Bergeron destroying WJCs

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Oct 25, 2003
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chsb said:
Give your own head a shake!

How can you say that 30 GMs would have a Crosby or Ovechkin over a proven NHLer??
They, to my knowledge, did not prove anything as NHLers yet and are they signed to an NHL team??
Bergeron was with Team Canada at the last World Championship and won gold and was given icetime even at 18.
Now who is dominating this tournament so far??
Bergeon is and he is also a leader on his team plus is the best at faceoffs and plays PK over and above being the best scorer of his team.

Now I would like to know how some people can dispute 1 PPG player status for Bergeron and, at the same time, assess Ovechkin and Crosby as 100 pts. + players in the NHL??

At this point in time, 95% of Team-Canada is convinced that Bergeron is the top player on the team.

Give your head a 2nd shake!!!

A proven NHL'er?? Oh, I didn't know that one year in the league meant that you were a proven player.

Did I ever say that Crosby and Ovechkin would be 100 point men in the league??

"Now I would like to know how some people can dispute 1 PPG player status for Bergeron and, at the same time, assess Ovechkin and Crosby as 100 pts. + players in the NHL??"

I think you should read my post once again. Think what you want my man, but I would like to know which GM out there would rather him over SC and AO. You tell me who please.


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Oct 25, 2003
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London Knights said:
Not that I definately buy into the theory, but the same could be said about Crosby lighting up Major Junior. Lots of players do that and go on to be marginal NHL players, so despite his strong play there is absolutely 0 guarantee that he is anything more than the next Daigle at this point.

No, you are right, there is no gurantee, but he is more talented and more commited then Daigle ever was. He wants to succeed in the league and make a run at some of Gretzky's records. Daigle could have cared less about those things. He has had the media surrounding him since he has been 12 and he just continues to roll along like there is nothing happening.


Patrice Bergeron is good, but if you've ever seen the other 3 guys play, you'd recognize that talent-wise he's nowhere near as good as them.


By The Power of Canadian Tire Centre
Jul 2, 2002
The only similarities between Crosby and Daigle are that they both played in the Q. Corsby's skills are so much better than Diagle's that it is a ridiculous comparison.

Daigle had speed speed speed and it was his speed that allowed him to dominate in junior, he could just blow by guys, he never possesed a fraction of Crosby's puck skills and was nowhere near as strong on his skates, nor did he have even a passing similarity to Crosby's on ice vision.


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Feb 27, 2002
DanyHeatley#1Fan said:
We CAN'T predict when Bergeron will stop to improve. IMO, if he keeps the same attitude and work ethic, he will improve every year for a long period of time. He is humble and hard working, plus he is well surronded (watch an interview with his mother yesterday on RDS and she seems to be a great mother for him.). And don't forget that Luc Robitaille was drafted in the 6th round and became the best scoring LW of all-time, that Martin St-Louis was never draft and just won the Hart, Art Ross and Lester B. Pearson awards, so maybe Bergeron will continue to improve and become one of the superstars of this league. Oh and we must not forget that guys like Alexandre Daigle and Eric Lindros never lived up to there hype and went down the toilet, so maybe, just maybe (I don't think so but...) Crosby and Ovechkin could bust and become no more then bad memories for their team fans.

After all, this guy has it all and have a heart as big as Saku Koivu's, so sky is the limit for Bergeron. No where near the talent level of Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin or Frolik/Kessel type of players but he has all the intangibles that can make him way more valuable that all of those guys. But the whole point is: we just can't predict if Bergeron, Crosby or Ovechkin will become a 100 points man in this league even if Crosby and Ovechkin are more likely to get to that level...

take a bow...great post, and from a habs fan no less :joker:
this must've pained you to have to say ;)

Form and Substance

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Jun 11, 2004
London Knights said:
The IIHF randomly takes points away and Bergeron I believe lost an assist on the first goal scored by Perry. The same thing actually happened to Perry in the very first game where he lost two points off second assists that outside of the tournament would have been counted.

IIHF doesn't recognize second assists now?


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Oct 12, 2002
He is becoming one of my favorite player. I like his style of play.. his grit and hockey sense on the ice.


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Jan 12, 2003
Calgary via Halifax
London Knights said:
The IIHF randomly takes points away and Bergeron I believe lost an assist on the first goal scored by Perry. The same thing actually happened to Perry in the very first game where he lost two points off second assists that outside of the tournament would have been counted.

He didn't deserve a point on that goal by Perry. He won the draw, Perry passed it back to Phaneuf and he shot, went of the glass and Perry put it in. Perry touched the puck after Bergeron negating his assist.

I have him in a pool so I was watching.


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Feb 21, 2003
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Any thread, about any player other than the annointed "superstars-in-waiting" results in this same sort of inane, useless, baseless, phony debate because to suggest that anyone on the planet might actually rival the "phenoms" is somehow threatening to some posters.

To say that Bergeron is tearing up this tournament is an understatement. To say it is a surprise just shows you haven't been paying attention to the kid over the past several years. And to say he wasn't well know prior to this tournament, or that "one good tournament doesn't make a superstar" just shows how limited a person's knowledge of the game really is. Sad, actually.

