Post-Game Talk: Blackhawks 4, Oilers 1


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Almost any of us agree with exactly what you are posting. That people are opposing this sensible view is interesting in itself.

Its not even debateable the Oilers have a worse lineup this year, and its indefensible that we have a lineup where a Draisaitl is playing with the likes of Strome, Khaira, Cagg, Camm in recent outings. Predictably to no recent impact.

heres must viewing for anybody. Watch the support players on the Vegas club, watch how they support the play on any line, look how tirelessly and consistently they work. Then look at the tweeners on this team take every 2nd and 3rd game off or play at half intensity. Its night and day difference and our fill players are ineffective and really not all that helpful.

Other than McDavid, take a look at the rest of the "core" players as well that are playing at 1/2 speed and simply not getting it done. For me, that is far more concerning. Those are the guys that the young greenhorns should follow. This is a team thing, not just a few young guys.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Is he really? He's playing decent for a 19 year old player playing alongside the one of the best hockey players around. He's not exactly lighting the world on fire though.

I'm not criticizing Khaira. He played very well for a few weeks then went back to being what he is. A tweener. On no other team in the league would he be in the top 6.

Strome is worthless. I've already said my piece on this player and the fact we had to give up a good top six winger just to get him is so laughably bad.

If you don't think the roster is worse than last year I don't know what to tell you. But hey, addition by subtraction. 16 in 80. Have I covered all your usual points yet? Or maybe Lowe, MacT or any of the other OBC cronies can tell you that everything is just peachy.

Actually, you called him a "nothing" player in one of your posts. I guess in your world, any young player that hasn't got it done consistently after 50 or so games in the league is a throwaway.


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
Damn straight we were mocked for the view. Time has proven what a disaster that trade was when it was evident from the start. The irony is the same people defending it now were the same people defending it then and who will never change their opinion regardless of results.

We got a pretty ordinary D, not even good enough to make the top pairing on better clubs, and we gave up a forward who is exceeding PPG production again. We gave up a Franchise player for one that isn't even notable since Xmas and has been ordinary all season.

You Hall fans have to stop with this "franchise player" narrative. Franchise players aren't 60-65 point, less than 30 goal players for 4 straight seasons.

Yes, Hall is a better player than Larsson in a vacuum and yes the Oilers lost value in the deal but stop with the hyperbole about franchise player. The guy was putting up Eberle (the good Eberle) numbers the 4 seasons prior to this one.


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
Honestly, it seems like some people on this board are actually smugly pleased that the team has crashed and burned so they can tell everyone how "right" they were with their alleged predictions in the summer.

It's gross.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2017
Honestly, it seems like some people on this board are actually smugly pleased that the team has crashed and burned so they can tell everyone how "right" they were with their alleged predictions in the summer.

not pleased at all. furious at the season actually but ya, I guess when some of us get mocked and chastised for our views there is a sense of "I told you so". It's some others who before were so smug telling us we have no clue and are just whining for the sake of it with no solid evidence to back up our "eye tests" relative to their supposed "irrefutable" advanced stats (where the oil were dominating corsi fenwick or whatever... and that things will certainly turn around).
I also remember telling people I had inside info (several months before he got traded) that Hall was not returning to the team no matter what and the return for him would be much less than people think (partly because he is very overrated) and was basically driven off the boards with pitchforks. That, I admit felt good to be right on.


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