OT: Corona virus thread Part II - it's been a year already (MOD: NO POLITICS)

Prominence Problem

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die."
Dec 14, 2002
Blue Jay Way..
Just scheduled my first dose for the vaccine in NyC! I have a moderate conorbidity (asthma) so this is big!
They have a vaccine site about 15 minutes down the road. They're inoculating in three stages, based on health priority. As of right now, they are still in stage one. Due to my MS and bone marrow stem cell transplant, I should fall into Stage two, but that has yet to be confirmed.
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Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
They have a vaccine site about 15 minutes down the road. They're inoculating in three stages, based on health priority. As of right now they are still in stage one. Do to my MS and bone marrow stem cell transplant, I should fall into Stage two, but that has yet to be confirmed.
Hopefully soon then! I’m sorry how slow it’s going in Canada (oh Canada @TheImpatientPanther ?)

I’m pretty happy to find an appointment: NYC has a disastrous system that takes too long but a friend called and it worked out haha :)


HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 26, 2002
I got couple conditions why I should get it ASAP. Expect to get it by 2022 with the speed Finland is handling this


Registered User
Jan 21, 2017
I'm getting the Covid PCR test in a couple hours. My baby brother (6) is an asymptomatic carrier; me, my mom and dad are currently showing symptoms. (My 84 year old grandma too but she hasn't been in contact with us recently).

I thought this country was completely f****d in December - well, scratch that, now it's worse. It was already really bad, then the "british mutation" made things worse, and now there are news of the african mutation possibly being here... if true, I just don't see how it gets better.

Worst of all, we're barely vaccinating. We haven't even started vaccinating people under 80, and still haven't vaccinated all of the 80+ (such as my grandparents who are still waiting for their vaccine). I don't want to get political but how could anyone screw this up so badly???

- we got our first vaccines in December. But there's not enough of them! It's EU's fault! Also, we don't know who'll be vaccinating...?
- so we do have some vaccines but we forgot to buy needles and syringes. Nobody told us we need those!
- Created a sign-up system for vaccinations. System collapsed. Also, signing up is online-only - if your 80+ year old person doesn't have internet, tough luck.
- ordered expensive needles from China. The ones that arrived are too big and unsuitable for vaccinations.
- (January) don't ask us who will be vaccinating, we have a plan! ... (Maybe the GPs? Or pharmacists...?)
- we don't have enough vaccines! Bad EU!
- ...so we do have some vaccines and some needles (too big, making vaccinations unnecessarily painful, but it'll have to do), but we don't know how to distribute them.
- We wanted to Covid-test kids so we could reopen schools, but police got involved so no bueno. Apparently the testing company was tied to one of the MP's and may be a shell corporation. Bad police!
- Doctors are saying "screw distribution companies, just tell us where we can pick up the vaccines so we can start vaccinating. We've got cars."
- mandatory wearing of two surgical masks or respirators now established

My GP works about six additional hours per day, mostly dealing with COVID (how she still manages to be nice on the phone, I have no idea.) Hospitals about to collapse. Mad respect to all the health workers and shame on our government.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2015
I got couple conditions why I should get it ASAP. Expect to get it by 2022 with the speed Finland is handling this
The Finns have one huge advantage: social distancing is basically part of the culture. I remember seeing jokes about keeping a minimum of 2 meters distance where the Finn says "Why would anybody want to be this close to somebody else?" So no vaccination needed...

All joking aside, hope you'll get it quickly. In Austria, the people with health conditions are supposed to get it in summer. For the others, end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 is the aim. I'd be surprised if you guys would not be able to do it at least in the same time frame.
Would be practical to live in Israel right now...
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Nov 7, 2011
My uni was meant to go back to hybrid learning (certain amount of people present on campus, rest online and chance to rotate the people present) after spring break 8th of March, but I doubt that's going to happen. Restrictions by the government probably become more strict today, with the situation becoming worse throughout the country and lots of people going skiing in Lapland during the holidays.

Prominence Problem

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die."
Dec 14, 2002
Blue Jay Way..
And here I thought Canada was in shit-shape. I hope every one in Europe stays safe!

I was going to vent how they started the clinic up in the neighbouring town on Monday. On the news they said they can inoculate up to 400 people a day, but on Monday they only had 34 people. And I'm here sitting in my house, not working, just waiting to be vaccinated. Makes no sense!


Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
And here I thought Canada was in shit-shape. I hope every one in Europe stays safe!

I was going to vent how they started the clinic up in the neighbouring town on Monday. On the news they said they can inoculate up to 400 people a day, but on Monday they only had 34 people. And I'm here sitting in my house, not working, just waiting to be vaccinated. Makes no sense!
Do they have supply or is it some weird requirement on who gets it?
Last month we were tossing vaccines out in NYC due to strict limits on who got it; they seemed to have relaxed that!


Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
I got couple conditions why I should get it ASAP. Expect to get it by 2022 with the speed Finland is handling this
I’m sorry: it’s not right.

on the bright side Barkov shows that Finns can become faster at a non linear pace.

The Finns have one huge advantage: social distancing is basically part of the culture. I remember seeing jokes about keeping a minimum of 2 meters distance where the Finn says "Why would anybody want to be this close to somebody else?" So no vaccination needed...

