Marc-Antoine Pouliot vs Corey Perry

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Registered User
Aug 28, 2004
I think this one is actually alot closer than some people might think... They are differnt players, Pouliot is the better all around player but Perry has alot more dangles. Thats about all Perry has in fact is dangles. Though he is toughening up, Perry somewhat reminds me of a poor mans vinny lecav, if he can ever get physical then he could be pretty good. We'll see, I think its closer than people would say but hmmm I dunno who Id go with, prob Pouliot cause its morea sure thing.


Perry in a heartbeat. Sorry, Pouliout's skating looks kinda choppy and not smooth. Perry was just too awesome for me, durin the world juniors.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2003
Ive been lucky enough to see alot of these guys, especially this past year where both guys had incredible years. Perry obviously has the higher ceiling offensively, but my vote has to go to Pouliet. Perry IMO will struggle to adjust to the NHL, whereas MAP should be able to make a smoother transition.


Registered User
May 20, 2002
My concern with Perry is his atrocious skating. Corey Perry has some of the most entertaining puck handling skills of any prospect in the past few years. His ability to play with the puck is truly special, and he knows how to finish. But I am really concerned about his movement. If he can overcome or improve that, I think Perry could be a very useful and successful NHLer.

Blind Gardien

nexus of the crisis
Apr 2, 2004
Four Winds Bar
I think I have a tendency to underrate Pouliot in general, but even acknowledging that, I can't see how this is close. Perry by a country parsec.

There are elements to Perry's game which he'll have to overcome in his pro transition, namely his quickness, and adjusting to the fact that some of his moves and feints that worked in junior have no chance in the pros, but I just see him as the kind of guy who will quickly adapt given that he has such natural creativity and offensive instincts. When something doesn't work anymore, he can find a solution. I have confidence he'll find a solution and become a solid producer at the NHL level. I wouldn't have said this last year, but after watching probably close to 20 Knights games this past season, he sold me.

As for Pouliot... he's just all-over-lukewarm for me. Sometimes I can't figure out if he's lacking passion, or if he's lacking pure skill, or what exactly, other times he shows me exactly what he seemed to be lacking, but there's just something about him that makes me think he won't cut it as a really productive NHLer. He might be one of those guys who re-invents himself a bit to make it. That's just a feeling I get watching him, though, unsupported by any tangible evidence or clear thought.

oil slick

Registered User
Feb 6, 2004
Blind Gardien said:
There are elements to Perry's game which he'll have to overcome in his pro transition, namely his quickness, and adjusting to the fact that some of his moves and feints that worked in junior have no chance in the pros, but I just see him as the kind of guy who will quickly adapt given that he has such natural creativity and offensive instincts. When something doesn't work anymore, he can find a solution. I have confidence he'll find a solution and become a solid producer at the NHL level. I wouldn't have said this last year, but after watching probably close to 20 Knights games this past season, he sold me.

Maybe you'[re right and Perry will adapt, but whenever I see him do his little toe drag I think that there are only a handful of NHL defensmen that would actually fall for it... the toe drags and feints I see work in the NHL are all done at high speed... something Perry does not do.

What makes you think he'll adapt so well? Just an overall impression, or something specific?

Blind Gardien

nexus of the crisis
Apr 2, 2004
Four Winds Bar
oil slick said:
Maybe you'[re right and Perry will adapt, but whenever I see him do his little toe drag I think that there are only a handful of NHL defensmen that would actually fall for it... the toe drags and feints I see work in the NHL are all done at high speed... something Perry does not do.

What makes you think he'll adapt so well? Just an overall impression, or something specific?
The thing that cements it for me is just the elbow grease and gutty play he's added under Hunter. He took A LOT of abuse this past season, he was always getting slammed down and cut up, and even though some will say he embellished at times, others would argue that he really was taking a beating and the blood and bruises were real enough. And despite all that, he usually kept coming back. His toe drag and his slo-mo inside-outs and everything won't translate, but when you watch more and more games, it seems like he comes up with other incredible moves and he does do them sometimes at higher speed too. I don't think he's unable to do the moves at high(er) speed; I think he just has never had to. So he'll still be able to bring some of that. And maybe if there's an obstruction crackdown it will only help him. Spezza had a bit of that in his beginnings too, but I don't think anybody seriously doubts his potential to put up pro points now. Perry can set up plays and has the same kind of vision, and I think he'll adjust more and more to being that kind of visionary setup guy, even if he has to sacrifice some of his own cute plays. Nothing is ever set in stone, of course, but I've gone from being "moderately surprised if Perry makes it" in his draft year to "very surprised if he doesn't make it" now.


dont worry about perry guys, If Daniel Sedin can make it, so can Cory Perry.


AgentNaslund said:
dont worry about perry guys, If Daniel Sedin can make it, so can Cory Perry.
Sedin could skate around the rink 3 times before Perry got 1/2 way around the 1st time.
Perry is an atrocious skater.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
MA poilot is only as good as Crosby made him.

Perry was the best player on a vastly superior team.

Perry>Pouliot by a long shot.


Registered User
Aug 14, 2004
therealdeal said:
MA poilot is only as good as Crosby made him.

Perry was the best player on a vastly superior team.

Perry>Pouliot by a long shot.

Interesting that Pouliot had 32 goals and 73 points the season before Crosby got there. Also don't you think that playing on a superior team increases point totals and makes a player better.

That being said even though there is a good chance Perry busts, I like higher upside with prospects. So it is Perry for me but not by a long shot.

Divine Wind

AgentNaslund said:
Perry in a heartbeat. Sorry, Pouliout's skating looks kinda choppy and not smooth. Perry was just too awesome for me, durin the world juniors.

I jsut attended a couple days of Oiler's rookie camp and i can assure his skating is just fine.


Dr_Gonz0 said:
I jsut attended a couple days of Oiler's rookie camp and i can assure his skating is just fine.

The joke is , Pouliot could skate circles around Perry, so god only knows what the clown is talking about when he critisizes Pouliots skating.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2003
Perry is not going to try to deke around every player in the NHL. Perry is getting bigger and stronger and he is more than willing to drive to the net for garbage goals. He has a very good shot, playmaking instincts, great stick handling and size, he can get his skating up to average by the time he is in the NHL. I'd take him anyday over Pouliot.


They both play different positions so it's sort of tough to compare. Pouliot's stats are inflated by an NHL ready Crosby, while Perry's stats are inflated by ungodly amounts of ice time (40 minutes/game,the likes of which he will never see again). Pouliot is a faster, more refined skater, but doesn't have the stamina of Perry (2 to 3 minutes at a whack,plus being thrown on every PP opportunity plus PK duty). The more overall utility player is Perry, while the more refined player is Pouliot.

Pouliot increased Crosby's stats too though, as Crosby was projecting something like 110 points on the season before Pouliot was thrown on his line.

Bottom line both teams have a keeper, the Oilers need a center and the Ducks need a winger. Everything worked out great. :D


Registered User
Dec 4, 2002
oilerlova said:
Interesting that Pouliot had 32 goals and 73 points the season before Crosby got there. Also don't you think that playing on a superior team increases point totals and makes a player better.

That being said even though there is a good chance Perry busts, I like higher upside with prospects. So it is Perry for me but not by a long shot.

comming from the guy (not you the guy your quoting) who probably is a believer that datsyuk is only good because he plays with hull, morrison because he plays with naslund and bertuzzi, ect... if players are good enough to play with stars, they obviously know what they are doing....
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