Don't get speeding tickets in Quebec


Jul 13, 2013
130 is pushing it but you can do anywhere between 100-120 and nobody would blink. Actually...going 100 is probably a more questionable thing then 120.

When I got my last ticket and I was negotiating the charge I got to see the book. Ontario doesn't have any fine/penalty for less than 20 km over on highways, that's where it starts. If a person is going less than 110 on a highway and they aren't 80 they need to get it together.


When I got my last ticket and I was negotiating the charge I got to see the book. Ontario doesn't have any fine/penalty for less than 20 km over on highways, that's where it starts. If a person is going less than 110 on a highway and they aren't 80 they need to get it together.

Reaction time peaks around age 24 and its all downhill from there

80 is an exaggeration :)


The Very Weedcat
Jun 2, 2011
A place.
I've had cops fly past me on the 400-series highways, going 130 with the lights/siren off.

100 is the "posted" limit, 120 is what everyone drives anyways, and some keep it a little faster than that.

I hate the ones that go exactly 100, and end up in the fast lane. I heard a story once of a few guys who wanted to prove a point about how ridiculous the current posted limit is; they basically drove up the entire 400, spanning across all the lanes, going exactly 100km/h the whole way. It backed up the entire highway with traffic as a result. :laugh:

No idea if they actually did that up there, but down here that's not a story. It actually happened. In Georgia.

And anecdotally, one of the few times I actually drove through Atlanta, I had to do 85 in a 55 just to keep up with traffic, and a cop at one point zoomed past me to the left doing 90+ and politely waved hello.


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