Advice: I think I broke my ass, need suggestions ***Update in original post***

Gentle Ben Ken0bi

Registered User
Sep 8, 2005
12 months ago I feel straight down onto my tail bone while playing ice hockey. The next day I could barely sit and when I was sitting I had to keep my back pretty straight and lean forward on my chair as to avoid any pain.

12 months later my ass still feels the same as it did about 3 weeks after the injury. Every time I get up from my chair I look like an old man I have try to avoid rolling forward over my tail bone.

I never went to the hospital, because I figured it was just an injury that will slowly get better. Well it really hasn't, but it is not slowing me down as I still play hockey twice a week.

I am no spring chicken, but I am hardly old.

So is there going to be any light at the end of the tunnel, or do I need to go out and purchase an inflatable donut to cushion my corn holio? :naughty:


After about 18 months and the pain not subsiding I went to see the Dr. I turns out that I did not break my ass, butt it is dislocated. SO should I get a surgery consult or maybe go see a chiro. A co-worker said she has a similar injury and a Chiro fixed her ass.

What say you HF?
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Registered User
Jan 7, 2013
This happened to me in high school once. Right after it happened I tried to suck it up and keep playing, but I ended up skating over to the coach, hunched over, and quietly telling him, "Coach, I think I just shattered my ass bone." I had to lay down on the bench until practice ended.

The road to recovery for something like that completely depends on how badly you hurt yourself originally, and how careful you are in your day to day life so it does re-injure. It's kind of like broken toes in that way: you can't cast them, but for ****'s sake, be careful with them.

Do you feel like you keep re-injuring it when sitting down, etc? If so, then chill out, be more careful, and give it more time. If not, then definitely see your GP. You could have some sort of stress fracture or severe bone bruise. Not to mention, you could be screwing your back up by not addressing it properly.
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Gentle Ben Ken0bi

Registered User
Sep 8, 2005
This happened to me in high school once. Right after it happened I tried to suck it up and keep playing, but I ended up skating over to the coach, hunched over, and quietly telling him, "Coach, I think I just shattered my ass bone." I had to lay down on the bench until practice ended.

The road to recovery for something like that completely depends on how badly you hurt yourself originally, and how careful you are in your day to day life so it does re-injure. It's kind of like broken toes in that way: you can't cast them, but for ****'s sake, be careful with them.

Do you feel like you keep re-injuring it when sitting down, etc? If so, then chill out, be more careful, and give it more time. If not, then definitely see your GP. You could have some sort of stress fracture or severe bone bruise. Not to mention, you could be screwing your back up by not addressing it properly.

I failed to mention I dropped a cigar ashtray on my pinkie toe last week, so that is also broken but cause little to no discomfort.

A co-worker told me she did something similar and she saw a chiro and he worked on it and eventually made it better. I just think he wanted to grab her ass.

I enjoy playing hockey but I will be taking a few months off because of my profession.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2004
Oh I don't know, go to a doctor?

Nuts to that, he's made nothing but horrible decisions, I say go see a witch doctor.\

...seriously? A potential spine injury and no x-ray? Horrible decision.


Not so fast,
Dec 19, 2011
I fell on mine a couple of months ago, not at all hard. It hurt for a good 3-4 weeks. If its still hurting 12 months later, I'd say you're about 11 months overdue For a visit to the dr.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2007
Port Moody, BC
If its hurt that long, see a Dr. Maybe there's a physio or rehab or chiro option, but the first step is establishing exactly what the problem is. Like a vertebrae issue or a fracture that hasn't healed right. Especially if its affecting the rest of your life, not just hockey. Get the pain sorted out so its not hampering the rest of your life.


Registered User
Apr 29, 2009
Well, I'm no doctor, but you may have broken or fractured your tailbone. I had a similar experience when playing (a few years ago) and saw the doctor about it about a year after the injury. He told me that even if I had broken it, they wouldn't do anything about it because their was nothing that could be done. Since then I have occasionally re-aggravated it by sitting on it awkwardly or some other stupid incident. A word of caution however, if/when you injure your tailbone, be sure to stay off of it. I didn't and developed bursitis, which hurts like crazy.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2012
You should really get it checked out by a doctor and NOT A CHIROPRACTOR. This happened to me and it ended up being a fractured vertebrae. Chiropractor ended up worsening the injury.


Stevie's home!
Jul 5, 2012
Oradea, Rom/GR, MI
Back in highschool I was playing in a deck hockey league versus guys who were literally twice my age and weight. I'd usually skate circles around them, but spent a lot of time getting pushed on to my backside. I definitely did something to my tail bone, and the worthless padding in my roller hockey pants didn't help matters (switching to ice pants helped a lot). My tail bone would hurt after sitting for long periods of time, and I stopped sitting up straight since sitting directly on the bone was painful. I, too, didn't go to the doctor, and it was quite a while before everything was back to normal. I don't think it was a year though. Bottom line (sorry ;) ) -- you should get it checked out.


Ok, dis hockey
Jun 2, 2012
I think I broke my ass, need suggestions
12 months ago I feel straight down onto my tail bone while playing ice hockey. The next day I could barely sit and when I was sitting I had to keep my back pretty straight and lean forward on my chair as to avoid any pain

The title and just imagining someone sitting the way you described

:biglaugh: :biglaugh:


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
After 12 months it should be pretty much healed up, if it's still sore my guess would be that it's healed but not correctly therefore it keeps giving you pain/isn't healing correctly and getting re-injured very easily.

Gentle Ben Ken0bi

Registered User
Sep 8, 2005
I was thinking that there was not much that a Dr can do about a broken tail bone. I did this injury right at the beginning of my busy season so I really did not have time to see a Dr until after April 15th. Now I waited a whole year and I am back into my busy season, I guess i made a bad choice in waiting. At least I have my wife to remind me every day about everything that I have done wrong in my life. So I have that going for me.

If it is still bothering me in a few months I will make an appointment.

It also hurts when I push out a nice trouser cough.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2009
Obviously see a doctor. I'm not sure where in the world you are, but where I live you can get in to see a physiotherapist without a referral. You may also consider a chiropractor as most of them have x-rays and are well trained in viewing the films.
Jul 31, 2005
You may be reversing evolution and growing a tail. I wouldn't worry about it, no pain no gain is what I say. Tough it out.


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