Confirmed with Link: Locker Room Exit Interviews Monday May 6 (Players and Keefe) + Pelley/Shanny/Tre on Friday VIDEO LINK PG 57

Will Keefe be fired next week?

  • Yes

    Votes: 293 85.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 14.1%

  • Total voters

Eye Test

End the soft perimeter hockey.
Apr 13, 2019
Who says no to a Markstrom for Tavares deal after July 1? Beside JT.
Honestly it sounds like it’s marner on the outs. I also see Tavares sticking around for our 3/4 C role and maybe second PP for the rest of his career. No chance he wants to move again.

In 2 years if we have Tavares at 3-4 mil and whatver we added for marner then we are loooking good with only nylander Matthews paid over 10m


Schrodingers Cat
Aug 18, 2005
Shanny was literally asking Brad to field specific hockey answers.... like why are you here Shanny?
Because he is showing that he will be keeping his nose out I hope. I am as pleased as I could be without Shanahan being dumped. I read a sense of urgency, no running it back. Not scapegoating the coach even though they let him go and not letting the players off the hook for the results.

Shanny has admitted the Dubas plan is finally dead and now its just how to achieve a new direction with what they are left with. I didn't expect them to be able to give specifics because they don't yet know what is going to be possible. Unfortunately it might be close to July 1st before we see what they can do.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
That was about as obvious as it can get. Shanny was about as forthcoming as he could without tipping his hand to rival GMs. One of the big contracts is getting moved without question. My bet is on Marner but anything can happen. The only one who won't be moved is Matthews only because his marketing value to the Organization is worth about as much, if not more, than what he brings on ice. The Organization will not move Matthews unless he specifically asks to be moved. One of the other big contracts are gone though.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2009
GTA or the UK
End of Season Presser - Keith Pelley, Brendan Shanahan, and Brad Treliving


