How does Pierre McGuire not work for an NHL club?

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Registered User
Dec 26, 2013
He has a VERY comfortable gig with NBCSN, where he is paid really well and gets to spend a lot of time with his family. Apparently an Assistant GM job would be a pay cut for him. Those two factors combined (time, money) are probably the reason why.

Owners seem reluctant to hire someone who has not been a part of an organization for 15 years. If he were to take a job as an Assistant GM he would probably be hired as a GM after 2-3 years. He interviewed for 6-7 teams over the last several years. Was the runner-up choice to be Canadiens GM, was almost hired to be Pittsburgh's GM but he wanted a longer contract and Pittsburgh only wanted a stop-gap sort of GM for two seasons. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

I'm not a huge fan of him on television, but try listening to him on the radio. He's much more calm and not over the top. He's on every afternoon on TSN radio in Montreal and several other places, and he definitely knows his stuff.

The article people keep talking about is from 20 years ago, and he was hired by Ottawa the same day he got fired in Hartford. He was also an assistant coach for the Pittsburgh Penguins when they won 2 cups.

This guy gets it. Pierre could have had the Pittsburgh gm job, but he wanted longer term due to his comfortable gig at NBC, which allows him to spend time with his family more often. Listening to him on TSN 990, 1290, and 1200 is a pleasure. The man knows hockey, and as others have said, he has the mind and the knowledge to be a gm


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
He may "know" a lot of things and be familiar with a lot of hockey elements and knowledgeable about prospects...that doesn't mean he's a great talent evaluator. He's like an HFboarder...

And as mentioned, even if there has been interest out there in him for an executive role...he hasn't been the guy teams go with, and he's got an extremely cushy gig as a broadcaster where he can gush over his crushes and talk his head off about anyone and everyone he likes, and doesn't have to worry about losing his job if he's wrong on some key guys.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2013
Can someone give me some examples of this great "knowledge" McGuire has? Every time I've heard him he speaks in worn out cliches and his observations are obvious. I've never heard one thing out of his mouth that was new (except of course those useless facts about some players 6th grade coach)

Terry Yake

Registered User
Aug 5, 2013
let's just say that his tenure as head coach of the whalers was one massive joke

the players hated him and there's a reason why pat verbeek called his firing the best possible thing that could have happened to the team


let's just say that his tenure as head coach of the whalers was one massive joke

the players hated him and there's a reason why pat verbeek called his firing the best possible thing that could have happened to the team

Coaching and managing are two different jobs. I think he would be rather successful as a general manager.

Red Piller

May 29, 2013
let's just say that his tenure as head coach of the whalers was one massive joke

the players hated him and there's a reason why pat verbeek called his firing the best possible thing that could have happened to the team

That must have been the very first time in history that a player said that about a just relieved coach. 20 years ago no less.

Whats with all the McGuire hate?

Red Piller

May 29, 2013
Looks like you also love using ad hominem attacks and being hypocritical. :laugh:

So Milbury is a clown because you say so, but McGuire isn't because you say so. Insightful.

Spewing useless and obscure facts about a player's junior career, for example, doesn't make him intelligent or knowledgeable about hockey. Anyone can look that stuff up and memorize it. I've heard radio interviews with him and he actually sounds normal, so I don't get why he has to act like an annoying weirdo while doing games.

Apparently talking about dragon ball z and video games on a hockey website makes you an authority on everything. Ive got some pokemon cards, and other stuff little kids like to play with for sale if you want to buy it.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
Can someone give me some examples of this great "knowledge" McGuire has? Every time I've heard him he speaks in worn out cliches and his observations are obvious. I've never heard one thing out of his mouth that was new (except of course those useless facts about some players 6th grade coach)

That's the thing...

Like a hfboarder...McGuire knows where a prospect played, some things about them in a general sense, and what they're "known for". He has "knowledge"...but that doesn't exactly equate to talent evaluation ability.

"OMG it's a double Dion!!!" doesn't automatically translate to an effective valuation of Phaneuf as a player.

Five Alarm Fire

HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 17, 2009
Pierre won't leave the booth unless a team agrees to his big contract demands. He could be the GM of the Penguins right now, but they couldn't agree on term.


