Post-Game Talk: Rexall, Northlands, Skyreach Centre, Edmonton Coliseum-final NHL bow


Oct 19, 2009
I spent a couple of hours reading all of the ire in a couple of places, including the main board, and I don't get it. Yeah, I would have trimmed the ceremony by 45 minutes but it was fine.

To the fans of other teams who mercilessly slammed the ceremony...IT WASN'T FOR YOU!!! It was for Oilers' fans and they generally seemed to love it. I would have sat through the entire procession of former Oilers. I remember virtually all of them. Unfortunately, my all-time favourite (Norm Ullman) wasn't there. :(

Rexall has been the scene of some magnificent events and achievements - hockey, concerts and such. I could come up with a list of quite a few moments that I saw that I'll remember for the rest of my life. It's a building that deserves to be honoured and they did just fine.

Think of the cost of bringing all of those former players to Edmonton for this event. I give the Oilers and Katz credit for honouring all of them - greats and not-so-greats. I would have handled the intros differently but it was fine.

I hope that event reminds today's players of a remarkable past and instills a pride that they may also be able to achieve wonderful things. I loved seeing the look on some of the players who got to meet Gretz and Messier.

That event rated a B+ in my books.


Registered User
Nov 20, 2014
Canucks fan here. Honoured for the canucks to be the last nhl team to play against the oilers in such a historic building. I will miss rexall place! Good luck to the oilers next year in their new arena! Looks beautiful! Quick question are they planning on moving the statue?

I believe so - otherwise some birds will make a nest on Gretzky's head.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
Honestly if Pronger was there last night, how could you possibly boo him?

His one season here was quite memorable. He should have gotten a standing ovation.

I've always liked the guy. After listening to Kassian on gregor's show with regards to Spezza I don't know that I'd really ever get on a guy again for asking for a trade. Unless of course the player quit. If teammates don't have an issue with guys wanting a trade, who am I to blast the guy.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
I had no problem with the length of the intros. It was my favorite part of the night. My complaint, watching on TV at home, was that some idiot producer at Sportsnet thought it would be a good idea to have Quinn and Specter talking about absolutely nothing and making it next to impossible to hear. What a bonehead move that was and it came close to ruining the night for me. I almost turned it off. I'm guessing people were calling in complaining and they finally realized how stupid it was and shut them up for the final twenty minutes or so.

For the most part, the interviews were pretty good. Some uncomfortable to hear. My favorite was easily
Craig Simpson thanking Paul Coffey for holding out and forcing the trade with Pittsburgh. That was gold.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2009
I had no problem with the length of the intros. It was my favorite part of the night. My complaint, watching on TV at home, was that some idiot producer at Sportsnet thought it would be a good idea to have Quinn and Specter talking about absolutely nothing and making it next to impossible to hear. What a bonehead move that was and it came close to ruining the night for me. I almost turned it off. I'm guessing people were calling in complaining and they finally realized how stupid it was and shut them up for the final twenty minutes or so.

For the most part, the interviews were pretty good. Some uncomfortable to hear. My favorite was easily
Craig Simpson thanking Paul Coffey for holding out and forcing the trade with Pittsburgh. That was gold.

Coffey didn't look to thrilled that he brought that up :laugh:

McGreat One

Registered User
Jan 1, 2010
Not at all what I meant. I was trying to state those that are not Oiler fans wouldn't find much in it.

Yep. To fans of other teams this would be like listening to 2hrs of church of Oilers.

A day later and a dollar short I'm still nonplussed and heres where its landed for me. The whole time I felt something was off, but I often require some time to kind of figure out what rubbed me the wrong way.
But heres the deal. An org that has **** the bed for the last 10yrs and just **** the bed on Saturday is having a celebration (not of Rexall) but of Oilers, the Oilers way, and "Once an Oiler always an Oiler" To that end this felt like a false bill of goods. There was not one video of the planning and construction of the Coliseum, of its birth, of what it gave to this city, and the vision for a small Canadian city to build one of the best rinks on Earth at the time. None of that. This wasn't really about the last game played at Rexall. It was another Oilers love in and that at this point in time is undeserved.

A proper send off of the Coliseum would have made that the focal point in addition to the Oilers play there. Hope this clarifies my take.

A few people on here believe it's not the time or place to voice your opinions and think you should have just kept your opinions to yourself. I think they're wrong and believe this is exactly the place to voice your opinions. It's the whole purpose of these boards IMO.

