Movies: Last Movie You Watched and Rate It

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Arizonan God

Registered User
Jan 30, 2010
The Movie Everyone is Going to Go See (2017, dir. Rian Johnson)

This is going to piss off s lot of fanboys, and thank God for that. This film is such a major improvement over TFA, which I liked, but overall wasn’t much to write home about.

The Last Jedi is beautiful, it’s messy, it’s bold, it’s ambitious.

There is already a lot of backlash. Some saying Rian Johnson as ruined Star Wars, that it’s worse than the prequel trilogy.

I couldn’t disagree more.


Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
The Disaster Artist (2017) - I thought it was alright. The one thing that bothered me the most is you're never sure if James Franco is being genuine or if he's taking the piss out of the whole thing in regards to the movie's message and how Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sistero interact with one another (I get the feeling it's a bit of both and he's never comfortable taking a stance here, which bothered me) but the movie is sprinkled with some great comedic and obliviously-inspired (if that makes sense) moments which had me cackling quite a lot during the watching of the movie. I think there were some casting issues too. While James Franco is a great actor, and he acts extremely well in this film, the feeling that it's James Franco doing what James Franco does (his public persona pours through here) never goes away and I think it takes away from the experience (as opposed to another great turn in Spring Breakers for example) while I wouldn't even call his brother serviceable as an actor. I liked the movie's themes though, and I think they were executed particularly well during the movie premiere to touching effect (and I think they contrast well with Franco's previous directing efforts, which have often been lambasted) and gave an endearing dimension to the movie. I think it's a well-done film, with some very good moments - perhaps even memorable - but I'm not sure I buy into the insane hype behind the film. It was well worth it though, and James Franco is a serious acting talent.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2012
The Last Jedi 1/5

Just all over the place. Love its larger themes but the actual movie is so dumbed down and devoid of reason, mythology and life that it totally kills the movie.
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Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
Last Jedi. 2/10

The 2 is for the Porgs and the droids. Those were cool. The rest was forgettable.


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Sep 17, 2009


Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
I got a 3 month free subscription to CraveTV (the Bell service). It's crap and I'll cancel after a few months but they do have some HBO TV movies on there, just wondering which ones I should watch?

Sunset Limited, Temple Grandin, Recount, and America Splendor all seem decent.

Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
I got a 3 month free subscription to CraveTV (the Bell service). It's crap and I'll cancel after a few months but they do have some HBO TV movies on there, just wondering which ones I should watch?

Sunset Limited, Temple Grandin, Recount, and America Splendor all seem decent.

Sunset Limited was flawed but solid. The writing and acting (moreso Jackson's than TLJ's) are thorough, albeit the atmosphere and set feel very amateurish to a fault. The screenplay - and original play - were written by Cormac McCarthy.


Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
Killarney, MB
The Star Wars franchise really needs to be put down. Disney will never allow the franchise to take the chances it needs to take.

I think on Thursday they had 43 million reasons not to put it down.

that being said/money aside. I enjoyed it for what it was to me.....a fun popcorn movie. imo the reboots/ series and the original series have never been anything more than that.

disclaimer : I don't follow the cartoon series/books, lore etc. just the films.


keep em coming.

Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
I think on Thursday they had 43 million reasons not to put it down.

that being said/money aside. I enjoyed it for what it was to me.....a fun popcorn movie. imo the reboots/ series and the original series have never been anything more than that.

disclaimer : I don't follow the cartoon series/books, lore etc. just the films.


keep em coming.

I meant creatively. I know it'll never happen, understandably so.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2012
Star Wars The Last Jedi
3 out of 4stars

Not what I was expecting going in, but entertaining none the less. I was expecting fun and adventure(and there was some in there), with mostly rinse repeat events, but it was different. The movie was mostly overstuffed with drama(soap opera-esque), twists, well-shot action scenes, a few cool introductory characters, some nice comedic touches, and some extended past trilogy cameos(although, similar to the force awakens, added in a more than relevant way to the stories events so that they felt necessary, but I won't ruin 1 cameo that feels mostly thrown in). It was a notable risk taker Star Wars imo from a studio pov, especially a few "wtf, they are changing some bits of the star wars universe "laws"", and we probably couldn't expect too much more gambling with this, but were they the correct risks and right angles to take with the franchise? That's up for debate. Either way, some people need to let go of comparing and hoping for it to capture the chemistry/"magic", imagination/originality, fun, and timeless characters/quotes of the original trilogy. But all I know is, I was entertained.


Jun 10, 2003
I will wait until the crowds diminish before going to see the next Star Wars episode and I won't post a review at that later date. I will say though that I don't complain about the series, I know I've outgrown them and the kid inside me still enjoys them. I even defended the second trilogy on HF here, against those critics, many moons ago. For some old fantasy series (Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Highlander, Alien etc.), I just put the critical part of my brain on neutral and go in without expectations, and avoid disappointment. That way they are always fun no matter what.

