Proposal: Bruins Trade Proposals XIV- Mod in OP

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Dec 30, 2003
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Or maybe Armstrong was asking for the Moon

Or maybe his ask wasn't all that outrageous?

In all honestly, Armstrong has a rep for being impatient at times, does he not? If either side is being overly cautious or unwilling to give, which one seems more likely? The team with the GM with one real trade 'acquisition' under his belt whom the fan base has been all over for being too complacent, or the guy with the rep for being impatient/reactionary?

As fans we never know why deals don't happen, and I'm not blaming Sweeney here, but if I'm a betting man and one of these guys is being overly cautious, I know who my mortgage is on.


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Sep 12, 2014
No Hayes in Boston. Kevin Hayes. Jimmy Hayes. Issac Hayes. Rutherford B Hayes. None of them.

Willie Mays Hayes?


Killer B

Honey Badger don't care
Aug 28, 2008

If you are a new poster, please do your research before posting. Look at previous comments before you jump in. We have spent months debating every single name tossed out here and a new poster jumping in and saying "Hey, you know who would be good.....Brayden Schenn.....Have you guys ever thought of him?" is going to get you some nasty responses.

Please do your due diligence if you want you post to be received well.

I assume this post is directed at me.

I was going to thank you for warning me to do my due diligence before posting (lest I risk nasty response), until I saw that you in fact, were the only person to post a snarky reply...

Not that I need to answer to you, but I did my "due diligence" and read every post in this thread, and then brought up another player that had not been mentioned... Has this player been mentioned elsewhere on these boards? Yes, along with every other player listed in this thread. So what's your point?

I've been a dedicated Bruins fan since I first watched Bobby Orr work his magic in the early 70's. I've been a member on these boards for 10 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed reading/ having dialog with most of the members here, even if their opinion completely differs from mine.

I unfortunately don't visit nearly as much as I used to because of a handful of sanctimonious posters who choose to suck the air out of the place. I'm not sure why they feel the need to be that way, as we're all unified in our passion for this team.

Everyone here has a few choices when they read a post.

1- They can read it and simply move on (whether they agree with the post or not)

2- They can read it and respond like an adult (whether they agree with the post or not)

3- The can read it and choose to post a snarky, derogatory. petty or insulting response - that literally does nothing to further the thought or discussion.

We seem to have more people choosing #3 and it's a damn shame.
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Barely Irrelevant
Jun 27, 2006
The Sticks (West MA)
I assume this post is directed at me.

I was going to thank you for warning me to do my due diligence before posting (lest I risk nasty response), until I saw that you in fact, were the only person to post a snarky reply...

Not that I need to answer to you, but I did my "due diligence" and read every post in this thread, and then brought up another player that had not been mentioned... Has this player been mentioned elsewhere on these boards? Yes, along with every other player listed in this thread. So what's your point?

I've been a dedicated Bruins fan since I first watched Bobby Orr work his magic in the early 70's. I've been a member on these boards for 10 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed reading/ having dialog with most of the members here, even if their opinion completely differs from mine.

I unfortunately don't visit nearly as much as I used to because of a handful of sanctimonious posters who choose to suck the air out of the place. I'm not sure why they feel the need to be that way, as we're all unified in our passion for this team.

Everyone here has a few choices when they read a post.

1- They can read it and simply move on (whether they agree with the post or not)

2- They can read it and respond like an adult (whether they agree with the post or not)

3- The can read it and choose to post a snarky, derogatory. petty or insulting response - that literally does nothing to further the thought or discussion.

We seem to have more people choosing #3 and it's a damn shame.

I didn’t respond to your initial post, but I have to say that it bugs me to no end that people make posts as if their post is the only one in a thread.

I’m not asking people to go back pages and pages in a long thread, but is it too much to ask to go back a page or two and see what’s going on before posting.
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Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
I didn’t respond to your initial post, but I have to say that it bugs me to no end that people make posts as if their post is the only one in a thread.

I’m not asking people to go back pages and pages in a long thread, but is it too much to ask to go back a page or two and see what’s going on before posting.

What he posted, was something that everyone does. He posted on who he liked and wanted the Bruins to go after, same as everyone else does here.

I mean just because one person likes a said player and wants too trade for him doesn't mean no one else can feel the same and can't post his/her opinion on it.

He was talking about Dzingel, its not like he came out a said "Hey what about Brayden Schenn" and it was actually the first time anyone had mention Dzingel's name in this thread.
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End of an Era
Jun 4, 2016
I assume this post is directed at me.

It was directed at a lot of posters, not just one or a handful.

Not that I need to answer to you, but I did my "due diligence" and read every post in this thread, and then brought up another player that had not been mentioned... Has this player been mentioned elsewhere on these boards? Yes, along with every other player listed in this thread. So what's your point?

My point is as I stated before. Ryan has been spoken on this board and pushed by 3 or 4 posters weekly if not daily.
So when you come in saying "Has anyone considered Ryan Dzingle?" It is going to elicit a /facepalm and possibly some annoyance.

