Confirmed with Link: Marian Gaborik to Columbus for Brassard, J. Moore and Dorsett

*Bob Richards*

Marian Gaborik ‏@MGaborik10 7m

Congrats to NY Rangers for advancing in game 7!

Love Gabby so much!
Now, do we win this series without the trade? Gabby or Moore/Dorsett/BrassGod?

I have an extremely hard time thinking that. Hell, we might not even make the playoffs had we not made this trade. Gaborik played hurt again.


The People's Champ
Jun 1, 2008
as I said before. Was surprised/didn't like the trade when it happend, mainly cuz I'm a huge gabby fan. But man, what a trade!! Awesome!

Agreed. Wasn't a fan either (mostly out of pure emotion, being a Gaby fan and not knowing anyone's names), but the trade looks like a huge win now.

Especially now that we find out Gaby is injured... again.

The Perfect Paradox

Beyond Good and Evil
Aug 16, 2007
New York
I remember staring blankly at the computer screen for a few moments when I first heard of this trade. I wasn't sure what to think, and I had this irking feeling that Sather could have held out a while longer and gotten more in return for Gaborik at a later time.

I feel stupid about doubting the return and I love absolutely everything about this trade (right now). Dorsett, Moore and Brassard addressed some of the biggest needs on this current roster and will be key pieces going forward.

It may be a bit premature, but I think in a few years we will be looking back on this as another one of Sather's great trades.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2011
Plagiarizing myself from the last thread.

So in conclusion,

We got a 3rd line center, who's skills don't translate to centering a 3rd line.

We got yet another solid left handed defenseman who doesn't create offense.

And we finally got Brandon Prust's replacement, but he can't play until the playoffs. The playoffs that we probably won't make.

For Marian Gaborik.


Garden Mystique

Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
Jersey Shore
This trade just keeps getting better and better

I love John Moore, looks like another young kid that seems to thrive in big pressure situations and as all of us know from listening Sam " good play by mcdonagh there, sorry that's Moore". Joe " they both have that seven same and look the same when they skate"


Registered User
Jan 26, 2013
New York
It's actually not good how often I confuse McD and Moore without Sam's senility doing it for me.


Block shots
Jan 24, 2011
I'll admit, I was ready to crucify Sather for this.

Turns out, his scouts are better than me. Brass and Moore have exceeded expectations, and Dorsett has easily met them


Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
I want a Brassard jersey. He's a breath of fresh air on a team that's been devoid of offensive creativity for awhile now.


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