HFWF: The Reboot X

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Aug 22, 2007
do we have more info tho...?
like half of the roster hates catrina.... but who?

dont wanna write a promo with wrong people. lol.
or we just dont care cuz the game will do what it wants?

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
One month in and AEW has had their time slot moved in three different regions to the later time slot, and in some cases, the graveyard because of disappointment.

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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
- Despite adding a ton of backstage staff in the likes of Lance Storm, Al Snow, Billy Gunn, Trish Stratus and Rhyno among others to act as trainers, producers and agents, HFWF saw a profit of $188,592 in August 2020.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
We are proud to announce that we have brought back former HFWF talent, Presumido!

(He doesn’t post here anymore, but rounding out the roster to prepare if anymore suspensions happen :laugh: )

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
@Scandale du Jour sending me emails telling me @Serac is money on the mic and there’s money in him if given the air time.

First show of September following Payback:

“The feedback from viewers has been excellent, it seems like they really struck gold with this show.”

Not a sell out, but almost 7-million viewers in North America. :naughty:

I’ll post another recap tonight.
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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Screenshot (38).png

@Scandale du Jour
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Jul 12, 2012
The Citadel
BEING THE OUTCASTS – Episode 5: The Bells

The camera opens to the Outcasts trio leaving a production meeting. All three men are studying a booklet titled “Post-NTR Plans”. They stop and give each other a stern but solemn look. After a beat, the trio throw back their heads in laughter, tossing the pages over their shoulders and walking off down the hall as the camera fades to black.


The camera opens on the HFWF performance centre. The primary training ring is set up for match practice. But what is on the schedule is by no means a practice. Serac stands outside of the ring in casual wear, his arms folded, a concerned look on his face. SeidoN is shown in one corner, full ring gear. He turns to face the other corner.

SeidoN: “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

We see Mitchy in the other corner, also in full gear. Both men wear Outcasts armbands.

Mitchy: “I have to know. I just...... have to know.”

For Mitchy, the last few months have seen him filled with self-doubt, regret and broken confidence. For him, knowing who the better man in the Outcasts is is not so much about proving a point to the others, but proving something to himself. Win or loss, Mitchy will finally have closure.

SeidoN nods slowly. A sanctioned HFWF referee climbs through the ropes and checks each man. After a tense pause that seemed to last a lifetime, the referee calls for the bell.

Mitchy and SeidoN put on a back and forth battle with nothing held back. It seems like either man could take the win at any point of the match. Eventually, Mitchy hits a Curb Stomp on SeidoN, the referee counts 1-2-

The tape cuts out. There's some static, before the tape resumes, showing a close up of Serac's face.

Serac: “Is this thing on? There was already tape in it. Oh yeah here we go, it's recording!”

The handheld camera pans and we see a lavish hall, many chairs adorned with white covers all facing a slightly elevated stage below a stained glass window. The entire HFWF roster is milling around the hall, discussing what they have been up to lately, and praising how fantastic the hall looks. In the background, we hear the ringing of church bells.

Serac excitedly heads towards his fellow Outcasts brothers who have just entered the hall. Mitchy is wearing an expensive suit and sunglasses. SeidoN has of course donned a kilt, as is tradition of the occasion. Serac greets the two enthusiastically

Serac: “FINALLY you two are here. Doesn't this all look so great? You guys look amazing of course. Not sure about the skirt SeidoN but you do you. Have you seen Cathy?? Her dress is A-MA-ZING”

SeidoN chuckles: “We just got here man. I haven't seen her. But thanks, you look great too. What's with the camera?”

Serac: “Oh im just recording some stuff for BTO. Mitchy I hope you dont mind I borrowed your camera”

Mitchy: “Uh yeah sure. Did you.... change the tape?”

Serac: “Umm no, im just using the one that was already inside”

SeidoN turns to Mitchy: “Oh man, maybe someone at the PC has.......”

Mitchy puts his hand on SeidoN's shoulder and smiles: “It's fine. Trust me.”

Serac: “Well anyway, you guys are so fashionably late that you're gonna need to take your seats NOW. We're about to start”

The entire HFWF roster takes their seats in the hall. ColePens makes his way to the stage, whispers something behind a curtain, then stands to one side of the stage. The hall goes silent. MCG's music hits and he power walks out from behind the curtain and strides to the microphone planted front and center stage.

