Claude Giroux arrested, released without charges; NHL unlikely to get involved

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Registered User
Nov 13, 2008
Marlton NJ
I'm not sure this is just a Philly thing.
When Patrick Kane was involved in similar drunken hijinks - and it's happened a couple of times - it got similar play here in Chicago and, really, nationwide. There were actually calls here to trade Kane because he got sloppy drunk and grabbed some girls in Madison.
The moral of the story is that if you're a high-profile athlete who gets sloppy drunk and grabs people who don't want to be grabbed, it'll make the front pages.
So, I'd say the same thing to Giroux I say to my six-year-old: Keep your hands to yourself.

Or they can stop handing kids multi million dollar contracts. I'm in their age group and if I was making that kind of money I'd be out enjoying myself too. I expect it. It's part of growing up. It's harmless especially if the police says it is. Kinda ridiculous to lynch a young adult or being a young adult.


All that needs to be said is, had it been any of us, the outcome would be much different.


Itd be impossible for this story not to leak because it happened on Canada day in downtown freaking OTTAWA with hundreds of thousands of people in the streets. I mean there are people taking pictures and videos of him being arrested


So...what happened? Did he grab another man's ass continuously or not? Why is this not on the main page?

I posted this earlier from someone that apparently knows someone that witnessed the incident:

It was at The Cabin, the most **** bar in the downtown... Also, I have it on good authority from a friend that he gave the cop a typical pat on the ass, just like just about every player on every professional sports team has done to a teammate at one time or other... Except around here, if try to crack a joke with a cop, they'll likely charge you with reckless talking. I'm surprised the cop didn't try to drum up the charges to attempted **** and assault with a deadly hand.

The Rage Kage

Registered User
Apr 21, 2014
All that needs to be said is, had it been any of us, the outcome would be much different.

Different in the fact that we wouldn't be talking about it right now. But a police officer was interviewed in Ottawa about it who said it happens more often than you think, and they never really do anything about it.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2007
Different in the fact that we wouldn't be talking about it right now. But a police officer was interviewed in Ottawa about it who said it happens more often than you think, and they never really do anything about it.

What's the obsession with Ottawa policeman *****?? Some sort of dare or iniation?


Global Moderator
Jan 17, 2004
Statement(s) released through the team...

The following is a statement from Claude Giroux and general manager Ron Hextall:

“I regret my actions on Canada Day and sincerely apologize to my fans, teammates and the Philadelphia Flyers organization for my misguided attempt at humor.

Following an investigation, law enforcement determined that charges are not warranted. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement and apologize to the Ottawa Police Department and specifically the individual officer. I will be making no further public comment on this matter.

I will not be distracted from my ongoing preparation for the upcoming season. I remain 100% committed and focused on working with my team to return the Stanley Cup to Philadelphia.”
--Claude Giroux

“We’ve been in contact with Claude and the Ottawa Police Service and have been informed that no charges will be filed. Moving forward, we will deal with this incident internally and we will no longer publicly discuss this matter.”
-- Flyers GM Ron Hextall


Registered User
Oct 3, 2008
Triangle, NC, USA
I posted this earlier from someone that apparently knows someone that witnessed the incident:
I was wondering about the whole setting this "incident" occurred in, and my guess was it would indeed be something like this. If this third-hand account is even remotely true, then there's really nothing bad about it, and the officer should just get a grip before someone else does :laugh: I mean, come on, how is pinching or tapping a cop's butt not funny and something to laugh about?!

I can already see the on-ice taunts when Giroux tries to engage in rough action/play, though :D

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
I was wondering about the whole setting this "incident" occurred in, and my guess was it would indeed be something like this. If this third-hand account is even remotely true, then there's really nothing bad about it, and the officer should just get a grip before someone else does :laugh: I mean, come on, how is pinching or tapping a cop's butt not funny and something to laugh about?!

I can already see the on-ice taunts when Giroux tries to engage in rough action/play, though :D

He should just pat the taunting player on the butt.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2009
Alhoa Oe
Let's all thank god it was Simmonds otherwise I'm sure it would have ended much worse.
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Apr 5, 2009
Frost-Bite Fails Minnesota
Or they can stop handing kids multi million dollar contracts. I'm in their age group and if I was making that kind of money I'd be out enjoying myself too. I expect it. It's part of growing up. It's harmless especially if the police says it is. Kinda ridiculous to lynch a young adult or being a young adult.

If they didn't hand out a multi million dollar contract to him, then the only difference would be that it would be an average joe who did it... In this case, I really don't see how money comes into play, but rather the alcohol and the holiday... Go Down the Shore, or South Philly even, late evening during a big holiday and day/night of drinking and see the same stuff happening all the time -- I imagine -- only we don't hear about it outside of at times a viral post that we laugh at. And, contrary to what others may have said, maybe the culprit doesn't even spend a night in jail if not 'famous'. I don't see Giroux as doing anything that some other mid-twenty year olds don't do... and I certainly don't see his huge contract as coming into play.

I'm guessing though that going forward his contract will come into play as the Flyers will internally slap his wrist and threaten him about cleaning up his act... Not to say another Dry Island is in the offing. ;)


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
It was funny, harmless, and now it's over. Nice short statement to put a cap on the incident so everyone can move on and focus on hockey again.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Let's all thank god it was Simmonds otherwise I'm sure it would have ended much worse.

Probably not, luckily for Giroux it was in Canada & not here in Philly otherwise he would have gotten his *** beat on top of spending a night in jail regardless if he was white, black, green, blue, etc.
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