In saying that, I disagree with a lot of what you said. It's not that I think you are completely wrong in your opinions. I really didn't feel a need to bring in guys like Shawn Belle and Ryan O'Marra who contributed basically nothing to the arena. I just feel that your views of what Rexall/Northlands/Coliseum/Skyreach represented and what last night was all about differs from how most other Oiler fans see it.

While yes, the whole ceremony was for a building that stood as a centerpiece for the city for so many years, it's actually the history and memories created inside the building that made the Arena so special. When people think about Rexall they think about the Stanley cups, the broken records, the magical talent that called this building home and even the '06 cup run that brought not only a city, but a whole Country together. Being from Newfoundland I can assure you that there was no place I'd rather be in the world as a game at Rexall Place during that epic run. What better way to celebrate than to invite as many guys that contributed to those memories as possible, save for the Shawn Belle's and Ryan O'Marra's.

You mentioned how we shouldn't be celebrating these special memories or history anymore because of the organization's recent years of losing and embarrassment, but I think you're missing the point of the ceremony. The celebration was about the good years. The special moments that occurred inside the building. It was about for just one night, forgetting about the losses, forgetting about discontent of the organization and fans and forgetting about whatever changes are about to happen, It was about with each name called during the introductions, bringing back a memory of a time inside this arena that we'd like to go back and relive. It was a night to celebrate the end on an era and to remember all the great moments and for one night, forget about the recent bad ones. It's why guys like Lowe who played a major role in running this team to the ground the last few years received as many cheers as a legend like Fuhr or Coffey.

I mentioned in an earlier post that being from Newfoundland I've never actually had the privilege of experiencing Rexall Place so maybe I'm out to lunch with my opinions and comments and shouldn't be entitled to such a strong opinion, but I truly believe there's something magical about this arena and organization in general. How else can you explain a kid from "The Rock" surrounded by Leafs and Habs fans becoming so fascinated by a team, City and Stadium that I've never stepped foot in?


Registered User
Jun 23, 2007
I missed lee fogolin, Beukaboom, Dave Dryden and Tikkanen-of course:)-unless I missed them. Was sad seeing Klima too-he looked terrible and could barely stay up in his seat. Hard life. Was a great night otherwise. One of my first favorites was rusty patenaud and it was very nice to see him there and the short interview with him. I remember these guys when they were young. Makes me feel very old to see them now. Great memories.

Me too. I also was hoping to see Steve Smith and Huddy, but I assume they were too busy with their other teams.

Some guys surprised me by coming back, like Corson, who had a pretty rough time with the Oilers, and Cross, who was a fan whipping boy. I was not at all expecting Kilma either. Really thought Sather would be there, and after seeing Cal Nichols I had a weird feeling that Pocklington would be there too. Obviously that didn't happen.

P.S. Somebody mentioned Pronger. I think I would have fallen out of my chair in surprise if he had been there. :laugh:


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
Looking back on it if we did win game 7 in 2006 ... I mean Pronger would have to come back at some point ... right? That would have been interesting. The fans welcomed Comrie back with open arms though so I don't think it would've been a big issue.


If it didn't happen in the 80's, it didn't happen
Jan 5, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta
"He played on five Stanley Cups, 6 if you count the oilers farm team in new york"

****ING SHADE!!!

Chairman Maouth

Retired Staff
Apr 29, 2009
Comox Valley
I heard on Canucks radio this morning that Gretzky scored 933 points in Northlands Coliseum alone. That may be the most amazing stat I have ever heard. Premier NHL players don't score that many points in their entire careers in 20 or 30 different buildings (depending on the era). Just amazing.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
Yep. To fans of other teams this would be like listening to 2hrs of church of Oilers.
Pretty much. I can certainly sympathize with the fans who want to have the ceremony and celebrate the great teams and players that treated the lucky few to feats that are unlikely to ever be replicated. I thought the post by Great One was good, and summed up a lot of that sentiment well.

But I'm with you on this one. I saw Stanleys presented live in that building. I saw things I'll never see again in my lifetime. But I didn't watch a second of the ceremony yesterday. Turned off the TV with a bad taste in my mouth that these losers spanked a Canucks Bsquad (again, just like last year and so on. Hey Nail even scored!) and get to go out feeling proud of themselves ... and then celebrate with all the glory days players and bask in the adulation. I just couldn't stomach it. I wanted to remember what I remember, not the canned 'greatness' Katz and cronies try to feed me.