  • Won't make it a habit to participate in team operations conferences, but says this is different - his first public speaking as CEO of MLSE. Relishes the opportunity to be responsible for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Says core of that responsibilities lies in wanting to win. He wants to win. "Good is not good enough" - is the collective view of ownership. They want to win
  • Says where we can, there's a desire to provide hockey operations with every resource to win.
  • Been here 4 weeks, but is still learning, and evaluating. Says no decision will be made, like the Keefe decision, without a detailed analysis of how to get better
  • We need to win. Nothing else matters.
  • Impossible to put timeline on a Stanley Cup. Thinks formula for success is great skill combined with chemistry and unity. Got a full glimpse of the chemistry and unity that Brad and Brendan have when the team went down 3-1 in the Boston series (??). CHemistry and unity are the critical components to being successful.
  • During the 2023 Ryder Cup, chemistry and unity helped push them to success despite being underdogs against the Americans
  • Nothing else matters than winning the stanley cup
  • Only been here for 4 weeks - Shanahan is the President of the Toronto Maple Leafs. What he's seen in the 4 weeks, is that the chemistry and unity of the 2 gentlement running the team is very strong. Can only evaluate what he's seen in 4 weeks.
  • On being from Toronto and the lack of success - hasn't spent much time in Toronto the past 9 years, but in the last 3-4 weeks has gotten a full glimpse of Leafs Nation. Understands the passion and commitment of the fans. Reminds him of his first game in Liverpool, hearing "You'll Never Walk Alone" for the first time. The fans here not only demand, but deserve, a championship. There's no complacency. We're not here to sell jerseys, we are here to win. Will do everything they can to win. As much as I love the city, and Toronto was my home, the lure for me to come back wasn't Toronto, but commitment to be successful and to win. The fans are incredibly passionate. What he saw at Maple Leafs Square was staggering in game 6. The city is different, than it was 9 years ago. One of the ways is that there's even more Leafs fans, and Leafs Nation is even bigger than it was back then. They deserve 100% of their effort. I believe that's what we are going to do.
  • On cap philosophy, and the lack of money available to develop the chemistry & unity he prioritizes - skill is a critical component of success, but if you don't have the chemistry and unity throughout the entire organization, starting from ownership right down to the equipment manager, that's the support that he plans to provide. Will support Brendan and Brad as they try to drive that chemistry and unity.
  • Thanks Sheldon Keefe for his 9 seasons with the organization
  • Praises the dignity, grace, and professionalism that Sheldon handled the media throughout his tenure.
  • Keefe is a great coach, and an even better man. Appreciates that Sheldon took on a lot of responsibility of the lack of success in the playoffs.
  • Says accountability is on Shanahan. Playoff results haven't been good enough. That's on him. Players and management know results are unacceptable to everyone, including the fans.
  • An analysis is done at end of every season, for ways to be better. In the past, we've prioritized patience. Don't think that's the case now.
  • When you see patterns persist, and results don't change, you have to adjust how you look at things
  • We will look at everything, and consider everything, this summer.
  • Doesn't serve the Leafs in anyway to discuss individual players prematurely. Focus is on finding a new head coach, and that coach will have important voice as part of roster decisions going forward.
  • Brad and Keith are new here - but he hasn't been. Seen a lot of persistent patterns that he's seen. There was a time for patience, but everything is on the table now.
  • On players saying they were "close" on Monday - Players know that those results are unacceptable, but you always want players to believe. A few days before talking on Monday, they were fighting for their playoff lives. Their belief is understandable, it's their job. Our job is to make them better.
  • On the complete lack of scoring in elimination lately, despite having the best goalscorer and the highest paid offense - that's the challenge, and something that we wake up everyday trying to change. There's regular season goals, and playoff goals. I'm a firm believer that playoff goals come from playoff structure, defensive structure, and forcing teams to open up against you. It's happened too often, and thinks they have to question coaching, messaging, and personel. They recognize that when the playoffs come, the goals that we scored in the regular season aren't available. Have to get to the dirty areas, and your powerplay has to be successful. Unfortunately other than the Tampa series, where the PP was good and they won, all the other series, we haven't gotten those results.
  • On why the core hasn't been able to push the group over the top - that's the difficult question that we've looked back on. If you were to live in a vaccuum and just view this playoff, you might view it differently and with optimism. But they can't afford to think that way, having seen it year after year. There's a time where right answer is patience, but then there's a time where there's new information and a time to adjust. Says that the desire of the player is there. Doesn't question that.
  • On his contract situation, and his need for success - not going to get into his contract. It's not a focus for him. From the day he was hired in 2014, he wakes up everyday with the goal of trying to find a way to make Maple Leafs better. My last contract, his first, was not addressed or renewed until a month before it expired. Wasn't a distraction then, and it won't be one now. Won't discuss any further.
  • On any regrets on showing faith in the core - doesn't have regret for showing faith in people. Wouldn't put it that way. When we all come to Toronto, especially at this stage of the team's development, you know what you're getting into. The way our fans support us, especially on the road, is a really important and moving thing to us and our players. Don't want to let them down. If I felt that the players felt differently than how we do, I might have regretted that. So we have to make changes, and make sure those players have all the tools available. You want to help them see things through. I've been in the game a long time. We know how it works. We've all seen the good and the bad, and accept the consequences. But while we are here, the motivation has to be are we getting better.
