Elks: Edmonton Eskimos 2018 v5


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
The Edmonton Eskimos Attendance on CFLdb Statistics

This is a good site for attendance figures. Or the best out there in anycase. Over the last decade annual attendance is down around 5K. since 2005 its down 10K.

Important to note things like ticket prices being relatively stable over the time. No major increase so its not like the Esks are making more money from increased ticket prices.

Last night in pretty much a must win home game with playoff implications the Esks drew 28K sold. From the look of the stadium a lot of people didn't even go to the game.

Finally I think any view of attendance figures should take into account that Metropolitan Edmonton Population has gone up around 600K. In the peak attendance years for this franchise the population in the area was around 700K. Now its 1.3K You'd think attendance and demand would go up like it has for the NHL team.
The post I quoted lumped the Oilers old boys club in with the Eskimos and that’s why I made my comment about charging as much as they possibly could for doing as little as they possibly could. The Eskimos learned what there gouging maximum was years ago and couldn’t charge more (not that I think they ever did gouge there fans). The Oilers are only coming to that realization this year. We’ve put up with horrible mismanagement in our sports teams for years when other cities don’t. We continue to pay for it. That’s why it continues.


There is nothing to do in Mockingbird Heights
Oct 3, 2015
Hot Dog outage?

its this guys fault;

Is that Austin Matthews?
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
I’m going to guess that a lot of new immigrants to the country and city in particular really don’t have a lot of interest in CFL football. But there are also way more entertainment options available now, viewing options are also there 100% which wasn’t the case a while ago, and weather can influence attendance greatly in an outdoor venue

Some component is Immigrant, some component of the increase is inter provincial. The entertainment options is also an issue. More competition. But other clubs like the Riders, Bombers, Even at times Calgary have seen more interest.

I think another factor, of course, is how successful the product is. Winning might not be everything to Len Rhodes. It is to fans. One could draw basically a correlation between winning and attendance.

Lets look at the home records of the Esks through the decades;

The Edmonton Eskimos Historical Record by Decade on CFLdb Statistics

2010's .608 (lowest home win percentage since the deplorable 60's)

2000's .672

90's .689

80's .810

70's .719

60's .400 (man that was awful)

So if one compares these decades with historic attendance figures a pattern emerges. Ideally one would compare seasonal records but the above gives a general feel for it. In anycase that the present management is delivering only a .600 home win record to fans, lowest since the 60's pertinent to a discussion on how poor Rhodes has been in delivering product.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2016
My take

First I had no problem with the promotion. It's a try. But running out of dogs? FAIL.

Next I expected a huge crowd because of the variables. It suddenly became such an important game. The fans hasn't had a chance to see team for a while, and $2 and $5 deal. The weather played a bit of a factor I suppose but I doubt much as we are good hearty football fans and are used to extremes here.

On to the game. I agree with so many posters comments here. From the first or second series I felt it would be a long night. Not as bad as it was but long!
The lack of coverage on D at times was abysmal. However like many here, I don't hold them accountable for the game. The playcallong on O, the lack of any adjustment to the constant blitz of the Bombers, the failure to once again incorporate Gable into anything once we were down even though he started off running good tells me there's something rooted here.
But wait - there's more! Reilly constantly surrounded and out down reminded me of the Ricky Ray era. How Ray ever got a pass off was a testament to his abilities. It feels the same to me now with Mike. Kudos for him for ANY completion.
On that subject, I'm happy others agree that he should have been yarded in a game that was obvious to every fan that we were never in. A halftime score of 17-3 was actually flattering to Edmonton. When they showed the stats I couldn't believe the team's were very close, especially in time of possession.

Rambling here so I'll go to a new post.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2016
My take (2)

The little guys at halftime seemed to put in more effort!
So with the late field goal the fans around me and I start to feel some Ray of hope that the Esks will get back on track in second half.
NOPE!!! Got worse.
D on field forever. Reilly under constant blitzing pressure. Passes that did get off no one but Hazelton could catch, then even he had carpal tunnel after a while. Improper use of C.J. The list goes on. Never mind no points AGAIN in the second half, they never got close to the red zone. Add in a
pick-6 and there you have it.
Agree with poster who said Reilly was hurt coming in. I said at the time in 1st water when they went long to an open receiver, that WYD? I've never seen Mike Reilly overthrow a open WR that bad. When he did it again in the second half, I confirmed to myself that something is way off with him.
The fact that he was left in, only to be pounded more, made the Williams injury more painful to me. Somebody stated that this could be his last year here. Quite likely unless they can surround him with better quality. He is an incredible leader and warrior. Perhaps the 'offness' stems from tension in the room? Just a guess but it's got to be there no?
To me this is a coaching problem. The offence is letting the team down more than the D which certainly isn't any help at times. I'm not sure I can blame S as GM as much since the receiving core and quarterback are high end to me. My concern is once again with the front line. It's inexcusable that team's are getting through that easily. For God's sake there was 3 THREE! untouched bombers at Hugh blocking a punt! THREE!!!
I LIKE Jason Moss. I feel his tenure has been served though.