Love the Oilers. Loved Rexall, though I haven't seen a game live there for nearly ten years. Didn't feel like celebrating any of that yesterday after another year of bitter disappointment.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
If I can preface this, what a wonderful post and its my wish you would post more often.
A few people on here believe it's not the time or place to voice your opinions and think you should have just kept your opinions to yourself. I think they're wrong and believe this is exactly the place to voice your opinions. It's the whole purpose of these boards IMO
. Indeed. If a fanbased messageboard isn't the place to express connected topical thoughts than what is?

In saying that, I disagree with a lot of what you said. It's not that I think you are completely wrong in your opinions. I really didn't feel a need to bring in guys like Shawn Belle and Ryan O'Marra who contributed basically nothing to the arena. I just feel that your views of what Rexall/Northlands/Coliseum/Skyreach represented and what last night was all about differs from how most other Oiler fans see it.
Yes, but to somebody that knows the history intimately, and what an interesting history it is, the ceremony waxed very briefly over the founder Bill Hunter, without which the dream of the Oilers, Rexall, NHL, doesn't exist. So in Essence a Shawn Belle got as much air time as a Bill Hunter. That's plain sad.

While yes, the whole ceremony was for a building that stood as a centerpiece for the city for so many years, it's actually the history and memories created inside the building that made the Arena so special.
Here I disagree. Its the visions and foresight of forefathers to build one of the best arenas in the world at the time in the sleepy backwater called Edmonton that put this city on the map. No less than Wayne Gretzky is unequivocal that he wouldn't have signed here without the Arena. People in the know have long known Badali, his agent was Leaning Winnipegs way and with the way the Jets played the game (euro styled hockey) being a natural fit for Wayne. All of what people think about at Rexall doesn't occur without the visions and hardwork to get the Excellent Coliseum built.

When people think about Rexall they think about the Stanley cups, the broken records, the magical talent that called this building home and even the '06 cup run that brought not only a city, but a whole Country together. Being from Newfoundland I can assure you that there was no place I'd rather be in the world as a game at Rexall Place during that epic run. What better way to celebrate than to invite as many guys that contributed to those memories as possible, save for the Shawn Belle's and Ryan O'Marra's.
Yeah, on the right day I'm as nostalgic as anybody but I know all the stories, read all the books, was here for it all. Its great stuff for people that want to rehash that again and/or are less familiar with it. Still, that stated they glossed over a lot of the history. Thing is they spent more time in ceremony than a Queens Coronation and in so doing so celebrating the team more than the building. In effect the Oilers moved the goal posts. This was advertised as a swansong for Rexall. It became imo another multiple hour love in for the Oilers.

You mentioned how we shouldn't be celebrating these special memories or history anymore because of the organization's recent years of losing and embarrassment, but I think you're missing the point of the ceremony. The celebration was about the good years. The special moments that occurred inside the building. It was about for just one night, forgetting about the losses, forgetting about discontent of the organization and fans and forgetting about whatever changes are about to happen, It was about with each name called during the introductions, bringing back a memory of a time inside this arena that we'd like to go back and relive. It was a night to celebrate the end on an era and to remember all the great moments and for one night, forget about the recent bad ones. It's why guys like Lowe who played a major role in running this team to the ground the last few years received as many cheers as a legend like Fuhr or Coffey.
This is where being from out of town means you may not have the whole story. The Nostalgic ceremonies here have been endless the last dozen or so years. The Oilers have been milking this for seemingly ever. While putting out a losing team for a decade that has missed the playoffs for a record decade. A low point in NHL history and celebrating? After a 5-0 loss on home ice to Calgary?

I guarantee you if this ceremony would have occurred immediately after the Flames game reactions would be unpredictable. The team **** the bed that night and it seems as if one W lets them off the hook because the fanbase is induced down memory lane yet one more time.