  • On whether he still feels core group can win - gets back to the essence of the opening statement. There's a time where you talk about patience, and then there's a time where you see the same patterns and try to understand why they keep happening. It has become evident that we have to assess all of those things, and assess whether we have to make very difficult decisions.
  • On why this assessment is happening now vs earlier - it happens every summer. When you see patterns not change, and when you change lots of pieces around your core issues and hope the results will be different, and when they aren't, you have to be willing to grow and adapt with the information you have. When we are walking into next year's playoffs, we have to feel we are a team that we feel is more confident in getting different results.
  • Thanks Sheldon - says keeping Sheldon last year was the right call. Really good coach, excellent person.
  • This doesn't fall all at Sheldon's feet. Doesn't want it taken that making a change at head coach position, that all arrows point at the coach.
  • Couldn't look at past year in a vacuum. Had to take into consideration the totality of Sheldon's time at the club.
  • Was his decision to fire Sheldon. Felt strongly that a new voice was needed.
  • Doesn't believe churning coaches is recipe for success, but when looking at totality of Keefe's work, change was needed.
  • Doesn't think Keefe will be out of work for long - excellent coach.
  • Fell short this season. Didn't accomplish attainable goals that they set for themselves. Responsibility for that falls fully with GM. Takes responsibility for everything that happens on the ice.
  • Thinks it was an uneven season. The start was tough integrating new players. Goaltending situation was turbulent. Blueline saw plenty of injuries.
  • In the playoffs, key players missed time. But felt areas they fell short on were patterns from the past - lack of offense, and special teams. Will look at improving those aspects
  • When you go through the season that we've had, everything needs to be looked at and everything is on the table.
  • Injury Clarifications
    • Bobby McMann - suffered MCL sprain against Detroit. Expected 6-7 week recovery. Anticipation was he would be available for round 2
    • Auston Matthews - became really sick after game 2. Was a virus that stuck with him throughout game 3. Suffered a hit in game 4 - presented head issues, as a result of possibly both the hit and illness. Says he was cleared to play on the morning of game 7
    • William Nylander - suffered severe migraines before playoffs started. Treated like head / concussion.
    • Connor Dewar (hardly knew her) - shoulder injury, getting surgery today.
    • Joe Woll - sprained back at the completion of game 6.
  • Plenty of good coaching candidates that they plan to explore. Wants to be thorough, but also understands there's other openings that are looking for coaches.
  • It's important to step back and not make emotional decisions. Wanted to deal with Sheldon properly, and think through that process clearly. Was an emotional day. Once decision was made, next steps for finding new head coach began yesterday. Won't be hastily done, but there's quality candidates we want to get to as fast as they can.
  • On players saying they were "close" - results are unacceptable. But you don't throw a body on the tarmak just to say "we did something". Pays a lot of attention to the meetings with players. They understand that we've fallen short. As Brendan said, there is a time for patience, but we are at a point where we see repeatable patterns, that we have to dig into it more. We think we should still be playing, so results are unacceptable.
  • On similar patterns - they are a team that scores in the regular season, but they can't score in the playoffs. One of the things he wanted to do, wasn't increasing total goals but scoring more playoff-style goals. Is it systematic? Play style? We haven't scored enough, and our special teams aren't good enough. We turn the other team's goalie into the 1st star every night. We have to systematically, and via personnel, dig into how that improves.
  • Has lots of faith in Woll, but understands concerns about his health - we have to support Joe. Is it luck? Is it a training and recovery issue? Something they have to dig into.
  • On the need for a new voice, and what would actually change with this group - have to look at everything. Sometimes, a coach's message may not be getting through even if he's a really good coach. When he looks at his team and evaluates them, they have to find a way to do the hard and unsexy things longer, that doesn't require skill. There's some things in this sport that are not related to skill, that help you win this time of year. You still need skill and talent, but we need a voice that can bring the other stuff out.
  • On the cap structure not working - have to look at everything. Doesn't want to look back to when the signings were made. We've got really good players, but it hasn't worked to date. Won't come out to make emotional decisions just to say "look at what we've done". But have to analyze why it hasn't worked. The situation is that they are where they are, with really good players. Have to dig into why the same results happen year after year, and adjust accordingly.
  • On the challenges of supporting a highly paid core with other rosters - doesn't think the philosophy was ever to spend a huge amount of cap on a few players. Pandemic changed things. They don't talk about the core 4 internally, and everyone has to feel important. Have to make sure everyone feels important. It can't go on the backs of just the core 4. It's about the Maple Leafs. Salary aside, it's something that he wanted to change when he came. Winning teams have the unique ability of making everyone feel like if they weren't part of it, the goal wouldn't have been accomplished, regardless of contract, pay, etc. Won't be successful here if the guy on top of the food chain doesn't feel the same importance as the 23rd man.
Bumping this for others. Thanks.

