Player Discussion Jesse Puljujärvi 4th Overall 2016 Draft. Part V: Called Up 11/10/17

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Registered User
Jul 6, 2008
I think most people here who criticize players don't genuinely understand what it's like to play sports at a high level.

At the professional level. No. That's why they are called fans. They pay for the tickets, tv subscriptions and merchandise. Criticism of play is part of being a professional athlete.

Had lots of friends and family who have played CIS. If you are attacking the paying fans for criticizing players and your 'knowledge' comes from varsity sports ... well have fun with the superiority.


Tier 2 Fan
Aug 1, 2003

I noticed that there really wasn't a whole lot of discussion about a 18th of August Finnish interview of Puljujärvi by Yle here:

Some key things I loosely translated:

- Good summer, trained healthy, good condition.

- Feeling better, wants to gain a spot in NHL team, now knows what to expect.

- Issues last season: Not enough power, lacking back checking, skating, shot not as one would like.

- Power, speed have been gained, skills have been practiced. Confident in the overall package he's managed to work on this summer. Says he needs to be faster.

- Needs to learn the language better. Helps in many ways.

- Front office patient, happy with last season, good if he takes one step forward this season.

- Wants to be in top 9

- Happy about Jussi but also reminds that he doesn't want to just defer to him and also needs to try to manage with his own English abilities.


Now let's get back to the RNH discussion.

Thanks for that summary of Pulju's interview! Very hopeful he can take another step next season. And by "he", I mean Nuge :sarcasm:


Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
I think most people here who criticize players don't genuinely understand what it's like to play sports at a high level.

I think most people who criticize children don't genuinely understand what it's like to give birth.

see? my statement is as ridiculous as yours.

Of course the majority of us have never played high level sports. (not that you've defined what that should qualify as.)

but you can play the game, watch the pros and learn about a sport over many years and give your opinion, and that opinion is just as valid as anyone's.

I don't remember there being a qualification process to be eligible to speak about what one sees on the ice.

for Puljujarvi, I'm excited to see him this year. another year older, more experience in North America, and a better Oiler team to shelter him.
I like the attitude he's shown, and I think he takes strides to show why he was ranked so high in his draft class.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2010
Personally I think after we pissed away a full year of free agency on Jesse that him not going to a rookie tournament is silly as it's clear he needs development. Not his fault though as i'm sure there was a backroom deal reason for him playing 41 games last year.


Define that balance
Jul 17, 2009
Cant wait to see this player in camp, I think hes going to look really really good this season.

Hope you're right.

Good to see his English is better. Hopefully his game has improved enough to allow him to stick in the NHL this season. He appears to be more of a visual learner, and what better visual do you need than McDAvid playing with you on a daily basis. Even if it's not on the same line.
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Registered User
Aug 25, 2012
Wonder how soon this guy will be my favourite Non-Mcdavid Oiler, 30 games? Guy is going to be deadly very soon and will bring a much needed shooters mentality we havent seen in a while. Well Hall had it, but his shot was so inaccurate

JP is going to blow a one timer top corner in Game 1 and jerseys are going to fly off the shelf


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Sep 18, 2014
Really happy to hear his English be so improved. Have to imagine that's going to be huge for him staying in the NHL this year.

I still have my doubts about him belonging on the team this year, but I am very excited to see if he can prove me wrong. The tools he has are so very tantalizing.

And as has been mentioned, I love his smile! If he can turn into a star with us while keeping that personality, it'd go a long way towards rectifying the pain of what we did to Yak for me.


Tier 2 Fan
Aug 1, 2003
Reminds me of Yak. Seems like just a good honest positive kid that wants to be great at hockey, but maybe can be prone to some confidence issues.

Really hope McLellan can give him the support and push he needs to stick in the NHL this year. And apologies to all about the Yak comparison I just made :P


Registered User
May 31, 2006
I think most people here who criticize players don't genuinely understand what it's like to play sports at a high level.

By that logic, Hitchcock knows nothing about hockey and should never have been an NHL coach...


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
I watched this video:



Tier 2 Fan
Aug 1, 2003
Interesting comment from Chia in his interview with Bob McKenzie about Pulju's training last season. How he was going too much long training and not enough explosiveness training, and that was something they had to talk to him about to get ready for this season. Could make a huge difference for Pulju if he changed up his routines this summer to a more professional NHL'er regimen.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2008
I think most people who criticize children don't genuinely understand what it's like to give birth.

see? my statement is as ridiculous as yours.

Of course the majority of us have never played high level sports. (not that you've defined what that should qualify as.)

From the screen name I took it as a humble brag for having played CIS in some sport.

I don't think that a lot of people in the world would consider Canadian university sports high level, but that's another matter altogether.

Arrogant athletes ... six rings anyone? ... forget that professional sports don't exist without the fans. Fan interest is enhanced by talking about the team on message boards. But somebody who may have played a sport at an undefined 'high level' knows more.
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