effectively). I am certain that all of the good moral folks who wanted Voynov's head will be equally vocal about this one. RoR intentionally drove his vehicle while drunk and or impaired caused damage to private property and then left the scene. Under his level of impairment he decided that it was alright to risk his and everyone else on the roads life by getting behind the wheel. He deserves at least 90 days in jail and 3 years probation for what he did. He is damned lucky he didn't kill anyone but of course if he had he would have been able to walk without any real punishment.

I hope he gets help for his problem today and that it goes away. Anyone who takes this sort of thing lightly has likely never had anyone horribly injured by a drunk driver before in their lives. To me the punishment doesn't fit the crime at all for first offenders.

You see, I really don't approve of your line of thinking. Here's why, I lost a close aunt to a texting 22 year old. I don't believe I take that lightly, but I don't believe the young lady, who knew it was against the law, should be banished and shunned by society for the rest of her life.

My parents owned a bar, saw plenty of gheyood people make similar mistakes, they knew better to. Doesn't make them morons, bags, scrum or evil. It makes them human.

Felix Unger

Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
It is just my opinion, or is the shine of the NHL player as the goody-goody of the sporting world coming off spectacularly in this past year? Of course there have been many, many incidents and lawbreakers over the history of the NHL, but it just feels so much more acute with the recent litany of sins among the NHL ranks. I think many of us embraced the myth of the good, young hockey player as being morally superior to those in the NBA, NFL and MLB.

I thought it was pretty well understood that that the good young hockey player was circumstantially superior to those in the NBA and NFL. How many NHL players grew up in poverty?

One consequence of the world taking notice of what was happening in the NFL and NBA is that people who were typically insulated from scrutiny start losing that scrutiny. It seems to me that this is happening to a certain extent. I'm not sure there's anything much deeper going on, though.
Jan 29, 2009
Real dumb decision, but thankfully nobody was hurt. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and he learns from this and doesn't do it again, and becomes a better person for it.

If it happens a second time..... well then.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2007
Hopefully he will learn from his mistake and become a better person when all is said and done. He seems like a stand up guy, let's hear his side of the story also.

Trade him to Montreal. Therrien will make him a good person.

But my god these athletes have to learn, you are making millions of dollars. Take a cab its not like the cab ride will make or break how much you can spend the next day.


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
The kid made a mistake... Big deal - move on...

I'm sure if you ask Voynov he'd say what he did was a mistake too.

Hitting the Tim Horton's was a mistake that can be understood based on what it seems happened. If he was sober when it happened, everyone would be laughing it off, probably including him. Driving drunk in the first place and then fleeing the scene on foot are the things that escalate this situation.

Like people are saying, hopefully he learns his lesson. And thankfully he didn't hurt anybody. He made an awful decision. Doesn't mean he has to continue doing so in the future, so hopefully he doesn't.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2011
The kid made a mistake... Big deal - move on...

Yeah, well... frankly you don't get to make mistakes like this after you just recently signed a contract worth over 50 million. That's to say nothing of how selfish and dangerous drunk driving is in general.

La Cosa Nostra

Jun 25, 2009
I'm sure if you ask Voynov he'd say what he did was a mistake too.

Hitting the Tim Horton's was a mistake that can be understood based on what it seems happened. If he was sober when it happened, everyone would be laughing it off, probably including him. Driving drunk in the first place and then fleeing the scene on foot are the things that escalate this situation.

Did RoR end up hurting another human in this incident? No. Voynov severely injured his WIFE.

RoR will get a 5 game suspension max for this. If one at all.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
Jeez ... how drunk do you have to be to drive *into* a Tim Horton's? It's not like they're in the middle of the street or something.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
surprised to see how many fans think he'll be booted off the team and have his contract thrown out.

The guy is a professional athlete who makes millions of dollars.

Why is everyone forgetting how these guys get off of everything scott-free???

He'll have his charges dropped or at least reduced, and do a few weeks community service.

That's how the law rolls when it comes to athletes - corrupted as ever


Registered User
Oct 26, 2006
Orchard Park, NY
Jeez ... how drunk do you have to be to drive *into* a Tim Horton's? It's not like they're in the middle of the street or something.

From what I've seen, it's one of the small windows across from a parking spot. He likely hit the gas instead of the brake when he was pulling in. It looks like the broken window is the only damage he did
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