The Masters

Registered User
Jun 30, 2018
If people doubt my ability to interpret interviews ... ill remind you, Babcock gave a "denial" interview about his lack of interest in the Leaf's job.

I predicted on the spot he was lying and he was the next head coach of the Leafs. I think it was in March ?
no. u are bang on.
they are clearly breaking this group up.


I need more FOOD
Dec 3, 2016
Goodbye marner. They are will ask marner, tavares, and rielly to waive. They told everyone just now. Maybe not rielly but the other two for sure

I love Mo but quite frankly IMO since he started dating a "celeb" his game has been on the downtrend. His skating was garbage the entire season. Its his only skill since he has: no physicality, no shot, no hardnosed defense, doens't play body etc... his only thing is his skating; and its declining.

If Mo can't get his skating back and wants to do celeb things in teh summer then perhaps he can go to another team


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 20, 2019
The Big Smoke (unfortunately)
Shanahan is still around with his BS

I’m out for the next season
I’m actually in. I’ve spent my entire life trying to be a leaf fan. Start rolling heads and I will be in.
And I agree with another poster - Pelley will spend the year looking for Shanny’s replacement. Not the best strategy to do it now when he’s only been on the job a month. Still think there are too many layers tho. Hopefully Pelley wants the GM reporting directly to him in the future.
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I need more FOOD
Dec 3, 2016
Summary went up a few minutes after it was finished, and can be found here.



The Masters

Registered User
Jun 30, 2018
At least Tre is a straight shooter and gets it

- Consistent pattern of losing here from not scoring enough goals and special teams sucks a**
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Mitch "The God" Marner
Jun 10, 2011
Who says no to a Markstrom for Tavares deal after July 1? Beside JT.

If JT was making 6-7M nobody would be complaining about him. He's not a bad player, he's just not an 11M player, too much dead cap. Markstrom is way too risky, JT is stable, reliable defensively and great on faceoffs with 2nd line type offensive production.


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 20, 2019
The Big Smoke (unfortunately)
That was about as obvious as it can get. Shanny was about as forthcoming as he could without tipping his hand to rival GMs. One of the big contracts is getting moved without question. My bet is on Marner but anything can happen. The only one who won't be moved is Matthews only because his marketing value to the Organization is worth about as much, if not more, than what he brings on ice. The Organization will not move Matthews unless he specifically asks to be moved. One of the other big contracts are gone though.
Shanahan isn’t the GM. Why is Shanahan involved in the “process” at all? Let Treving be the GM and f***-off back to Detroit.


I need more FOOD
Dec 3, 2016
End of Season Presser - Keith Pelley, Brendan Shanahan, and Brad Treliving


