TSN: Coronavirus part 2: The world is slowly stopping

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Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
I'm genuinely interested to understand what part of the data you believe is made up? Atmospheric CO2 levels? global mean temperatures?

Canada was once covered in an ice sheet 365 days a year. The world is warming. This is not a new thing. It will warm faster than it did then because it doesn't have as much ice as it did then. Just as a big ice cube takes longer to melt in a warm glass of water than a small one. This was long before people were wandering around these parts.

Is some of the speed of the increase due to humans? Logic would say obviously, but nothing is going to stop it though. If they start using the flatten the curve stuff on you, well...that will be truly nonsense.

The doomsayer stuff where we are all going to die unless we pay a carbon tax or return to a world with no pavement is what I call the climate crap made up by the climate gang.
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Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
And this is a prime example, of the boomer shit that I’m talking about.

Look, If you want to take pot shots at education because I’m a teacher go for it. But you don’t have a single shit of what you’re talking about.

Who the f*** are you to tell me what’s essential and what’s not when it comes to the field that I’ve been in for quite a number of years now? Who the f*** are you to suggest cutting so many jobs, when all you spout on about day and day out about how important the economy is and having people work?

You don’t have a single f***ing clue of what goes on the classroom, but you assume it’s this carbon tax loving socialist shit.

Why in the f*** are your posts of this nature allowed? It’s not about the pandemic, it’s about spreading some shitty political, boomer filled, uneducated ideology. Maybe the mods could actually crack down your political agenda bullshit and actually serve it’s purpose of talking about the pandemic.

f*** it, I don’t care about infractions. Your clown ass should be banned from this f***ing thread .

I didn't know you were a teacher.

Kyle McMahon

Registered User
May 10, 2006
You act as if we brought it up in the thread or we sent a missive out to the world. Neither of those things happened.

If this is your belief, do you not think it time for those who preach the loudest to step up? This is the perfect time to do so.

It's obvious now that the current amount of K12 school teachers and University professors are no longer necessary in our society. Alberta only needs one teacher per subject per grade or one subject per post-secondary course. They upload the instructional video for the day and the students follow it on their laptops at home or at smaller neighborhood places if the children are too young and the parents need to work. Educational assistants will be sufficient here. Those with special needs can be given much more help than they currently receive due to the monetary savings.

This way the Province can eliminate tens of thousands of educator jobs and administrators and close down these carbon spewing Schools and Universities with their endless lines of buses and cars. The savings will be massive. This money can be used to build a green economy. Teachers could write that in to their mass quitting. Their world will start to cool. They will truly be doing what they preach. They will be walking the walk. What do you think? Or is that kind of stuff only for the other people? You know, the ones we have to blunt to save the world.

Sounds like the right thing to do if one truly believes the world is going to end.

You're trying to argue with people that still treat the 6 o'clock news, CBC, CNN, elected officials etc. as reliable and unbiased sources of information. It's likely a waste of time. Society was brought up to believe that the voice coming through the radio/television was one of reason and truthfulness. Maybe a long time ago it actually was, but certainly not in our lifetimes. It's very, very difficult to break that cognitive bias. I spent the better part of my life believing that mainstream media was a believable source of information, pretty much all of us did/still do.
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pickle juice connoisseur
May 17, 2010
Canada was once covered in an ice sheet 365 days a year. The world is warming. This is not a new thing. It will warm faster than it did then because it doesn't have as much ice as it did then. Just as a big ice cube takes longer to melt in a warm glass of water than a small one. This was long before people were wandering around these parts.

Is some of the speed of the increase due to humans? Logic would say obviously, but nothing is going to stop it though. If they start using the flatten the curve stuff on you, well...that will be truly nonsense.

The doomsayer stuff where we are all going to die unless we pay a carbon tax or return to a world with no pavement is what I call the climate crap made up by the climate gang.
Of course the planet is naturally cycling. But humans are accelerating this cycle immensely. These rich kids seem to be wanting to preserve the planet for future generations.

Most people care about 2 things: money and sex. Since the survival of our planet has nothing to do with those 2 things of course climate change and any process to combat it will be considered a hoax by most people.

What shape is the planet?
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Tad Mikowsky

Only Droods
Jun 30, 2008
Of course the planet is naturally cycling. But humans are accelerating this cycle immensely. These rich kids seem to be wanting to preserve the planet for future generations.

Most people care about 2 things: money and sex. Since the survival of our planet has nothing to do with those 2 things of course climate change and any process to combat it will be considered a hoax by most people.

What shape is the planet?

Wait, he actually thinks the earth is flat too?



Registered User
Oct 27, 2009



Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
This virus sure breaks the illusion we are in control. We're mother natures bitch. After this virus gets under control, humanity needs to up its game in regards to protecting the environment and reducing pollution/co2. Be way proactive and lives will be spared. This is just a warmup before a far greater collapse. .....Jared Diamonds book Collapse is a good read btw.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
This virus sure breaks the illusion we are in control. We're mother natures bitch. After this virus gets under control, humanity needs to up its game in regards to protecting the environment and reducing pollution/co2. Be way proactive and lives will be spared. This is just a warmup before a far greater collapse. .....Jared Diamonds book Collapse is a good read btw.
they used to just setup at intersections and have a banner”the end is near. Repent now”

Captain Fantastic

Connor McMastadon
Feb 24, 2012
Made up climate crap?