MCG: “ALRIGHT DAMMIT. I have a few things I wanna say before we get this show on the road DAMMIT. First of all, thank you all for being here today. Ever since this offseason began I know you are all doing your own thing, so im glad we can all be together today. Secondly, thanks to BonMorrison for paying for this whole shindig, and for the Red Lobster buffet for later.”

EmperorEddy's ears prick up in the audience. BonMorrison has a shocked look on his face. He looks around the hall, where he spots SeidoN holding up the Mount Rushmore tag belt sideplates once again, and a Red Lobster invoice. He slumps in his chair as the Outcasts laugh.

MCG: “Alright lets get this started DAMMIT”

A man in an extravagant suit and top hat walks out from the curtain and takes to the mic, where he very much belongs.

KIRK: “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. My name, is KIRK. And I am..... so very happy you could all be here...... for the happiest day of my life.”

KIRK chokes up a little, but manages to keep it together. A single tear rolls down his face.

KIRK: “Firstly, I want to say thankyou.... to Scandale De Jour and Unreal Machine. You see not long ago, they ambushed me and put me in a hospital bed. You may be wondering why im thankful for that. But it was in that hospital bed that I met the love of my life. The one I could not imagine being without from this day forward. And I am here today to give away my heart like I never knew I could, in the presence of everyone who in their own small ways, made it possible.”

Disclose appears from the back of the hall, peeking through a doorway, and looks towards the stage. KIRK gives a thumbs up, and the wedding march plays on the organ.

Disclose walks out from the side room holding a small hand draped in white. The audience stands as Disclose makes his way up the aisle, accompanying Stash the Monkey, wearing a white dress with embroidered yellow bananas stitched down the train. KIRK loses his composure and begins to sob as Stash is led to the stage. Upon arrival, Disclose gives his old friend Stash a Tranquilo fist, then a long hug and takes his seat. The audience sits and MCG takes to the microphone once again.

MCG: “Alright DAMMIT. We are gathered here today to witness this..... unconventional, but ultimately beautiful bonding between KIRK and Stash. A pairing that was born out of pain, and ended in love. I can think of no two better people, or mammals for that matter , to spend their lives together than these two. Now before we begin, if anyone here knows of any reason these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Falco Lombardi stands, and opens his mouth to speak.

Falco Lombardi: “....”

Falco looks around, lost for words. He sits back down.

MCG: “Alright then DAMMIT. Let's do the short version of this, I have a steak wrap with ketchup in the microwave. Do we have the rings?”

KIRK looks over at his best man ColePens, who hands him a small ring box. KIRK opens the box revealing a small silver ring with a brilliant yellow diamond in the shape of a banana. He slips the ring onto Stash's finger. BonMorrison looks over at SeidoN who is holding up an invoice for FruitThemedWeddingRings.com. Bon once again slumps in his chair, his head in his hands.
Stash's maid of honor steps forward, and it's none other than Nurse Nancy. She hands Stash a ring box, bearing a small gold band which Stash promptly lobs on the floor. The audience laughs as ColePens picks up the ring, handing it to KIRK as he places it on his finger.

MCG: “Alright, by the power vested in me by the HFWF sponsors, I now declare you man and monkey. You may now... do whatever it is you do”

The entire audience stands in applause as KIRK and Stash embrace, and walk back down the aisle as the roster throws flower petals as they pass. The bells ring out harmoniously.

The camera cuts out, resuming at the after party. Loud music plays and the HFWF roster is in full party mode. Serac is walking through the crowd where he spots Cathy chatting to some production members. His chest instantly tenses up, he begins to sweat. He knows that of all the times he can make a move, this has to be it. He begins to approach Cathy, but its cut in front of by Brudda who takes Cathy by the hand. They whisper briefly, before heading the the dance floor. Serac turns the camera around, we see him distraught.

Serac: “How do I turn this damn thing off. Where's the goddamn butto........”

The camera cuts out.

Camera fades in, we see Mitchy and SeidoN sitting on a bench by the pond outside the church. SeidoN has clearly had a few waters and is taking a break from the party, which is still rocking long into the early hours of the morning. Serac comes air-guitaring out of the hall to the Outcasts theme, which he has coerced the DJ into playing, much to the chagrin of the rest of the roster. He spots his Outcast brothers.

Serac: “Heyy you two, THERE you are. You're totally missing our jam!”

Mitchy: “It's all good, I think a little break from that is much needed”

SeidoN: “So, did you talk to her”

Serac plays it cool

Serac: “Nahh, decided to play the long game a little longer. You know, really get to know her a bit more before I make my move.”