  • Won't make it a habit to participate in team operations conferences, but says this is different - his first public speaking as CEO of MLSE. Relishes the opportunity to be responsible for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Says core of that responsibilities lies in wanting to win. He wants to win. "Good is not good enough" - is the collective view of ownership. They want to win
  • Says where we can, there's a desire to provide hockey operations with every resource to win.
  • Been here 4 weeks, but is still learning, and evaluating. Says no decision will be made, like the Keefe decision, without a detailed analysis of how to get better
  • We need to win. Nothing else matters.
  • Impossible to put timeline on a Stanley Cup. Thinks formula for success is great skill combined with chemistry and unity. Got a full glimpse of the chemistry and unity that Brad and Brendan have when the team went down 3-1 in the Boston series (??). CHemistry and unity are the critical components to being successful.
  • During the 2023 Ryder Cup, chemistry and unity helped push them to success despite being underdogs against the Americans
  • Nothing else matters than winning the stanley cup
  • Only been here for 4 weeks - Shanahan is the President of the Toronto Maple Leafs. What he's seen in the 4 weeks, is that the chemistry and unity of the 2 gentlement running the team is very strong. Can only evaluate what he's seen in 4 weeks.
  • On being from Toronto and the lack of success - hasn't spent much time in Toronto the past 9 years, but in the last 3-4 weeks has gotten a full glimpse of Leafs Nation. Understands the passion and commitment of the fans. Reminds him of his first game in Liverpool, hearing "You'll Never Walk Alone" for the first time. The fans here not only demand, but deserve, a championship. There's no complacency. We're not here to sell jerseys, we are here to win. Will do everything they can to win. As much as I love the city, and Toronto was my home, the lure for me to come back wasn't Toronto, but commitment to be successful and to win. The fans are incredibly passionate. What he saw at Maple Leafs Square was staggering in game 6. The city is different, than it was 9 years ago. One of the ways is that there's even more Leafs fans, and Leafs Nation is even bigger than it was back then. They deserve 100% of their effort. I believe that's what we are going to do.
  • On cap philosophy, and the lack of money available to develop the chemistry & unity he prioritizes - skill is a critical component of success, but if you don't have the chemistry and unity throughout the entire organization, starting from ownership right down to the equipment manager, that's the support that he plans to provide. Will support Brendan and Brad as they try to drive that chemistry and unity.
  • Thanks Sheldon Keefe for his 9 seasons with the organization
  • Praises the dignity, grace, and professionalism that Sheldon handled the media throughout his tenure.
  • Keefe is a great coach, and an even better man. Appreciates that Sheldon took on a lot of responsibility of the lack of success in the playoffs.
  • Says accountability is on Shanahan. Playoff results haven't been good enough. That's on him. Players and management know results are unacceptable to everyone, including the fans.
  • An analysis is done at end of every season, for ways to be better. In the past, we've prioritized patience. Don't think that's the case now.
  • When you see patterns persist, and results don't change, you have to adjust how you look at things
  • We will look at everything, and consider everything, this summer.
  • Doesn't serve the Leafs in anyway to discuss individual players prematurely. Focus is on finding a new head coach, and that coach will have important voice as part of roster decisions going forward.
  • Brad and Keith are new here - but he hasn't been. Seen a lot of persistent patterns that he's seen. There was a time for patience, but everything is on the table now.
  • On players saying they were "close" on Monday - Players know that those results are unacceptable, but you always want players to believe. A few days before talking on Monday, they were fighting for their playoff lives. Their belief is understandable, it's their job. Our job is to make them better.
  • On the complete lack of scoring in elimination lately, despite having the best goalscorer and the highest paid offense - that's the challenge, and something that we wake up everyday trying to change. There's regular season goals, and playoff goals. I'm a firm believer that playoff goals come from playoff structure, defensive structure, and forcing teams to open up against you. It's happened too often, and thinks they have to question coaching, messaging, and personel. They recognize that when the playoffs come, the goals that we scored in the regular season aren't available. Have to get to the dirty areas, and your powerplay has to be successful. Unfortunately other than the Tampa series, where the PP was good and they won, all the other series, we haven't gotten those results.
  • On why the core hasn't been able to push the group over the top - that's the difficult question that we've looked back on. If you were to live in a vaccuum and just view this playoff, you might view it differently and with optimism. But they can't afford to think that way, having seen it year after year. There's a time where right answer is patience, but then there's a time where there's new information and a time to adjust. Says that the desire of the player is there. Doesn't question that.
  • On his contract situation, and his need for success - not going to get into his contract. It's not a focus for him. From the day he was hired in 2014, he wakes up everyday with the goal of trying to find a way to make Maple Leafs better. My last contract, his first, was not addressed or renewed until a month before it expired. Wasn't a distraction then, and it won't be one now. Won't discuss any further.
  • On any regrets on showing faith in the core - doesn't have regret for showing faith in people. Wouldn't put it that way. When we all come to Toronto, especially at this stage of the team's development, you know what you're getting into. The way our fans support us, especially on the road, is a really important and moving thing to us and our players. Don't want to let them down. If I felt that the players felt differently than how we do, I might have regretted that. So we have to make changes, and make sure those players have all the tools available. You want to help them see things through. I've been in the game a long time. We know how it works. We've all seen the good and the bad, and accept the consequences. But while we are here, the motivation has to be are we getting better.