Finally my last take. The $2 dogs seemed very popular. I didnt stand in line for one. However I waltzed right up toward the end of halftime and, with no line up, purchased 2 beers. I told the old fella that I was very surprised as I've never been able to do that anytime before WITHOUT discounted beer! He told me that he had 66 24packs left at the time for his station and that there was not a chance they'd come close to selling even half that. Wow.

What a disaster of an event. Still ok with the organization trying. But I hope they look at every aspect of last night going toward- both on and off the
field - for improvement.

TY if you read all my ranting! Very pissed like others that this downward spiral continues. Especially this year with the big game local.
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Looking at the game yesterday was interesting in that you could point out about half a dozen Bombers defenders that are just dominant, and to be feared players. That make huge impacts and effectively tilted the playing field.

Guys like Bighill, Sayles, Loffler, Santos-Knox, Fog, Roe, Gaitor, Fenner etc.

The Bombers just have more, and better big play guys.

On the Esks the list would be Sherritt, Boateng, Sewell, (declining0 and Grymes (Declining) and with nobody really that intimidates QB's. We got hardly any pressure and the few times we did we missed sacking Nichols.
Sure, tactically we lose games and ought to have thrown more pressure at Nichols but we don't even have enough premium personnel to do that.

And yet, if I took the time to check back on posts before the game, the feeling was that we should crush these guys and totally expose their flaccid defence. Now, they’re full of game changers.:nod:
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Hopefully the Duke is not hurt too badly. Came into the game with a shoulder injury (who knows, might have been affecting his ability to hang on to the ball), and then took a hellacious hit while gamely trying to reach for a pass behind him. Terry Jones reported he may be gone for the season.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
And yet, if I took the time to check back on posts before the game, the feeling was that we should crush these guys and totally expose their flaccid defence. Now, they’re full of game changers.

I think most of the criticism around the Bombers is the play of the very ordinary Matt Nichols. I've been pretty consistent, actually, in saying that the Eskimos D is about the worst in the league.

I think the sum response prior to the game was that it would be disgusting for the Esks to get beat in the game. Which it was. This is a home game that the team had to have.

Kyle McMahon

Registered User
May 10, 2006
Wow, that was embarrassing. The **** cherry on top of a **** run of weeks for this team. I can’t think of one guy that stood out and played well. And a single solitary field goal , on home field, against another struggling team that was injury riddled and ripe for the pickings is hard to fathom in a league where you should be able to garner 3 points by accident. This loss was devastating in a number of ways, the largest being a loss of confidence going forward.

The freaking Als scored two majors and put up 350 yards on that soft Bomber defense. Scoring less than 30 against them is concerning, scoring 3 is...I don't even know.

But interestingly, and not surprisingly, we didn't run any of the plays against them that the Als were. I seriously wonder if Jason Maas even watches other teams play. Evidence suggests he does not. All we saw last night was dink and dunk Maciocia crap. Zero effort at all to attack a poor Winnipeg secondary. If Mike Reilly's execution last night rates a D-minus, which it absolutely does, Maas' scheming rates an F-minus.

The amazing thing is, my one concern going into the game was our ability to scheme against Harris. Benevides did an excellent job of doing so. The defense shut down the Bombers only playmaker, but a great effort was thoroughly wasted.

The last bit of hope that remains for this season is that Winnipeg plays OTT, CGY, and SSK before we play them again in the season finale. I doubt they win two of those games, meaning that even if we lose our next three (likely), we would still have a win-and-we're-in scenario in the last game.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
My take (2)

