TSN: If the NHL drafts in June, Lottery Could be Tweaked in Wings' Favor


hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
This means, of course, the Wings finish no worse than 2nd.


Registered User
Apr 21, 2016
Rochester Hills, MI
then we'll have to deal with seeing "the NHL rigged the draft for the Wings" for the next decade

The Wings have so many needs that this one pick isn’t going to make or break the Wings ability to win the Cup over the teams who didn’t get 1st in the 2020 draft.

Regardless I hope it happens just so I can enjoy the hate again.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2009
Bellingham, WA
then we'll have to deal with seeing "the NHL rigged the draft for the Wings" for the next decade

WHo cares. The Wings bought themselves a couple of Cups pre-cap, and that didn't have any negative impacts as far as my enjoyment of the wictories.

Also, Bettman would have to rig it 2 years in a row just for us to catch up with the Pens.


Registered User
Jul 28, 2010
then we'll have to deal with seeing "the NHL rigged the draft for the Wings" for the next decade


The only team you hear that about is the Pens and Lafreniere isnt Crosby. I dont think that will matter after Detroit has fallen in the lottery the last couple years and the wings arent about to have to relocate either.

Really hope this happens, having Byfield guaranteed minimum would be so awesome


Registered User
May 1, 2010
Hopefully they'll release the date of the lottery/format sometime next week. I'm sure with this news the anticipation is killing all of us :laugh:
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Registered User
Jul 28, 2010
If the draft happens in June. wonder when would they give us a Draft Lottery.

I would bet they do it at least two weeks ahead of time. It would build some anticipation and also allow teams to get their draft plans figured out ahead of time


Registered User
Sep 23, 2015
SO if this happens we could be looking at a future of:

Bert - Larkin - Mantha
Laffy - Veleno - Zadina
Fabbi - Ras - Guy
Guy - Guy - Guy


Bert - Larkin - Mantha
Veleno - Byfield - Zadina
Fabbi - Ras - Guy
Guy - Guy - Guy

A pretty good step forward!


HF still in need of automated text analytics
Mar 30, 2009
Here's some background behind this. This wasn't as intuitive to me as it probably was to most here.

I totally understand it from a prospect's perspective. I also understand why most GMs DON'T want it from team building perspective, especially if they have a good team. From the league's perspective, is it really mainly about exposure and staying relevant?

Keeping NHL Draft in June raises lots of questions - Sportsnet.ca

The league proposed to teams the idea of going forward with the draft in June. On the surface I get it — the NFL Draft is an even bigger animal than normal because of the sports vacuum created by COVID-19. It would keep the NHL relevant, give everyone something to talk about and mean not squeezing it through a short off-season.
Another reason for doing it is contracts end on June 30, and there are many scouts/executives working the draft who currently would not be on-contract for a later-summer event. One team apparently has 18 expiring deals.

Scheduling the NHL draft in June is the right call

No doubt the league is interested in stealing some attention back during this period of sports hiatus and they would more than welcome the monetary benefits resulting from holding the draft. If the season doesn’t resume then the draft is a mark to start the offseason as usual. If there are games this summer, then kicking off the return to hockey with the draft is an attractive opportunity.

A draft much later in the summer, or perhaps in the fall, presents its own set of problems to contend with. Pushing off player evaluations even further from when the players last took the ice isn’t ideal, and some of the scouts and personnel who did the work may not remain with their organizations in the next league year — whenever that might begin. What if some leagues around the world resume in the fall and then some draft eligible players begin playing again while others do not, and how does that impact the competitive balance?


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