  • On whether he still feels core group can win - gets back to the essence of the opening statement. There's a time where you talk about patience, and then there's a time where you see the same patterns and try to understand why they keep happening. It has become evident that we have to assess all of those things, and assess whether we have to make very difficult decisions.
  • On why this assessment is happening now vs earlier - it happens every summer. When you see patterns not change, and when you change lots of pieces around your core issues and hope the results will be different, and when they aren't, you have to be willing to grow and adapt with the information you have. When we are walking into next year's playoffs, we have to feel we are a team that we feel is more confident in getting different results.
  • Thanks Sheldon - says keeping Sheldon last year was the right call. Really good coach, excellent person.
  • This doesn't fall all at Sheldon's feet. Doesn't want it taken that making a change at head coach position, that all arrows point at the coach.
  • Couldn't look at past year in a vacuum. Had to take into consideration the totality of Sheldon's time at the club.
  • Was his decision to fire Sheldon. Felt strongly that a new voice was needed.
  • Doesn't believe churning coaches is recipe for success, but when looking at totality of Keefe's work, change was needed.
  • Doesn't think Keefe will be out of work for long - excellent coach.
  • Fell short this season. Didn't accomplish attainable goals that they set for themselves. Responsibility for that falls fully with GM. Takes responsibility for everything that happens on the ice.
  • Thinks it was an uneven season. The start was tough integrating new players. Goaltending situation was turbulent. Blueline saw plenty of injuries.
  • In the playoffs, key players missed time. But felt areas they fell short on were patterns from the past - lack of offense, and special teams. Will look at improving those aspects
  • When you go through the season that we've had, everything needs to be looked at and everything is on the table.
  • Injury Clarifications
    • Bobby McMann - suffered MCL sprain against Detroit. Expected 6-7 week recovery. Anticipation was he would be available for round 2
    • Auston Matthews - became really sick after game 2. Was a virus that stuck with him throughout game 3. Suffered a hit in game 4 - presented head issues, as a result of possibly both the hit and illness. Says he was cleared to play on the morning of game 7
    • William Nylander - suffered severe migraines before playoffs started. Treated like head / concussion.
    • Connor Dewar (hardly knew her) - shoulder injury, getting surgery today.
    • Joe Woll - sprained back at the completion of game 6.
  • Plenty of good coaching candidates that they plan to explore. Wants to be thorough, but also understands there's other openings that are looking for coaches.
  • It's important to step back and not make emotional decisions. Wanted to deal with Sheldon properly, and think through that process clearly. Was an emotional day. Once decision was made, next steps for finding new head coach began yesterday. Won't be hastily done, but there's quality candidates we want to get to as fast as they can.
  • On players saying they were "close" - results are unacceptable. But you don't throw a body on the tarmak just to say "we did something". Pays a lot of attention to the meetings with players. They understand that we've fallen short. As Brendan said, there is a time for patience, but we are at a point where we see repeatable patterns, that we have to dig into it more. We think we should still be playing, so results are unacceptable.
  • On similar patterns - they are a team that scores in the regular season, but they can't score in the playoffs. One of the things he wanted to do, wasn't increasing total goals but scoring more playoff-style goals. Is it systematic? Play style? We haven't scored enough, and our special teams aren't good enough. We turn the other team's goalie into the 1st star every night. We have to systematically, and via personnel, dig into how that improves.
  • Has lots of faith in Woll, but understands concerns about his health - we have to support Joe. Is it luck? Is it a training and recovery issue? Something they have to dig into.
  • On the need for a new voice, and what would actually change with this group - have to look at everything. Sometimes, a coach's message may not be getting through even if he's a really good coach. When he looks at his team and evaluates them, they have to find a way to do the hard and unsexy things longer, that doesn't require skill. There's some things in this sport that are not related to skill, that help you win this time of year. You still need skill and talent, but we need a voice that can bring the other stuff out.
  • On the cap structure not working - have to look at everything. Doesn't want to look back to when the signings were made. We've got really good players, but it hasn't worked to date. Won't come out to make emotional decisions just to say "look at what we've done". But have to analyze why it hasn't worked. The situation is that they are where they are, with really good players. Have to dig into why the same results happen year after year, and adjust accordingly.
  • On the challenges of supporting a highly paid core with other rosters - doesn't think the philosophy was ever to spend a huge amount of cap on a few players. Pandemic changed things. They don't talk about the core 4 internally, and everyone has to feel important. Have to make sure everyone feels important. It can't go on the backs of just the core 4. It's about the Maple Leafs. Salary aside, it's something that he wanted to change when he came. Winning teams have the unique ability of making everyone feel like if they weren't part of it, the goal wouldn't have been accomplished, regardless of contract, pay, etc. Won't be successful here if the guy on top of the food chain doesn't feel the same importance as the 23rd man.

