How can I lay some one out (cleanly)?

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The Viking Fury

Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Let me explain, I've always only had the local rec league's near me be non contact, but now that i've moved far away and ironically to a blue collar town, for college I can play in a contact league. I dont wanna look like a *****, so I'm bulking up a little and I want to know if anyone can give me some pointers on laying out big scott stevens style open rink hits. It looks like its all about leading with your torso? Anyways I want to crunch some people like Phaneuf, along the boards, open rink, whatever


Registered User
Mar 30, 2005
Lower body strenght is one of the points. I would had a strong back also. Basically, you would have to strenghten your core to do so more effectively. Strong triceps always make then ending look more spectacular... Remember one thing, what goes around comes around. If you lay someone out, expect to get much more attention and cheap shots.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
Here's one piece of advice: don't go looking for the big hits. The big hits will just come. Usually when you do look for the big hit, you end up taking yourself out of the play.

Lower your shoulder. Drive into his upper body.

The Viking Fury

Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm sure I'll get the retaliation if it happens but whatever. I think a big hit can be the ultimate momentum changer in a game


Registered User
Aug 21, 2004
but don't try to hard and take yourself out of the play...not everyone can make a big hit.. i woud consider making big hits a skill and not one that you can just aquire.


A lot of the time guys who make the 'big hit' are out of position, therefore being able to lay the hit, and if they weren't out of position before the hit they sure are afterwords. Basically, stay low, hit with your hip or shoulder.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2005
Boise, ID
Best place to get someone really good playing wing is to get a defenseman coming around behind the net. They can't get out once they're back there. I throw a lot of hip checks back there. You're already in front of the net on offense so it's an easy move to someone bringing the puck around behind the net to start their breakout. Just swing in low with your backside toward the boards and watch them fly. It's also a good spot because you won't be caught out of position if you miss.
Playing wing probably offers you the least chances at really nailing someone in the open ice but you can still bang in the corners pretty well. Leave the open ice ones for the defenseman. As cool as open ice hits are having the guy that you miss score a goal sucks even more. I like your enthusiasm though, Happy Hunting!! Oh yeah, keep your head on a swivel afterward because they'll be coming back at you.

BCCHL inactive

BlueBleeder said:
Look for somebody with thier head down.

...But don't make your initial contact with your opponent's head. The only league left in the world that doesn't penalize checks to the head is the NHL.

Anthony Mauro

DraftBuzz Hockey
Oct 3, 2004
As a winger the most vulnerable position for the opponent coming in on me is the neutral zone near my own blueline. I'd always get guys with their heads semi down dipsy doodling trying to get around my D trying to get into our zone and I'd just gear up and get to work. For now, I'd say let the hitting come and get used to it naturally. Then stay alert from the beginning of your season watching and taking notice of the different ways guys can get their clocks cleaned.Keep your elbows down and explode up into them. Make sure the speeds are good too. Open ice hits arent the smoothest if the guy is an Adam Oates/Mike Ribiero type dangler.


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Feb 14, 2003
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Reaper45 said:
Stay low, and explode through them.

Timing it is all in the timing and being strong on your feet. Like it was stated if you can explode at the right time you will drop them everytime


Habs fan in ON
Nov 12, 2005
if you catch someone with their head down, its the best oppurtunity. keep your legs spread appart from each other and bend your knees. don't go for the biggest player out there too, but perhaps one of average size. skate hard and dont slow down


Wig like a mink skin, soft like Twinkie dough
May 15, 2004
Look for someone with their head down, admiring their pass or shot and then simply run into him with speed. Just be careful not to charge. Also study your opponents. Some players look down when the stickhandle more than others... it's all about vulnerability because big hits usually happen when the guy being hit makes a mistake.


If im not physically large, is it still possible to lay someone out a lot larger? My back is very strong, as ive been working out for quite a while.
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