The little guys at halftime seemed to put in more effort!
So with the late field goal the fans around me and I start to feel some Ray of hope that the Esks will get back on track in second half.
NOPE!!! Got worse.
D on field forever. Reilly under constant blitzing pressure. Passes that did get off no one but Hazelton could catch, then even he had carpal tunnel after a while. Improper use of C.J. The list goes on. Never mind no points AGAIN in the second half, they never got close to the red zone. Add in a
pick-6 and there you have it.
Agree with poster who said Reilly was hurt coming in. I said at the time in 1st water when they went long to an open receiver, that WYD? I've never seen Mike Reilly overthrow a open WR that bad. When he did it again in the second half, I confirmed to myself that something is way off with him.
The fact that he was left in, only to be pounded more, made the Williams injury more painful to me. Somebody stated that this could be his last year here. Quite likely unless they can surround him with better quality. He is an incredible leader and warrior. Perhaps the 'offness' stems from tension in the room? Just a guess but it's got to be there no?
To me this is a coaching problem. The offence is letting the team down more than the D which certainly isn't any help at times. I'm not sure I can blame S as GM as much since the receiving core and quarterback are high end to me. My concern is once again with the front line. It's inexcusable that team's are getting through that easily. For God's sake there was 3 THREE! untouched bombers at Hugh blocking a punt! THREE!!!
I LIKE Jason Moss. I feel his tenure has been served though.

Finally my last take. The $2 dogs seemed very popular. I didnt stand in line for one. However I waltzed right up toward the end of halftime and, with no line up, purchased 2 beers. I told the old fella that I was very surprised as I've never been able to do that anytime before WITHOUT discounted beer! He told me that he had 66 24packs left at the time for his station and that there was not a chance they'd come close to selling even half that. Wow.

What a disaster of an event. Still ok with the organization trying. But I hope they look at every aspect of last night going toward- both on and off the
field - for improvement.

TY if you read all my ranting! Very pissed like others that this downward spiral continues. Especially this year with the big game local.

enjoyable posts. Please post more often.

Both of the comments were mine, that Reilly came in injured, and has been for at least the last two games. Reilly can't even complete a bomb now and was flat out missing recievers even short. He's compromised, clearly, and had trouble getting up from sacks both in Ottawa game and this one.

Also my comment and suspicion that the org will not resign Reilly. Both Sunderland and Rhodes seem opposed to high priced contracts. There will be competition for Reilly and I see him going back to BC. At which point there will be no reason to even go to an Esks game. I wouldn't even want to imagine this club without Reilly. In anycase the better chapter of his career is done. I think the physical toll and punishment is finally catching up.

It was real sad to see him get beat like this but it is his fault that he stood firmly behind Maas as a head coach after last season. To some degree he's enabled that. This is the result. A rudderless club bereft of quality coaching which was more than obvious last season.
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
I think most of the criticism around the Bombers is the play of the very ordinary Matt Nichols. I've been pretty consistent, actually, in saying that the Eskimos D is about the worst in the league.

I think the sum response prior to the game was that it would be disgusting for the Esks to get beat in the game. Which it was. This is a home game that the team had to have.

No fan of Nichols, but I will give him credit for managing the game. Best I can do. He recognized his defence was playing a great game and controlling it, and minimized the game plan. He never won the game, but he never lost it for them either.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
The freaking Als scored two majors and put up 350 yards on that soft Bomber defense. Scoring less than 30 against them is concerning, scoring 3 is...I don't even know.

But interestingly, and not surprisingly, we didn't run any of the plays against them that the Als were. I seriously wonder if Jason Maas even watches other teams play. Evidence suggests he does not. All we saw last night was dink and dunk Maciocia crap. Zero effort at all to attack a poor Winnipeg secondary. If Mike Reilly's execution last night rates a D-minus, which it absolutely does, Maas' scheming rates an F-minus.

The amazing thing is, my one concern going into the game was our ability to scheme against Harris. Benevides did an excellent job of doing so. The defense shut down the Bombers only playmaker, but a great effort was thoroughly wasted.

The last bit of hope that remains for this season is that Winnipeg plays OTT, CGY, and SSK before we play them again in the season finale. I doubt they win two of those games, meaning that even if we lose our next three (likely), we would still have a win-and-we're-in scenario in the last game.

If I see many more of those stupid useless little rinky dinky 3 yard passes into heavy coverage, I might lose it. Every defensive coordinator have them figured out by now. Maas also seems to think that lateral sideline pass to the WR to set up blocking is the end all
Oct 15, 2008
This won’t be a popular response but I think we’re to blame for this. We keep supporting these *******s who do as little as they possibly can and charge as much as they possibly can for it. There’s no incentive for them to do better because, year after year, we put up with it. We’re told we’re lucky to have them. Fans in other cities stay away when it stops being worth it. We don’t.
What else is there to do in Edmonton?


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
The freaking Als scored two majors and put up 350 yards on that soft Bomber defense. Scoring less than 30 against them is concerning, scoring 3 is...I don't even know.

But interestingly, and not surprisingly, we didn't run any of the plays against them that the Als were. I seriously wonder if Jason Maas even watches other teams play. Evidence suggests he does not. All we saw last night was dink and dunk Maciocia crap. Zero effort at all to attack a poor Winnipeg secondary. If Mike Reilly's execution last night rates a D-minus, which it absolutely does, Maas' scheming rates an F-minus.