Thanks again for this this.

Shanahan is so frustrating. This d-bag is now saying "coach will have a say in roster decisions" but completely shunned babcock while bending over backwards to dubas and the stupidity that was Sparks, Malgins, Petans, Tyson Barries, Kerfoot, ridiculous overpayments, etc...

How does shanahan even live with himself? then I remember what he did with his teammate's spouse how much faith and integrity does shanahan have to begin with?


Registered User
Dec 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
Honestly, I doubt the players care enough. they just like racking up big points in the regular season and in the playoffs it is too hard to score so they don’t bother working harder to get those “dirty” goals. Why should they? Leafs are going to pay them big bucks anyway.
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Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Who says no to a Markstrom for Tavares deal after July 1? Beside JT.
This probably doesn't do much for CGY unless they don't think much of either contract and prefer the one which ends a year sooner. We'd also have to be better in goal because the team that couldn't produce enough offence when it needed to didn't help its cause here.


Parity era hockey is just puck luck + draft luck
Jan 4, 2012
On the complete lack of scoring in elimination lately, despite having the best goal scorer and the highest paid offense -
best regular season shooter. goal scoring isnt the same as shooting.
They recognize that when the playoffs come, the goals that we scored in the regular season aren't available.
Have to get to the dirty areas, and your powerplay has to be successful.
Auston Matthews - became really sick after game 2. Was a virus that stuck with him throughout game 3. Suffered a hit in game 4 - presented head issues, as a result of possibly both the hit and illness. Says he was cleared to play on the morning of game 7
virus. Matthews sure had alot of viral illness this year. He could have something like Crohn's disease or some medical thing he doesnt want to disclose. If he has more viral illnesses next year then we'll know they are covering for something.
  • Joe Woll - sprained back at the completion of game 6.
Is that his "usual" injury ?
One of the things he wanted to do, wasn't increasing total goals but scoring more playoff-style goals.
Yes please, it's obvious. Dipsy Do Marner has to go.

They don't talk about the core 4 internally, and everyone has to feel important. Have to make sure everyone feels important. It can't go on the backs of just the core 4. It's about the Maple Leafs. Salary aside, it's something that he wanted to change when he came.
This team is about the core 4. The other players ARE second fiddle. And this NEEDS to change. Bye Mitch.
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Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
Shanahan isn’t the GM. Why is Shanahan involved in the “process” at all? Let Treving be the GM and f***-off back to Detroit.
Totally agree. Still though, doesn't change that they are going to try and move one of the big contracts out. No question about it.
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