I agree that people will value their economic situations higher, but the environmental crisis isn't a joke.
To further your point, people can just look at the ARCTIC CIRCLE and nothing else. Shocking on the extent the area has melted in the past 30 years.
Now that ships can go through more easily, countries such as Russia, U.S.,Canada, Norway and China are all trying to stake their claim. The new potentially "Panama Canal" is just above us. Who controls where, gets to charge for a ship's passage.
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Registered User
May 14, 2017
You're trying to argue with people that still treat the 6 o'clock news, CBC, CNN, elected officials etc. as reliable and unbiased sources of information. It's likely a waste of time. Society was brought up to believe that the voice coming through the radio/television was one of reason and truthfulness. Maybe a long time ago it actually was, but certainly not in our lifetimes. It's very, very difficult to break that cognitive bias. I spent the better part of my life believing that mainstream media was a believable source of information, pretty much all of us did/still do.
How bout science? You into science?
Let me guess, nahh, thems takes sums thunkin. Too tough.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
Made up climate crap?

I agree that people will value their economic situations higher, but the environmental crisis isn't a joke.
I agree, it’s a convenient emergency to force through their pet ideas, and get somebody else to pay for them. It’s not like they are changing their own behaviour.


Registered User
May 14, 2017
You're trying to argue with people that still treat the 6 o'clock news, CBC, CNN, elected officials etc. as reliable and unbiased sources of information. It's likely a waste of time. Society was brought up to believe that the voice coming through the radio/television was one of reason and truthfulness. Maybe a long time ago it actually was, but certainly not in our lifetimes. It's very, very difficult to break that cognitive bias. I spent the better part of my life believing that mainstream media was a believable source of information, pretty much all of us did/still do.
How bout science? You into science?
Let me guess, nahh, thems takes sums thunkin. Too tough.
Don’t let the mental midgets get to you, you just need to take stupid people for who they are and understand they’re trying their hardest.
The problem is, they are not trying. They choose the easy path for a variety of reasons. None of them good.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
Boy the boomers are out in full force today.

f***ing pandemic is going on, this thread is the perfect platform to say that Trudeau isn’t safe after this(lol), Climate Change is a hoax (LOL), and that the economy is the main priority over you know, healthy lives.
Ageism much?
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Registered User
May 14, 2017
On a more important note than arguing with the flat earthers & libertarians who say f everything, I just want mine, does any browser work better than any other for posting now? Trying to post is ridiculous. I use Edge & its terrible


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
On a more important note than arguing with the flat earthers & libertarians who say f everything, I just want mine, does any browser work better than any other for posting now? Trying to post is ridiculous. I use Edge & its terrible
Nobody who respects themselves would argue with you. Straw man arguments and slurs is all you provide.

Heres a video for you to contemplate.
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Registered User
Sep 27, 2017
On a more important note than arguing with the flat earthers & libertarians who say f everything, I just want mine, does any browser work better than any other for posting now? Trying to post is ridiculous. I use Edge & its terrible

Im on chrome and it takes like 40 seconds for the post to go through


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
You're trying to argue with people that still treat the 6 o'clock news, CBC, CNN, elected officials etc. as reliable and unbiased sources of information. It's likely a waste of time. Society was brought up to believe that the voice coming through the radio/television was one of reason and truthfulness. Maybe a long time ago it actually was, but certainly not in our lifetimes. It's very, very difficult to break that cognitive bias. I spent the better part of my life believing that mainstream media was a believable source of information, pretty much all of us did/still do.


All is fine, this will be low risk here.

Restricting movements of people coming back to Canada directly from Wuhan is Racism. Shame Shame. Stop Petitions Racists! (Petition was made by Chinese parents concerned that children direct from Wuhan were attending their childrens schools)

(Now lets boil the above down. Theresa Tam, Chinese descent, was accusing Chinese parents of racism against Chinese.. you ain't seen nothing yet, it gets better..)

Tam,; Hajdu; This is low risk, we responding to Science. Quarantine not science, something else is, trust us...no chance this will be bad in Canada.

Don't buy n-95 masks, they do nothing but spread infection, they worse than nothing. Please cough in sleeve.

Canada have many PPD and Masks, so we give tons away to China to help them. Please stop touching faces. Please stop being shocked, please salute Chinese flag

It not China virus, stop calling China virus. call it something else..Spanish Flu was never called Spanish Flu, we just changed Wikipedia and checked..

Oppps we got this, we're well prepared don't panic, we curve flattening, last week we were developing herd immunity like UK but changed our mind

WHO. No evidence of human to human transfer. No Evidence that this will spread, Keep travelling, no restrictions, see the world, have fun. This is not a pandemic, this is not a pandemic, this is not a Pandemic.

CDC Don't buy N-95 masks, they not good, promise, they do nothing, nothing, I mean bad elastics, expired, don't seal, they do nothing, don't buy. (Translation: our Dr's and medical staff need them all from Walmart as we got nothing..)

Trudeau; Sunny ways.

March 7 15K at Dental conference in Vancouver, yeah fine, greenlight for event by BC Health, what Pandemic? Record numbers at conference. What possible bad could happen.

Trudeauthis week; Y'obviously restricting Covid-19 infected from flying or taking the train is the thing to do on domestic routes (denied this was the thing to do in January with Wuhan frequent flyers. or with Iranian or Italian flyers later. ) Its important to restrict EVERYBODY but international travellers who be better for business..

Theresa Tam: Jan26 Liberty and free movement is more important for travellers coming here from Wuhan. Canada won't stand for restricting movement, we're not about that..Don't avoid people from Wuhan, you be racist.

Theresa Tam: March 18; Stay in homes, stay in homes restrict movements, stay in homes, plank, plank, isolation, avoid everybody we got this. We all have to do our part.

The above is our nature of official expertise, condensed version.
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