The amazing thing is, my one concern going into the game was our ability to scheme against Harris. Benevides did an excellent job of doing so. The defense shut down the Bombers only playmaker, but a great effort was thoroughly wasted.

The last bit of hope that remains for this season is that Winnipeg plays OTT, CGY, and SSK before we play them again in the season finale. I doubt they win two of those games, meaning that even if we lose our next three (likely), we would still have a win-and-we're-in scenario in the last game.

Harris was injured again in both of the past two games and this wasn't him at this best. He's banged up. The Bombers D have allowed more than they should this season but the personnel seems to be there. Certainly a lot of gamebreakers on that D. I think it took some time for them to come together. Bombers were expected to be good on D this year. Again I look at players like Santos-Knox, Bighill, Loffler, Sayles, Fogg and realize we just don't that kind of talent. Of our personnel only Boateng even holds promise of being among that kind of crew. They took over the game, quite clearly. These guys had a huge impact in the game.

Even though our D played well in the game we never get a huge play. We don't get a pick six, ever. Our D and special teams have not scored 1TD all season. In the CFL there have been 5 of those D TD's just this weekend so far. We never get that big break or uplift from D or special teams scores. Not an insignificant point either as it was the difference in the game. Nichols and Reilly stats in the game were identical. Offense stats were identical. Bombers won it on D and special teams.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
No fan of Nichols, but I will give him credit for managing the game. Best I can do. He recognized his defence was playing a great game and controlling it, and minimized the game plan. He never won the game, but he never lost it for them either.

Sure, but around 4 of the Bombers losses so far this season were primarily due to Nichols being abysmal. Did he learn a lesson, sure. But the doubt about the Bombers all year has been Nichols. The Bombers would probably be in the convo of potential GC winners if they had a more experienced Streveler. It does look like Bombers could win a Grey Cup in near future if they hold onto lineup.

have to say I've never seen Reilly with happy feet like this before. I think it could be the first game I saw where he was intimidated. He was hearing footsteps given the Bombers blitz package and disguising who was coming on any given play.
That's what competent scheming does though.

Good game by the bombers, all credit given.
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
Hopefully the Duke is not hurt too badly. Came into the game with a shoulder injury (who knows, might have been affecting his ability to hang on to the ball), and then took a hellacious hit while gamely trying to reach for a pass behind him. Terry Jones reported he may be gone for the season.

Report already is that he's "out for the foreseeable future with a shoulder injury" as per todays online Edmonton Journal.

Reilly injury, no disclosure, but expected to play.

Kyle McMahon

Registered User
May 10, 2006
Harris was injured again in both of the past two games and this wasn't him at this best. He's banged up. The Bombers D have allowed more than they should this season but the personnel seems to be there. Certainly a lot of gamebreakers on that D. I think it took some time for them to come together. Bombers were expected to be good on D this year. Again I look at players like Santos-Knox, Bighill, Loffler, Sayles, Fogg and realize we just don't that kind of talent. Of our personnel only Boateng even holds promise of being among that kind of crew. They took over the game, quite clearly. These guys had a huge impact in the game.

Even though our D played well in the game we never get a huge play. We don't get a pick six, ever. Our D and special teams have not scored 1TD all season. In the CFL there have been 5 of those D TD's just this weekend so far. We never get that big break or uplift from D or special teams scores. Not an insignificant point either as it was the difference in the game. Nichols and Reilly stats in the game were identical. Offense stats were identical. Bombers won it on D and special teams.

Winnipeg's defense has been decent against bad competition this year, but better teams have hung plenty of points on them. Actually their defense is a lot like our offense,which looked good against the Als, injury-riddled Calgary and early season BC...crap against everyone else. But credit to them last night, even though I think the Golden Bears defense could probably keep a Maas-coached offense contained at this point.

Our defense had a chance to swing some field position when it was still 3-0, but then got scorched on 2nd and long. And I agree, not picking off Nichols at least once is flat out terrible. But overall, they did as good as could reasonably be hoped for under the circumstances. 10 Winnipeg points were 100% the fault of the offense/special teams disaster. The defence held Winnipeg to 14 non- garbage time points. You should win every single time when that happens in this league. Amazingly we got blown out under those conditions.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
^We get beat essentially any time Reilly doesn't hit for 300yds.

Winnipegs D typically has trouble because they're out on the field all the time due to an abysmal Matt Nichols offense. But they score a ton of points, have all year, and have hung in tough even in games where the Winnipeg offense was the worst joke west of Montreal. Winnipeg is in the GC conversation if they had better than Nichols at QB.


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