How i became a millionaire with 1 simple trick

Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
So here`s the deal. The Average american is spending 5 buck`s a drink at Starbuck`s, u figure that`s around 10-15 buck`s now with inflation. And your looking at 2 drink`s a day, so that is 30 buck`s a day, multiply that by 365. So right off the bat your looking at 11 grand a year on Starbuck`s, round that up to 15 when u factor in tax, Gas price`s, etc. So what i did was i cut out Starbuck`s for 30 year`s, that is 450 Grand right there. And what u do is put that money in the stock market, u can Easily double your money every 10 year`s or so. So u are looking at several million dollar`s rite off the bat, Just by cutting out Starbuck`s. Then u roll that money rite back in the stock market and u can easily have enough to retire, without even working a single hour. And that is exactly what I have done. And it is literally that simple.


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