All joking aside, hope you'll get it quickly. In Austria, the people with health conditions are supposed to get it in summer. For the others, end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 is the aim. I'd be surprised if you guys would not be able to do it at least in the same time frame.
Would be practical to live in Israel right now...
Not to go too close but it’s fascinating how the EU bungled this. There was a neat wsj article from a few weeks ago onnit

Prominence Problem

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die."
Dec 14, 2002
Blue Jay Way..
Do they have supply or is it some weird requirement on who gets it?
Last month we were tossing vaccines out in NYC due to strict limits on who got it; they seemed to have relaxed that!
It's a requirement of who gets it. I mentioned before, they have a three-stage program on who gets it depending on needs. They are currently in stage 1. Hopefully I'm in stage 2. Cannot confirm that yet.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
It's a requirement of who gets it. I mentioned before, they have a three-stage program on who gets it depending on needs. They are currently in stage 1. Hopefully I'm in stage 2. Cannot confirm that yet.
Ugh: it’s the underlying problem with distribution. They care more about line jumpers than vaccinating
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Mar 6, 2002
Here in Greece its a joke. We have a lockdown, but its from 6pm to 7am the following day. You can go out between those times, but you have to send a message, and receive an automated response. You are allowed to go to hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, the post office, doctors, or for exercise (walking or running, no gyms). You are suppose to keep your distance, and wear a mask, and can only be out for 2 hours. Some people dont wear masks, others are out for hours at a time, social distance is not existent. The numbers arent bad, and are actually going down, but do we really know if the numbers that are being reported, are accurate? I live in a city of 30,000 people, and I have not seen the rules enforced that much. They hit some places with fines, but I have yet to be stopped and asked for my message and ID card.

And honestly, what the hell is going on with this virus? With lockdowns occurring worldwide, how does a new UK strand reach certain states in the US so quickly, or one from Africa, or or or. There has to be more to this than what they are reporting. It just seems too fishy to me, and Im not really one for conspiracy theories.
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Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
Here in Greece its a joke. We have a lockdown, but its from 6pm to 7am the following day. You can go out between those times, but you have to send a message, and receive an automated response. You are allowed to go to hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, the post office, doctors, or for exercise (walking or running, no gyms). You are suppose to keep your distance, and wear a mask, and can only be out for 2 hours. Some people dont wear masks, others are out for hours at a time, social distance is not existent. The numbers arent bad, and are actually going down, but do we really know if the numbers that are being reported, are accurate? I live in a city of 30,000 people, and I have not seen the rules enforced that much. They hit some places with fines, but I have yet to be stopped and asked for my message and ID card.

And honestly, what the hell is going on with this virus? With lockdowns occurring worldwide, how does a new UK strand reach certain states in the US so quickly, or one from Africa, or or or. There has to be more to this than what they are reporting. It just seems too fishy to me, and Im not really one for conspiracy theories.
There’s global travel though: I have friends that have flown back from France, Russia and Uk back as students to NYC. States can’t stop dual citizens or
Those with proper paperwork from travelling

We haven’t truly locked down travel (let’s ignore whether it is good or not :))


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
...and I'm positive. YAY!
On the bright side, I'm feeling much better today than two days ago? So that's something...
Get well soon. I saw on the news the other day that Czechia was doing the worst (not sure if it was in Europe, or the world), so at least you can have the satisfaction of having been right in your concerns all along. Possibly not the most comforting consolation.
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Registered User
Jan 21, 2017
I’m sorry my friend: you will be in my thoughts and prayers. If it’s any consolation two colleagues of mine had it in Mexicon and Italy and it wasn’t terrible :)
I mean it really varies: my sister-in-law is 23 and spent nearly two weeks with severe fever, severe cough and difficulty breathing (though not bad enough to get hospitalized). Babybro (6) is asymptomatic, my uncle (50ish) and aunt were only very mildly sick, my brother-in-law-once-removed (LOL) was sick for about a week but then recovered... My friend (27ish) was sick for nearly a month.
My boss's dad died of Covid.

Not really worried about myself, but my mom, dad (both in their 50s) and my 84 y.o. grandma also showing symptoms. Also, I work with a guy who's on immunosupressants - I don't think we've been in contact after I got infected but yeah...


Registered User
Jan 21, 2017
Get well soon. I saw on the news the other day that Czechia was doing the worst (not sure if it was in Europe, or the world), so at least you can have the satisfaction of having been right in your concerns all along. Possibly not the most comforting consolation.
I mean that's as crappy silver lining as it gets:
"So yeah, hospitals are collapsing and a ton of people are dying, but at least now *finally* everyone sees how incompetent this government is and maybe we won't re-elect them come autumn..."
Ugh :(


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 21, 2006
...and I'm positive. YAY!
On the bright side, I'm feeling much better today than two days ago? So that's something...
I had it back in October. One good thing that may have helped me not to lose my sense of smell and taste was a steroid prescription I got (oral, once a day, 4 or 5 days) (my drug was dexamethasone). I took it on about day 3 or 4 after I got symptoms (day 2 after being diagnosed positive). Good luck!
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Registered User
Jan 21, 2017
News update - apparently France is willing to give us 100,000 of their vaccine doses, the exact negotiations still ongoing. That's about 1/6th of the amount we got since the whole thing started so potentially a huge difference at this stage.

Legit tears in my eyes here. Please let this be real.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2019
Any update of the EU is going to approve J&J? My guess is that the US will be giving those doses away!
News update - apparently France is willing to give us 100,000 of their vaccine doses, the exact negotiations still ongoing. That's about 1/6th of the amount we got since the whole thing started so potentially a huge difference at this stage.

Legit tears in my eyes here. Please let this be real.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2017
And it's official. A group of Czech companies, together with the Prague city council and a group of GPs, have started an initiative "We'll distribute it ourselves" (literal translation). Two grocery delivery chains and other individual drivers have provided ice trucks, while over 2/3rds of Prague GPs have signed up as recipients so they can start vaccinating patients. They've delivered the first dosages today and will start vaccinating tomorrow. All involved doing it for free.
Meanwhile, the government distributor is still not doing anything.
The "Czech DUI when the government fails you", episode 2,053.

Any update of the EU is going to approve J&J? My guess is that the US will be giving those doses away!
Still no update there, as far as I know.


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