SeidoN smiles as he looks over Serac's shoulder

Cathy: “Make what move?”

Serac spins around shocked: “Ahhhhh nothing, talking about wrestling moves. Y'know, wrestling stuff. Ahem.”

Cathy looks at the ground before coyly raising her eyes to meet Serac's: “You know, speaking of moves, maybe you could show me some of yours? On the dancefloor?”

Serac's eyes widen: “Oh uhh.... But I thought you and Brudda......”

Cathy lets out a laugh before smiling at Serac: “He only asked for one dance. I said yes. But maybe I'm looking for someone to have more than one dance with?”

Serac's mouth is agape. He turns and looks at Mitchy. Hidden from Cathy's view, he puts his thumb out sideways and waggles it, as if to ask Mitchy's opinion. Mitchy nods.

Serac whispers “You sure?”

Mitchy: “Of course. Why wouldn't I be”

A voice calls out from the hallway door: “MITCHY. There you are. You've been hiding out here this whole time? You know you owe me a dance!”

Nurse Nancy bounds towards the group and embraces Mitchy.

Mitchy: “I know I know, just getting some air. I'll be back in soon babe”

SeidoN looks surprised: “Wait, you two? Back together?”

Nancy: “Aww I couldn't say no to this one for long”

SeidoN: “But wasn't there a problem with.... you know.... Mitchy's....”

Mitchy glares at SeidoN: “Dude”

Nancy laughs: “Oh you heard those stories huh? Fake news. There's NO problem in that department. Mitchy here is basically HFWF's Batista”

SeidoN recoils: “Okaaaay too much information. So wait, why DID you break up then”

Nancy: “While I was taking care of KIRK, do you know how many wrestlers, monkeys, child killers, promos and all sorts of crazy nonsense I had to put up with? I thought you were all bat **** mental. I wanted to stay well away from any of you. But after this wedding, I can see this is just par for the course for you guys.”

SeidoN nods in acceptance.

Nancy: “Alright boys we'll leave you to it, but don't keep us waiting for long. C'mon Cathy”

The two women head back to the party.

Serac: “I'll be right in Cathy!”

Serac turns back to Mitchy and SeidoN.

Serac: “See..... long game”

The pair laugh.


SeidoN: “So what's next for you guys over the summer?”

Serac: “Japan! For a while. MCG is letting me work the G1 over there. Maybe I could take Cathy on vacation!”

SeidoN: “Awesome, and you?”

Mitchy: “I need a break from wrestling to be honest. Me and Nancy are gonna stay at one of Paris in Flames cottages for a while. No electronics, no stresses. Just some rest and relaxation.

SeidoN: “Sounds great man, I'm sure you'll enjoy it”

The group stands.

SeidoN: “So, when will we see each other next?”

Mitchy: “I don't know man. Maybe after the summer? Hard to say”

Serac: “Probably yeah. After summer. I think?”

SeidoN nods: “Well, until next time I guess”

The camera slowly zooms out. It cuts to inside the party and pans in slow motion across the party.

We see the HFWF roster at the party interspersed with highlights from HFWF shows.

EmperorEddy sits at a table eating the leftovers of the Red Lobster buffet.

Legendary AC and El Dandy are arm wrestling over the last piece of wedding cake as Gongshow watches on.

Cor is riding a tricycle around Falco Lombardi, ringing the bell as Falco looks on speechless.

Fro, Jbell and Dr Pepper are at a table, drawing some elaborate plan for a new Tag Team finisher.

BonMorrison and Paris in Flames glare at each other, before smiling and shaking hands, returning to the dance floor for some very emotional EDM.

MCG is talking on the phone, presumably with some sponsor. The camera catches a glimpse of the screen, on which the caller ID simply reads “EMMY COMMITTEE”

Disclose and ColePens are enjoying a cold beer, looking on like proud parents as KIRK and Stash are dancing together happily.

The camera returns to the Outcasts.

SeidoN: “But first, one last time?

Mitchy and Serac agree: “One last time.”

They all throw up the OC hand signal before smiling and hugging each other.

They break apart and Serac heads to the party to meet Cathy. Mitchy pats SeidoN on the shoulder before turning and heading after Serac.

SeidoN sits back down and looks out over the water.

SeidoN: “Until next time, I guess.”



Congrats to @Serac on being with Cathy. :cry:

@SeidoN, amazing stuff, bro. This was a pleasure to read and it got me in the feels. I know this is the finale, but I hope there are more in the future, just because of how good they are.

As for that match, :naughty:

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