I've been a dedicated Bruins fan since I first watched Bobby Orr work his magic in the early 70's. I've been a member on these boards for 10 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed reading/ having dialog with most of the members here, even if their opinion completely differs from mine.

Glad to hear it. Hope you can see why I posted what I did and the reason behind it.

I unfortunately don't visit nearly as much as I used to because of a handful of sanctimonious posters who choose to suck the air out of the place. I'm not sure why they feel the need to be that way, as we're all unified in our passion for this team.

Sorry to hear that. Also sorry to assume you are lumping me in with whoever "them" is. Can understand your frustration as you post only rarely and get a few negative responses. However, I believe my response was designed to inform, not single any one poster out, and has merit.

Everyone here has a few choices when they read a post.

1- They can read it and simply move on (whether they agree with the post or not)

2- They can read it and respond like an adult (whether they agree with the post or not)

3- The can read it and choose to post a snarky, derogatory. petty or insulting response - that literally does nothing to further the thought or discussion.

We seem to have more people choosing #3 and it's a damn shame.

Not going to disagree with you here. But you can understand that if I did option 1 50 times I eventually am going to move to option 3 out of frustration.

Like what you did in your post in several places.

Not trying to pick a fight with you, but can you see how a group of people having a conversation might be annoyed when someone steps in and says "Hey, have you considered.." when that is one of the topics they had been discussing repeatedly? Sorry if that sounds elitist, but its a fact. I dunno, maybe when bringing up a new topic idea use the old tried and true "Don't know if this has been mentioned yet..."
The "Have you considered" opener when it HAS been considered about 50 times now just seems to provoke a #3 response.

This is not the first time you have posted this grievance, and it has merit. But you have to have thicker skin than to get wound up by every negative response you get from a post.
Also, use the Ignore feature which can be enabled when clicking on a persons avatar. If someone annoys you enough that you want to stop posting, put them on ignore. It helps, I use it.
If you feel I need to be ignored, go for it. I don't mind if it makes your experience here more pleasant.
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End of an Era
Jun 4, 2016
What he posted, was something that everyone does. He posted on who he liked and wanted the Bruins to go after, same as everyone else does here.

I mean just because one person likes a said player and wants too trade for him doesn't mean no one else can feel the same and can't post his/her opinion on it.

He was talking about Dzingel, its not like he came out a said "Hey what about Brayden Schenn" and it was actually the first time anyone had mention Dzingel's name in this thread.

No, everyone does not step into a thread and say "Hey, have you considered.." when it had been talked about throughout the thread repeatedly. It seems to be done by a few posters who post rarely or are new. I think my post has a valid point and I stick by it. Seen other posters use "Don't know if this has been mentioned but" and the responses are legitimate and not snarky "Yes, it has. Here is what we said." Using "Have you considered" when a topic has been considered a lot is like walking into a Starbucks and asking if they serve coffee. A little observation and research could have answered your question.

Plenty of people have posted "I like Dzingle, we should make a go at him." Notice they did not get a snarky response or one that asks for due diligence.

Several posters do this. They would be taken more serious and engaged with responses more if they had taken the time to look for the info first.
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Barely Irrelevant
Jun 27, 2006
The Sticks (West MA)
What he posted, was something that everyone does. He posted on who he liked and wanted the Bruins to go after, same as everyone else does here.

I mean just because one person likes a said player and wants too trade for him doesn't mean no one else can feel the same and can't post his/her opinion on it.

He was talking about Dzingel, its not like he came out a said "Hey what about Brayden Schenn" and it was actually the first time anyone had mention Dzingel's name in this thread.

I was making a general statement about all posts and not just the ones in this thread. Perhaps I should have been clearer about that?

I just hate reading through the threads looking for new opinions and seeing the same stuff over and over, whether it’s in the trade threads or in the Around the NHL thread because someone is not capable of looking up two inches and posts for the 10th time that Player X has been traded or suspended or whatever.

I can honestly say that the majority of the time, before I post something, I try to check and make sure I’m not duplicating posts or mimicking someone’s opinion. A lot of times I will see a similar thought to my own and post “agreed” and try to add something different.

Maybe this is too much to ask?

Killer B

Honey Badger don't care
Aug 28, 2008
I didn’t respond to your initial post, but I have to say that it bugs me to no end that people make posts as if their post is the only one in a thread.

I’m not asking people to go back pages and pages in a long thread, but is it too much to ask to go back a page or two and see what’s going on before posting.

Like I said, there was no mention of the player I named in the entire thread (up to that point). And so what if there was! There are literally hundreds of posts about a Schenn trade floating around these pages. The fact is, is that there are a limited number of guys who could possibly move by the trade deadline. These same guys are going to be brought up over and over and over. If that's a problem for someone then I honestly don't know what to say...

Some people seem to be on these boards constantly. Others, live their lives and drop in from time to time. Whether that's once a day, week, month or year. I don't expect them to reread a few weeks of posts before putting in their two cents. You glance at the post and if it's repetitive or doesn't interest you, you move on...