Below is a link to the geeky Ars Technica website and their assessment of the last Star Wars installment. I thought it was a decent read.

The Last Jedi has something unusual for a Star Wars movie: Nuance


Registered User
Dec 8, 2016
The last jedi: 1/5. 1 point for Rey and Luke who were great. All the other things in that movie simply sucked. Eveything from the plot and pacing to cringe worth jokes.


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012
I saw Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri today - I wanted to like it - I'd heard great things about the movie...but it left me totally cold. I found it overly melodramatic and, honestly, boring. I didn't like the characters at all (I get that a main point of the movie is that the characters are all flawed...but it was more than that...I found them dislikeable in a way that was over and above their own characterizations).

I'm trying to think of a movie that was as well reviewed (film + acting) as this one but where my own take on it was so divergent (in a negative sense) and I can't think of one off hand (Crash, maybe?...although that movie had detractors).

It's weird...b/c this is the type of movie I typically love...but I just couldn't get into it at all.

Led Zappa

Tomorrow Today
Jan 8, 2007
Silicon Valley
I got a 3 month free subscription to CraveTV (the Bell service). It's crap and I'll cancel after a few months but they do have some HBO TV movies on there, just wondering which ones I should watch?

Sunset Limited, Temple Grandin, Recount, and America Splendor all seem decent.

I don't know what kind of movies you like, but Temple Grandin is a great movie. Check out some trailers. If it interests you at all then watch it. I'd give it a 9/10. Claire Daines does an amazing job.

Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
The Remains of The Day (1993) - 8.5/10

Who knew a movie about butler-ing could be so 'intriguing'. The lack of an ending holds it just short of greatness.
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Jun 10, 2003
Loveless 8.0/10

A good film, the kind of poetic project that cinephiles and arthouse film fans absolutely love. I'm not one of those however, so I gave it less than a 9/10. Some scenes reminded me of Ingmar Bergman style of movies (but I'm no expert). The movie is technically about a loveless couple divorcing but then breaks into a search for their missing son. It's a bleak, depressing story, some say a political metaphor for modern day Russia although in my opinion it could be about many other countries too. I was going to rate this film lower at 7.5 but it has been in the back of my mind thinking about it all weekend, so when a film can do that, I guess it gets a better rating over time.
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32 Years of Fail
Apr 15, 2006
San Diego, CA
The Florida Project - 8.5/10.

Fantastic film, lingers with you long afterward. I'll be watching everything Baker does from here on out, I loved the look and themes of his first two films and he appears to be a great actors' director. The kids seem so natural and Dafoe gives a great, understated performance in a role that isn't as flashy as it might initially seem. Had a tough time figuring out his character, but after hearing an interview with Baker it became very clear.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - 7/10

It's fun. Obviously it's not going to be super thought-provoking or inventive but it's a good ride with some clever jokes and charismatic performances by all the leads. Can't really complain too much especially relative to expectations.

Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
I was expecting fun and adventure(and there was some in there), with mostly rinse repeat events, but it was different. The movie was mostly overstuffed with drama(soap opera-esque), twists, well-shot action scenes, a few cool introductory characters, some nice comedic touches, and some extended past trilogy cameos

I just saw it and I felt the same, I'd give it around a 7 or 7.5/10. Good but flawed. Felt like an example of 'throw everything at the wall and some of it will stick'.

Can we go back to JJ Abrams? He did a good job with TFA, it was a fun and not overly-complicated movie, it was intense where it needed to be intense. The problem you point out with this movie being overstuffed and soap opera-esque is completely on Rian Johnson imo, his other stuff has that issue as well, it doesn't work with Star Wars.
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Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 8/10

It's pretty great but not without it's flaws. The entire last hour is incredible, classic Star Wars with lots of heart and charm. The road to get there though was a lot bumpier than I thought it was going to be. A lot of the plot developments at times were messy and structurally all over the place specifically Finn's overall arc. It is certainly ambitious for a Star Wars film adding in a lot of elements that they've avoided in the past as well as ushering in the new generation while slowly clearing out (but not without paying tribute) to the things that made Star Wars great in the past. Also much praise to the diverse casting and progressive tone of the film - I heard beforehand that a lot of it was ham-handed but I saw none of that. Ridley and Driver do a great job at continuing their conflicted character arcs but the real standout (and IMO surprisingly) is Hamill who turns in a fantastic performance as the incredibly jaded Jedi master.

I left the theater wanting more and thinking the film had more to give. I wasn't disappointed as I loved the movie but I thought it was very flawed. That being said, it wasn't flawed like the prequels - it was flawed in the same way the Original Trilogy was flawed which isn't inherently an issue and in a sense made the film work more, if that makes any sense. Need to see it again obviously.

Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
Le Cercle Rouge (1970) - 8.5/10

It took me a while to realize that the lead was the same guy in Le Samourai....what a difference a thin mustache makes. This movie isn't as badass as Le Samourai but it's got more going on and more of an intriguing plot at least, miss this stuff.
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