OT: Detroit files for bankruptcy


Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
You couldn't even get a big trailer here for 13,000, a smaller one with maybe a double tip out xD


Gute Post
Oct 30, 2006
I know it's the Sens board but Alfredsson doesn't/won't live in Detroit, this has nothing to do with him. But lots of poor and desperate people do, and have to live in these ever-worsening conditions, so maybe keep that in mind.


Condra Fan
Mar 27, 2012
Maybe ill buy a block in detroit and pretend its my own country :P



Haven't we suffered enough?
May 3, 2007
I know it's the Sens board but Alfredsson doesn't/won't live in Detroit, this has nothing to do with him. But lots of poor and desperate people do, and have to live in these ever-worsening conditions, so maybe keep that in mind.



Mar 22, 2012
There really is no point to this thread other than to take a shot at Alfie at the expense of the people of Detroit.


HFWF Tourney Undisputed Champion
Apr 30, 2004
Lansing, MI
I know it's the Sens board but Alfredsson doesn't/won't live in Detroit, this has nothing to do with him. But lots of poor and desperate people do, and have to live in these ever-worsening conditions, so maybe keep that in mind.

Yeah Detroit may be an absolute hole for the most part, but the rest of the state has a lot going for it. It's pretty much the microbrew capital of the world and produces the best beer you can buy (Just did a western mich trip to 5 microbreweries last weekend), is surrounded by awesome lakes, and Western Michigan is probably one of the most beautiful places out there (If I choose to stay and live here, that's where i'd mostly likely like to live.) I'm sure Alfie and his family will find plenty to do, and you might even find Mccarty rummaging through some dumpsters around here.

Vesa Awesaka

Jul 4, 2013
Why is detroit in such dire straights anyways? It's easy to say the collapse of the auto industry caused it but in reality not all of 2million people were connected to the auto industry. It really sucks that one of the greatest birth places of industry has fallen in to such disarray.


HFWF Tourney Undisputed Champion
Apr 30, 2004
Lansing, MI
Why is detroit in such dire straights anyways? It's easy to say the collapse of the auto industry cause it but in reality not all of 2million people were connected to the auto industry. I really sucks that one of the greatest birth places of industry has fallen in to such disarray.

The collpase of the auto industry accelerated an already crumbling city IMO. There's lot of stuff, a lack of a real transportation system because the auto industry blocked it is a big thing. Decades ago Detroit got a grant for a mass transit system and no one could figure out how to use it so they gave it back, imagine giving back free money to help your city?

Also, perhaps a controversial statement, but the race riots of the 70's caused white flight from the city and the entire middle and upper classes left for good. It was pretty nasty, white's were absolutely hated and despised in the city, and I base that on stories from my parents, who grew up in the heart of Detroit in the 70s and lived through the whole race riot thing.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2007
Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?


The other guys
Apr 4, 2013
Ottawa, ON
This really isn't surprising. Detroit's been listed as the most dangerous city in America for 5 years running now. That being said, I think it's safe to assume Alfie won't be living anywhere near the cities core.

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
Why is detroit in such dire straights anyways? It's easy to say the collapse of the auto industry caused it but in reality not all of 2million people were connected to the auto industry. It really sucks that one of the greatest birth places of industry has fallen in to such disarray.

Knock out the main support beam of any structure and eventually the whole thing will fall.

Sad thing is, other businesses over the years wanted to set up shop in the area, but the auto unions drove them away. Most businesses could never deliver the perks auto workers got and their unions demanded. They literally drove away what could have been their salvation.

That's why it's so dangerous to be a one industry town.

We're damned lucky in Ottawa, that barring armageddon (or an invasion by aliens), there will always be government jobs to at least have a somewhat decent economy here. Now if we can get the techie jobs back on track, Ottawa would be golden.


Aug 3, 2010
As long as the US have a printing press (aka the Federal Reserve), there will be no credit rating issues...just massive inflation via the complete devaluation of the currency. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Detroit did not have a printing press.

The funny thing about currency, inflation, devaluation is that they are all man made things. Their only value is abstract. Yet we continue to follow economic models that do not work... Instead of there being a middle class, this economic model allows for the rich and greedy to get richer and the middle class and poor to become poorer.

There is no such thing as exponential growth, aside from the expansion of the universe. In nature on this planet, there are always an ebb and flow.

To put it very simply: The auto industry cannot make billions in profit every year, there are going to be years that they make a little less or the same and the market should be prepared to deal with that. Instead, the market craps the bed. Detroit hit the dirt when Regan sold all their work to Mexico, so investors could have cheaper labour and more profit. Now it has gone from Mexico to China... China is one of the worst metallurgist in the world.
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Karlsson for Chuck
Sep 21, 2009
The funny thing about currency, inflation, devaluation is that they are all man made things. Their only value is abstract. Yet we continue to follow economic models that do not work... Instead of there being a middle class, this economic model allows for the rich and greedy to get richer and the middle class and poor to become poorer.

There is no such thing as exponential growth, aside from the expansion of the universe. In nature on this planet, there are always an ebb and flow.

To put it very simply: The auto industry cannot make billions in profit every year, there are going to be years that they make a little less or the same and the market should be prepared to deal with that. Instead, the market craps the bed. Detroit hit the dirt when Regan sold all their work to Mexico, so investors could have cheaper labour and more profit. Now it has gone from Mexico to China... China is one of the worst metallurgist in the world.

The reason our economic models don't work is because we live in a socialist state rather than a capitalist one. Everyone hates on "rich" people but they fail to realize that it's the rich that invest their money and create jobs that the "poor" ultimately take. If you don't like it, become an entrepreneur. Trouble is, it's harder than it looks.

Either way, I think the demise of Detroit can be largely attributed to the Unions. Their demands made auto workers overpaid vs. the market and ultimately drove away all their manufacturing jobs.

At the end of the day, whenever **** hits the fan, you can be sure that Unions and the Gov't are not far behind.

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
The reason our economic models don't work is because we live in a socialist state rather than a capitalist one. Everyone hates on "rich" people but they fail to realize that it's the rich that invest their money and create jobs that the "poor" ultimately take. If you don't like it, become an entrepreneur. Trouble is, it's harder than it looks.

Either way, I think the demise of Detroit can be largely attributed to the Unions. Their demands made auto workers overpaid vs. the market and ultimately drove away all their manufacturing jobs.

At the end of the day, whenever **** hits the fan, you can be sure that Unions and the Gov't are not far behind.

...and don't forget the consumer.

People talk all high and mighty about keeping manufacturing jobs local & supporting the middle class and all that, but when it comes to buying one TV made locally, or having 3 TVs in the house for the same price, Chinese made goods win nearly every time.


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