Player Discussion PK Subban: Done For The Year Edition

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BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
Maybe I should frame the discussion a little bit different. I'll do it with questions and people can provide the answers.

Would you prefer to see PK selling merchandise wearing a Habs sweater instead of a generic, non-Habs sweater?

Ties in with....

Would you prefer PK to say "it's not his job to score goals" or would it be better to say that scoring goals is in his job description to be paid $9 million?

You know, perception issues that cause RDS and Marinaro to talk negatively about PK and his sense of self.

Interesting you bring up perception....because that's precisely the problem with people and how THEY perceive Subban

Here's a perfect example

Watch this video, read the title of the video and go read the comments

Now look at this example

One video, Subban is accused of spitting on another player, which never even happened, they even had to interview the player he allegedly spit for him to comment on something that never happened

But look at the 2nd link I provided...Bernier ACTUALLY spits on someone and in the title of the video it's "accidentally spits on ref"

Bernier is given the benefit of the doubt, in fact, read the comments....everyone finds it hilarious, Sportsnet even has an article with how hilarious this is.

Tell me there's no double standard here, tell me perception isn't influenced here....

Truth is, people perceive Subban a certain way, for many reason, many of which they don't even realize and/or it taints the way they see anything he does.

In your example...its him shooting a commercial.

You should ask yourself why you perceive anything he does negatively

Non Player Canadiens

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
Maplewood, NJ
it's quite clear that the problem is the fans and not PK.

Geez what an insane overreaction.

Crosby is like in a million commercials and advertisements and he's already well compensated by his contract. Is Crosby also a selfish person and a team cancer?

Also, I'm fairly certain there are a couple of ads where Crosby isn't wearing the Pens uniform. It means squat all.

It says more of those trying to read into this than it does of PK Subban.

Look not a single Pens uniform in any of these ads: <---Gatorade
agree 100%.

it's almost like haters are looking for any pretext to hate on this particular player.
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BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
those players are actually good at the position they are paid to play,

they also have the respect of their team mates,

oh and how many cups has PK won compared to those players?

enough said,

A Stanley Cup is not an individual award

Furthermore, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who is sane of mind who would argue that PK Subban isn't a good player at his position

You think his teamates and other players don't respect him, because YOU don't....

Don't confuse YOUR reality, with reality

Non Player Canadiens

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
Maplewood, NJ
also, excellent post by 417 above, re: spitting ^ ^ ^

what i like best about this thread is the haters are stating opinions, but posters like Andy and 417 are presenting actual arguments to make their case.
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BBQ Chicken Alert!
Feb 20, 2003
also, excellent post by 417 above, re: spitting ^ ^ ^

what i like best about this thread is the haters are stating opinions, but posters like Andy and 417 are presenting actually arguments to make their case.

Thank you

I certainly don't mind opinions, that's what we're all here for

But when opinions (I.E. PK Subban is not respected) are passed off as fact, people need to get exposed.

Go read the article Kevin Shattenkirk posted about PK Subban...and tell me again he's not respected amongst his peers

Go look at Markov's instagram page and tell me against he's not respected by his teamates

I swear....reading through this thread, you'd think Mike Richards is posting in here


Error 520
Mar 8, 2006
those players are actually good at the position they are paid to play,

they also have the respect of their team mates,

oh and how many cups has PK won compared to those players?

enough said,

Can't wait for people to call Price not actually good after he doesn't take a pay cut. :laugh:


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
You're right. Maybe I was just annoyed when posting so I just projected myself to them. They probably were upset but unless there was a legal factor not known, c'est la vie. If Coca-Cola continues to sponsor or renews, this incident may force them to add another clause to prevent this from happening.

However, I think some people just go a little overboard on what makes a team player. It's within his rights and again, so long as no contract was violated, he has a right to make a living. If the Canadiens own his likeness and could have stopped him from appearing, they would had done so.

Ultimately, from a legal perspective, who really knows? Maybe there is a lawsuit brewing, I don't know. I just don't think making a Gatorade commercial makes PK a bad person. Despite the hate he gets from a vocal minority, he's never slammed his team, his boss or the fans.