I mentioned in an earlier post that being from Newfoundland I've never actually had the privilege of experiencing Rexall Place so maybe I'm out to lunch with my opinions and comments and shouldn't be entitled to such a strong opinion, but I truly believe there's something magical about this arena and organization in general. How else can you explain a kid from "The Rock" surrounded by Leafs and Habs fans becoming so fascinated by a team, City and Stadium that I've never stepped foot in?
A lot of people here have commented that the Oilers org have utilized these trips down memory lane to distract from the terrible entertainment product and team they have actually been providing for decades. Nor does the one outlier cup run in 06 really dispel that. We've had futility here mostly since 1992. 25 seasons of futility with a paltry 3 playoff seasons in all that duration. In essence we're celebrating in context of that.
Last edited:


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
Pretty much. I can certainly sympathize with the fans who want to have the ceremony and celebrate the great teams and players that treated the lucky few to feats that are unlikely to ever be replicated. I thought the post by Great One was good, and summed up a lot of that sentiment well.

But I'm with you on this one. I saw Stanleys presented live in that building. I saw things I'll never see again in my lifetime. But I didn't watch a second of the ceremony yesterday. Turned off the TV with a bad taste in my mouth that these losers spanked a Canucks Bsquad (again, just like last year and so on. Hey Nail even scored!) and get to go out feeling proud of themselves ... and then celebrate with all the glory days players and bask in the adulation. I just couldn't stomach it. I wanted to remember what I remember, not the canned 'greatness' Katz and cronies try to feed me.

Love the Oilers. Loved Rexall, though I haven't seen a game live there for nearly ten years. Didn't feel like celebrating any of that yesterday after another year of bitter disappointment.

Can you imagine if they tried to do this *celebration of all things Oilers* immediately after the just previous Flames game. They'd have to call in the firetrucks and emergency backup.

Another failed season let off the hooks by shining nostalgia of things this org once did over a quarter century ago. With the org curiously never stopping to have gloating avarice in its accomplishments since.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2007
Pretty much. I can certainly sympathize with the fans who want to have the ceremony and celebrate the great teams and players that treated the lucky few to feats that are unlikely to ever be replicated. I thought the post by Great One was good, and summed up a lot of that sentiment well.

But I'm with you on this one. I saw Stanleys presented live in that building. I saw things I'll never see again in my lifetime. But I didn't watch a second of the ceremony yesterday. Turned off the TV with a bad taste in my mouth that these losers spanked a Canucks Bsquad (again, just like last year and so on. Hey Nail even scored!) and get to go out feeling proud of themselves ... and then celebrate with all the glory days players and bask in the adulation. I just couldn't stomach it. I wanted to remember what I remember, not the canned 'greatness' Katz and cronies try to feed me.

Love the Oilers. Loved Rexall, though I haven't seen a game live there for nearly ten years. Didn't feel like celebrating any of that yesterday after another year of bitter disappointment.

I can see how some people would not take kindly to yet another celebration of the past when the current team still stinks. I think the main reason why I was able to look past the negatives is because I still believe this team is heading in the right direction with Chia/TMac. I'd be pissed off as hell if Lowe/MacT/Eakins were still in charge.

That being said, this summer needs to be a huge one, especially for Chia. He can't afford to continue taking baby steps; he's got to be willing to make the major changes they need to at least be competing for a playoff spot next year.


There is nothing to do in Mockingbird Heights
Oct 3, 2015
Can you imagine if they tried to do this *celebration of all things Oilers* immediately after the just previous Flames game. They'd have to call in the firetrucks and emergency backup.

Another failed season let off the hooks by shining nostalgia of things this org once did over a quarter century ago. With the org curiously never stopping to have gloating avarice in its accomplishments since.

Everything boils down to such politics, even sports....;)


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
I can see how some people would not take kindly to yet another celebration of the past when the current team still stinks. I think the main reason why I was able to look past the negatives is because I still believe this team is heading in the right direction with Chia/TMac. I'd be pissed off as hell if Lowe/MacT/Eakins were still in charge.

That being said, this summer needs to be a huge one, especially for Chia. He can't afford to continue taking baby steps; he's got to be willing to make the major changes they need to at least be competing for a playoff spot next year.

I dunno. Still a lot of strange going on. Chia as the current manager and yet Lowe speaking for the org still at the latest tribal massing of the hordes.. :D

With Nicholson smiling and grinning like a banshee backstage hoping Lowe doesn't off script self destruct yet again.

Lowe/MacT blew this team up over the last decade time and time again and are still EMPLOYED.

Its not just the fans that see that as incongruent. I wonder what the players think sometimes when Klowe is still front center in something like this.

My worst fears is that Lowe/MacT never really go away. Just in hiding for awhile trying to lie in the woodwork.

