"hairy black holes"?


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From: BBC News

Scientists claim hairy black holes explain Hawking paradox

By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent
(Published 17 March 2022)

Scientists say they have solved one of the biggest paradoxes in science first identified by Prof Stephen Hawking. ...

New research claims to have resolved the paradox by showing that black holes have a property which they call "quantum hair".

"The problem has been cracked!" Prof Xavier Calmet of the University of Sussex, told BBC News exclusively, with much satisfaction. He was among those who developed the mathematical techniques they say has solved the paradox.

At the heart of the paradox is a problem which has threatened to undermine two of physics most important theories. Einstein's general theory of relativity says information about what goes into a black hole cannot come out, but quantum mechanics says that is impossible.

Prof Calmet and his colleagues say they have shown that the constituents of the star leave an imprint in the black hole's gravitational field.

The scientists named the imprint "quantum hair" because their theory supersedes an earlier idea called the "no hair theorem" developed by Prof John Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University in New Jersey in the 1960s.

Prof Wheeler came up with the name because it conveys the mathematical description of a black hole: an entity which has mass, spin and charge but is otherwise has no other physical features, bald if you like.

Prof Calmet's "yes hair theorem", published in the journal Physical Review Letters is revolutionary. It claims to resolve the Hawking paradox which has deeply troubled physicists ever since Prof Hawking came up with it in the 1970s. ...

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