The comments regarding goal scoring, well, he was asked after a loss in the midst of a terrible team stretch. In fight sports, that's why I don't hold post-fight comments of losing fighters against them. They just went through a war, got pounded in the face and fans call them idiots because they don't answer a question or say they are upset. PK apologized the next day after cooling off, which shows character to me since he acknowledges what he said. Sure, his mom told him he was a bad boy also, but he owned up to it.

Hey, I'm well aware PK makes mistakes, maybe says the wrong things at the wrong time, but I admire the fact he isn't a robot going through the motions. Maybe purists don't like this and while I chuckled with his big celebration scoring that goal versus the Blue Jackets, snapping his slump, at least he didn't ride his stick in front of the other bench giving the finger. I think we need more guys like PK to extend the brand of hockey outside to each fan bases' own market.

Regardless of what he is paid, defensemen are not counted on to be the primary goalscorers on the team. It is merely the result of what they do. They're not always going to be in the slot because they have to be at the point, taking point shots that other players will get their goals from. Duncan Keith was still praised left and right even though he has scored between 5 and 10 goals each season. The 9 millions are for his general point production and the difficult to quantify ability known as defensive play, and it is a fair, very fair, price.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native

players on other teams in the past have taken pay cuts to HELP THE TEAM sign other players, it doesnt surprise me his team mates do not care for him or respect him

PK thinks about himself only, and holds out for more money, that is not a good team player, and not somebody i would want on my team
Such grotesque ignorance. Absolutely grotesque.

Players DO NOT take pay cuts. The cheaper contracts are the result of a lower cap in previous years, they signed a "bridge skipper", OR they were STILL RFAs or on their ELCs. Oh, and some deals were "cap cirucumventers". It is not the PLAYERS humbly taking pay cuts. They get the money, but the management in the old CBA gave super long term to lower their cap hit.

Patrick Kane did not take a pay cut his payday. He was on HIS ELC during his first Cup win. Then his second deal was an EXTENSION THAT SKIPPED THE BRIDGE. That second deal expired, and now he is being paid a grand 10.5 million. No pay cut. Everything Patrick Kane took was fair market value at the time he signed his contract, except his ELC because the ELC is a management friendly part of the system.
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Registered User
Mar 7, 2011
Interesting you bring up perception....because that's precisely the problem with people and how THEY perceive Subban

Here's a perfect example

Watch this video, read the title of the video and go read the comments

Now look at this example

One video, Subban is accused of spitting on another player, which never even happened, they even had to interview the player he allegedly spit for him to comment on something that never happened

But look at the 2nd link I provided...Bernier ACTUALLY spits on someone and in the title of the video it's "accidentally spits on ref"

Bernier is given the benefit of the doubt, in fact, read the comments....everyone finds it hilarious, Sportsnet even has an article with how hilarious this is.

Tell me there's no double standard here, tell me perception isn't influenced here....

Truth is, people perceive Subban a certain way, for many reason, many of which they don't even realize and/or it taints the way they see anything he does.

In your example...its him shooting a commercial.

You should ask yourself why you perceive anything he does negatively

PK does a lot that is positive. His donation to the Children's Hospital is a perfect example. Every interaction that I have seen with PK and fans or ordinary people is a positive. The guy is upbeat and likable. That's why I always say that I don't hate PK Subban, the person. What is there to criticize him for?

I lost a lot of respect for PK when he held out and didn't start the season with the Habs. He eventually relinquished and joined the team after the Habs went 3-1 without him.

Then arbitration that forced Molson to step over Bergevin and give him the albatross contract.

Throw in the picture of him with a group of Habs players where he's holding up 9 fingers.

The rumored sulking at not being named C.

The childish "it's not my job to score goals".

All of this while Bergevin signed scraps because of his $9 million cap hit as the the team struggled without a real Top 6.

How hard would it have been to reach out to Coca Cola and tell them that PepsiCo offered him X to endorse Gatorade. Coke would jump at the chance to have their team partners star player on every billboard in Montreal and the Bell Centre.

Maybe I prefer people who are a bit more humble and athletes who are team first. Again, it's my opinion. No more or no less valid than anyone else's.


