Recent Quantum Mechanics Research Says Time Travel Is Actually Possible


It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
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I was going to ask how this worked, but looks like the article answers the question. The standard fictional narrative for parallel worlds is that every time you make a decision it creates a branching parallel world. But considering that are decisions are just a bunch of neurons firing around in our brain (or however it works), that's just really anthropomorphizing the problem and doesn't make sense on the quantum physics level.

So then what exactly would a 'parallel' world be based on? The actual theory runs on that it's every time a quantum measurement is created.

...So can anyone briefly explain what a "quantum measurement" is? Trying to understand it from what the google search turns up is a little beyond my comprehension. Also in the article on this part one of the links goes to a Dragon Ball Z amazon page :laugh:


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