I guess I'm not a good enough person to be able to look beyond and look at Lowe at all. I just want to throw something at the screen when he goes on.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2006
Can you imagine if they tried to do this *celebration of all things Oilers* immediately after the just previous Flames game. They'd have to call in the firetrucks and emergency backup.

Another failed season let off the hooks by shining nostalgia of things this org once did over a quarter century ago. With the org curiously never stopping to have gloating avarice in its accomplishments since.

What do you want them to do? They have to play the game whether you like it or not, they might as well win.

No one's going to let them off the hook because of the ceremony. It was just a nice thing.

Some of you want everyone to be depressed until the hockey team is decent. Who wants to live like that?


There is nothing to do in Mockingbird Heights
Oct 3, 2015
I dunno. Still a lot of strange going on. Chia as the current manager and yet Lowe speaking for the org still at the latest tribal massing of the hordes.. :D

With Nicholson smiling and grinning like a banshee backstage hoping Lowe doesn't off script self destruct yet again.

Lowe/MacT blew this team up over the last decade time and time again and are still EMPLOYED.

Its not just the fans that see that as incongruent. I wonder what the players think sometimes when Klowe is still front center in something like this.

My worst fears is that Lowe/MacT never really go away. Just in hiding for awhile trying to lie in the woodwork.

I guess I'm not a good enough person to be able to look beyond and look at Lowe at all. I just want to throw something at the screen when he goes on.

No pun intended, but his speech was definately the low point of the night. Could have done without it.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2007
I dunno. Still a lot of strange going on. Chia as the current manager and yet Lowe speaking for the org still at the latest tribal massing of the hordes.. :D

With Nicholson smiling and grinning like a banshee backstage hoping Lowe doesn't off script self destruct yet again.

Lowe/MacT blew this team up over the last decade time and time again and are still EMPLOYED.

Its not just the fans that see that as incongruent. I wonder what the players think sometimes when Klowe is still front center in something like this.

My worst fears is that Lowe/MacT never really go away. Just in hiding for awhile trying to lie in the woodwork.

I guess I'm not a good enough person to be able to look beyond and look at Lowe at all. I just want to throw something at the screen when he goes on.

Like I said, I'm being patient... for now. That patience won't last forever.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
Everything boils down to such politics, even sports....;)

Nicholson to Lowe pre speech:

"Now remember Kevin, I'm giving you the microphone but no Charlie Sheen like rants about "winning" PS the moment you mention Burke I'm pulling the plug and we're going to commercial. Now get up there Kevin and try not to stumble and mumble and heres your script written on both hands..don't turn off the audio prompter or I'll use the trap door."


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
What do you want them to do? They have to play the game whether you like it or not, they might as well win.

No one's going to let them off the hook because of the ceremony. It was just a nice thing.

Some of you want everyone to be depressed until the hockey team is decent. Who wants to live like that?

Everybodies reaction is different and that's fine. Personally I have difficulty celebrating immediately after a wake. I have no difficulty with people experiencing how ever they want.

But if we're being real here half the board wanted to sell everybody but McDavid just two days ago and nuclear detonate this org into the sun but now are experiencing the warm glow of all things Oiler just one game after a monumental and maddening loss to Calgary. I have a bit more trouble doing the about turn that has us celebrate the same org just days later. Can't turn it off an on like that.

No, a win against Vancouvers AHL squad with Sedins in tow does not make up for what was another dismal loss to the hated Flames. The Flames destroyed Edmonton in the last BOA in our barn. That is ugly, as the whole board realized just a few nights ago. with me strangely being a more moderate voice in that thread.

But I can't stomach the timing of yet another org lovefest celebrating in effect 10 contiguous, record years of missing the playoffs. Would've been better to celebrate the Arena, as stated, at least its holding up its end of the bargain and the power and lights are going on. :D

Up the Irons

Registered User
Mar 9, 2008
Well, at least that was probably the last Rah! Rah! for the good old days for at least 10 years.

It was a nice touch, but please, make that the last one, and PLEASE put the 80s to bed.

I get the feeling that it's the older season ticket holder/edmonton business crowd, people that knew and socialized with the boys on the bus, that keep filling KLowe's head with positive advice/feedback for having more of these love-ins. He's still in tight with the tier 1 fans, and they are still a bunch of jock sniffers.


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