What if someone here asks "How's Rask doing after that collision". Most would pass right over the post. Some would answer the guys question (concussion). Then there's #3 - "Rask? What's your problem? We talked about that 2 pages ago! Do some research before posting here"!!! There's a problem with this scenario and it ain't the guy asking about Rask's health...


Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
No, everyone does not step into a thread and say "Hey, have you considered.." when it had been talked about throughout the thread repeatedly. It seems to be done by a few posters who post rarely or are new. I think my post has a valid point and I stick by it. Seen other posters use "Don't know if this has been mentioned but" and the responses are legitimate and not snarky "Yes, it has. Here is what we said"Using "Have you considered" when a topic has been considered a lot is like walking into a Starbucks and asking if they serve coffee. A little observation and research could have answered your question.

Plenty of people have posted "I like Dzingle, we should make a go at him." Notice they did not get a snarky response or one that asks for due diligence.

Several posters do this. They would be taken more serious and engaged with responses more if they had taken the time to look for the info first.

I don't know what the big deal is:laugh:

He's a poster who posted maybe 20-30 times in the last year, he brought up Dzingel name and it was the first time in this current thread, that anyone mention Dzingel. He may have more important things to do in his life than research every single thread and see if anyone brought up Dzingels name in any of them.

I've been the one who's probably pushed for Dzingel, the most. Well, so what if someone didn't happen to see any of my post about it, especially when it was in a different thread. It happens all the time,people actually post the same tweet or rumors often. It happens.
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Barely Irrelevant
Jun 27, 2006
The Sticks (West MA)
Like I said, there was no mention of the player I named in the entire thread (up to that point). And so what if there was! There are literally hundreds of posts about a Schenn trade floating around these pages. The fact is, is that there are a limited number of guys who could possibly move by the trade deadline. These same guys are going to be brought up over and over and over. If that's a problem for someone then I honestly don't know what to say...

Some people seem to be on these boards constantly. Others, live their lives and drop in from time to time. Whether that's once a day, week, month or year. I don't expect them to reread a few weeks of posts before putting in their two cents. You glance at the post and if it's repetitive or doesn't interest you, you move on...

What if someone here asks "How's Rask doing after that collision". Most would pass right over the post. Some would answer the guys question (concussion). Then there's #3 - "Rask? What's your problem? We talked about that 2 pages ago! Do some research before posting here"!!! There's a problem with this scenario and it ain't the guy asking about Rask's health...

I got what you were saying in your last response. As I already said above, I should have been clearer that my pet peeve was not directed at you specifically.

I also completely understand that some people are not in front of a computer all day and unable to pop in regularly. That’s fine, but it’s still annoying (your example) if someone pops in 3/4 days after Rask gets hurt in a game and asks that question, when either it was already discussed at length in that thread, or perhaps in an injury thread.

Typically, I just ignore it, but if I’m in a bad mood I might comment :laugh:


Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
I was making a general statement about all posts and not just the ones in this thread. Perhaps I should have been clearer about that?

I just hate reading through the threads looking for new opinions and seeing the same stuff over and over, whether it’s in the trade threads or in the Around the NHL thread because someone is not capable of looking up two inches and posts for the 10th time that Player X has been traded or suspended or whatever.

I can honestly say that the majority of the time, before I post something, I try to check and make sure I’m not duplicating posts or mimicking someone’s opinion. A lot of times I will see a similar thought to my own and post “agreed” and try to add something different.

Maybe this is too much to ask?

Did you do your research on this post. It was the first post about Dzingel in this thread.

I mean there's a lot of posters who mention the same thing, so what, not everyone is going to sit there and read every single thread to make sure what he's posted hasn't already been posted.


Barely Irrelevant
Jun 27, 2006
The Sticks (West MA)
Did you do your research on this post. It was the first post about Dzingel in this thread.

I mean there's a lot of posters who mention the same thing, so what, not everyone is going to sit there and read every single thread to make sure what he's posted hasn't already been posted.

Now you are being the Richard.

I already apologized twice and said I should have been clearer about my post not referring to that poster or topic specifically.

Maybe you didn’t read that before you posted this? :laugh:


Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
North Of The Border
Now you are being the Richard.

I already apologized twice and said I should have been clearer about my post not referring to that poster or topic specifically.

Maybe you didn’t read that before you posted this? :laugh:


A Richard really?

I think those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Glove Malfunction

Ference is my binky
Jan 1, 2009
Pleasantly warm, AZ
No, I wouldn't. My point is that's what it would take and I am not even sure if thats enough. Hence, no Tarasenko.
That would definitely be more than enough. WAAAAAY more than enough. Tarasenko is a top line player, but he's also coming off shoulder surgery, and it's affected his play this year (though he's apparently recently been better). But 5 roster players and a 1st? I still say it's craziness. Even for Chiarelli.
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End of an Era
Jun 4, 2016
That would definitely be more than enough. WAAAAAY more than enough. tarasenko is a top line player, but he's also coming off shoulder sufrgery, and it's affected his play this year (though he's apparently recently been better). But 5 roster players and a 1st? I still say it's craziness. Even for Chiarelli.

If I was the Blues, I would not do that trade. 5 assets or not.
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