Mar 9, 2011
Maryland native
PK does a lot that is positive. His donation to the Children's Hospital is a perfect example. Every interaction that I have seen with PK and fans or ordinary people is a positive. The guy is upbeat and likable. That's why I always say that I don't hate PK Subban, the person. What is there to criticize him for?

I lost a lot of respect for PK when he held out and didn't start the season with the Habs. He eventually relinquished and joined the team after the Habs went 3-1 without him.

Then arbitration that forced Molson to step over Bergevin and give him the albatross contract.

Throw in the picture of him with a group of Habs players where he's holding up 9 fingers.

The rumored sulking at not being named C.

The childish "it's not my job to score goals".

All of this while Bergevin signed scraps because of his $9 million cap hit as the the team struggled without a real Top 6.

How hard would it have been to reach out to Coca Cola and tell them that PepsiCo offered him X to endorse Gatorade. Coke would jump at the chance to have their team partners star player on every billboard in Montreal and the Bell Centre.

Maybe I prefer people who are a bit more humble and athletes who are team first. Again, it's my opinion. No more or no less valid than anyone else's.

His holdout was because of a deadlock between negotiations. Why was Marc Bergevin in the right for putting him on the bridge deal? The bridge deal is supposed to be for risky players who have not sufficiently proven they belong. Like Tyson Barrie, who had one season cut short due to injury, making him a "risk". But Subban has been consistently since he first call up during the playoffs and the two seasons after. There should be low perceived risk and a serious consideration by the GM to ink him to an extension right then and there. THIS IS BUSINESS, and a GM moronically sticking to his mis-evaluation does make Subban some lousy teammate. It is GM botching the process.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2011
PK does a lot that is positive. His donation to the Children's Hospital is a perfect example. Every interaction that I have seen with PK and fans or ordinary people is a positive. The guy is upbeat and likable. That's why I always say that I don't hate PK Subban, the person. What is there to criticize him for?

I lost a lot of respect for PK when he held out and didn't start the season with the Habs. He eventually relinquished and joined the team after the Habs went 3-1 without him.

Then arbitration that forced Molson to step over Bergevin and give him the albatross contract.

Throw in the picture of him with a group of Habs players where he's holding up 9 fingers.

The rumored sulking at not being named C.

The childish "it's not my job to score goals".

All of this while Bergevin signed scraps because of his $9 million cap hit as the the team struggled without a real Top 6.

How hard would it have been to reach out to Coca Cola and tell them that PepsiCo offered him X to endorse Gatorade. Coke would jump at the chance to have their team partners star player on every billboard in Montreal and the Bell Centre.

Maybe I prefer people who are a bit more humble and athletes who are team first. Again, it's my opinion. No more or no less valid than anyone else's.

Just stop. This is getting ridiculous.

Did you just base your opinion on a rumor? :help:


Registered User
Oct 17, 2015
It seems that if PK had gone to arbitration, it was going to be a one year contract and the following year he was going to be UFA.
Pretty sure Molson was involved but decision must have been MB's.
What could he do, arbitration for one year?

This gives another perspective to PK's contract. How much he could have got on the UFA market? 7M? 8M? 9M? 10M? more?
You have to look at Kane's and Toews's contract to have a perspective. PK is in the same list of top elite player. There are maybe 30 players like that in the league.
Let's see how much Shattenkirk will get in the next 12 months...

D-men like PK never reach UFA market.
Even Shea Weber's offer sheet was matched despite all the picks that were involved.
Keith was locked in many years ago with a contract the ended up forcing NHL to change the rules (with Kovalchuck, Parise and Suter).


Registered User
Jan 18, 2013
How hard would it have been to reach out to Coca Cola and tell them that PepsiCo offered him X to endorse Gatorade. Coke would jump at the chance to have their team partners star player on every billboard in Montreal and the Bell Centre.

Besides it being totally unprofessional you just would accuse him of being greedy by trying to play Coke and Pepsi off each other to maximise his deal.


Registered User
Sep 10, 2008
Scandalous how games at the Bell center are broadcast on Rogers networks them being competing corporations and all.

We need a corporate rights tribunal.
Nothing makes my blood boil more than Corporations being disrespected like that.

PK NEEDS to be traded !!!

Will NO-ONE think of the children ???

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