Registered User
May 12, 2011
Can someone give me some examples of this great "knowledge" McGuire has? Every time I've heard him he speaks in worn out cliches and his observations are obvious. I've never heard one thing out of his mouth that was new (except of course those useless facts about some players 6th grade coach)

Listen to his radio spots. He frequently talks about running a team, player procurement, coaching, evaluating talent and dealing with players, scouting, and provides a lot of great stories.

Being a color commentator on TV isn't exactly a great avenue for showing you're capable of running a team. Color commentators are there to do exactly that, add color to the broadcast. His personality on TV is over the top because that's what he's supposed to be. On the radio he is much more calm.


Registered User
May 29, 2012

Apparently talking about dragon ball z and video games on a hockey website makes you an authority on everything. Ive got some pokemon cards, and other stuff little kids like to play with for sale if you want to buy it.
Lol wut? When did the poster claim to be "the authority on everything". Are you a Pierre lover as well? You seem rather hurt that not everyone shares your love.

Also who cares what some other poster is into, DBZ is probably one of my favorite shows of all time. I grew up watching that ****. Does it make you feel better to go into someone's posting history just to find stuff that you could attack?
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Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
He's considered knowledgable?


Seriously? The guy is a total tool, and he forever ruined an amazing Moment for Eberle.

All of his man-crushes are annoying and disturbing. Particularly the one he had for Dion Phaneuf.

He also seems to have unwavering affection for any plug (remember him going on and on about Blair Betts?)

Everything I've seen spewed from Macguire are pure conjectures based on his prejudices, and is not relevant to what is actually happening on the ice.


Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
Because the person in the GM / coach / whatever position should not think he's bigger than the team.

And yeah I know it's 2014 and we are suppose to be all open minded and all that.... but that Bro-mance stuff coming from McGuire is just.... well, wrong.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2014
he should be hockey historian, he knows a lot about players in terms of where and who they played for growing up, but I don't think he is particularly knowledgeable about the game and what it takes to win, and he is very annoying to listen to


Registered User
Aug 23, 2014
Tinley Park, IL.
When I first became aware of Pierre, he annoyed me so much. I couldn't stand the guy pointing out what junior/college team some fourth liner played for, who cares! Plus his interviews with players and coaches were really creepy. As the years have gone on though and listening to some of the other between the bench guys like Engblom, who are downright boring, I've come to appreciate Pierre more and more and look forward to his unique comentary during a game. He does work hard I'll give him that. Not sure how that translates into an executive role/coach and we've seen how it worked out for him in the past as well as other examples such as Olczyk, Milbury and Davidson, so I think Pierre is best suited to being in-between the benches for NBCSN.

Two of my favorite Pierre moments are when he is in that little box in Detroit, or when he makes a comment then says "right Edzo" and there are crickets on the other end. Would love to hear what Eddie is thinking there. Great comedy.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2011
Would be nice if someone would take him from the TV job. Damn, I hate the voice even. But then why should a NHL team suffer?

The Cheat

Habitual Linestepper
Because hes bad at almost everything, just because he knows what city players are born in doesnt mean he would be a good GM

If he were GM he would trade the farm for his crushes

stupid answer.

He has the depth and knowledge to recognize talent. He knows literally every player playing, as well as the coaching staff, trainers, office, other GMs.

He's the BEST candidate for a GM. I know I'd want someone with a wealth of hockey knowledge as a GM. There's more to it than just looking creepy and spouting interviews and stats.

And the cracks about him being a bad coach in the 90's... that's what, 20+ years ago? time for that joke to die now.

Pierre McGuire is a perfect GM candidate.

And It's Emmy Award Winning Pierre McGuire to you, sir.


Registered User
Oct 20, 2013
Agree with poster above that this sport could use some less sterile personalities. Pierre brings that and the guy is a walking encyclopedia, which is nice. Personally I love hearing where guys are from and the other tidbits Pierre throws out. I could do without the ridiculous fawning he gives to every scrub out there who successfully completes a pass but I would miss Pierre if he left. He is really smart and weird, therefore amusing. That fake commercial on page 1 is hysterical.

I think he would be a good GM, but I wouldn't want him as my GM. He is a clown, but he is super smart and seems to have worked in and made connections with people all throughout the hockey world. I'd want some safety nets in place as he seems quite impulsive but I think he would definitely be an asset to a team in a front office role.
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