How many 18 year olds actually made the league last year? See Ovechkin anywhere? Even Phaneuf (who I think is actually the dominant junior player in the tournament right now)? No...then pay attention to what Bergeron has already done while the kids are back in Junior or Russia or whatever.

Then watch him - how many of Crosby's goals so far have been on passes through traffic that not many players can make? Remember the first goal where he gets a great headman pass from Crosby to start the play (cue the phenom) but then turns a d-man inside out before a great move on the goalie?

Anybody who does not think this kid is great needs to spend a little time paying attention instead of spouting off.



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Mar 23, 2003
gb701 said:
Any thread, about any player other than the annointed "superstars-in-waiting" results in this same sort of inane, useless, baseless, phony debate because to suggest that anyone on the planet might actually rival the "phenoms" is somehow threatening to some posters.

To say that Bergeron is tearing up this tournament is an understatement. To say it is a surprise just shows you haven't been paying attention to the kid over the past several years. And to say he wasn't well know prior to this tournament, or that "one good tournament doesn't make a superstar" just shows how limited a person's knowledge of the game really is. Sad, actually.

:handclap: :handclap:


Registered User
Jul 9, 2004
I don't know if Bergeron has the talent of the other two. But he sure has the "hockey sense." He's a smart two-way player who does almost everything well.

He was very impressive for the Bruins last year. And multidimensional in that he could play center or the right side, play on a scoring or checking line and kill penalties and get PP time.

I still can't believe the Bruins got him in the 2nd round.

Someone mentioned that Fritsche played 18 games last year with Columbus.


C 49 *DAN FRITSCHE 19 8:24 1 0 1 5- 12 0 0 0 0 19 5.3


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
Alexander Steen said:
Patrice Bergeron is good, but if you've ever seen the other 3 guys play, you'd recognize that talent-wise he's nowhere near as good as them.
I have seen Kovlachuk in person, Overchkin and Crosby on TV and Bergeron over 20 times in person never father than the 6th row. Bergeron before his shoulder injury against the Rags was the Bruins best player. He came back and was not the same player which I find amusing when so many were so impressed over his performance against Habs. To me, he was nowhere near what he was before he went out. I was curious if he would return to the preshoulder injury and he has and then some. I saw him in Lowell twice and he and Staal just looked like they belonged in another league- which they do. He was stronger on his skates, made the subtle plays, and the right plays. Would I take him over the other three- probably not but I can't tell you why accept that those guys are the 2010 superstars in the NHL and Patrice Bergeron is a second round humble kid.

Even I wait for the star to burst but it seems to be getting brighter not dimmer.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2004
Considering Bergeron established himself as a regular 18 year old center in the NHL last season and has been nothing short of amazing in this tournament, I'd rather have a gaurentee like Bergeron at this point than anyother player right now.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
Fedz said:
:lol: :lol

That was golden.:yo:
I know B20 and he's is like Scott Stevens- keep your head up and you better show up with support because he's done his homework. I'll say this about the Malkin vs Bergeron angle. I've read alot about Malkin because we are in a HFL Draft over at the Bruins board and I have the third pick so he's a guy I was quite interested in. He certainly sounds like a future star franchise center and a major pillar for the Penguins along with Fleury, and those young group of D-men. However, Bergeron we have disected and watched like a frog in biology and we are amazed at his game moreso than what can be measured statistically. Bergeron goes beyond whats on the back of a hockey card and that's where the conflicts come in. He does things and acts the way teams draw it up. We live in a Fast Food/ME Generation where its all about points and glory. Bergeron is not that. He's to be enjoyed...almost a 'slow down and enjoy the ride' mentality. I'd love the Broons to hit it with one more guy like him (greedy or what) and have those two with Samsonov and Thornton give the region something to enjoy like the Pats and Sox.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
gb701 said:
Any thread, about any player other than the annointed "superstars-in-waiting" results in this same sort of inane, useless, baseless, phony debate because to suggest that anyone on the planet might actually rival the "phenoms" is somehow threatening to some posters.

To say that Bergeron is tearing up this tournament is an understatement. To say it is a surprise just shows you haven't been paying attention to the kid over the past several years. And to say he wasn't well know prior to this tournament, or that "one good tournament doesn't make a superstar" just shows how limited a person's knowledge of the game really is. Sad, actually.

How many 18 year olds actually made the league last year? See Ovechkin anywhere? Even Phaneuf (who I think is actually the dominant junior player in the tournament right now)? No...then pay attention to what Bergeron has already done while the kids are back in Junior or Russia or whatever.

Then watch him - how many of Crosby's goals so far have been on passes through traffic that not many players can make? Remember the first goal where he gets a great headman pass from Crosby to start the play (cue the phenom) but then turns a d-man inside out before a great move on the goalie?

Anybody who does not think this kid is great needs to spend a little time paying attention instead of spouting off.


I agree with you that people tend to sheepishly play it safe when it comes to prospects. However, you're overreacting big time and using unfair comparisons as well, not to mention re-writing history.

Few people knew about Bergeron "the last couple of years" and that has nothing to do with having limited knowledge of the game as you pretend. Players grow, some get better. It happens.

Don't bother pointing out Ovechkin did not play in the NHL. He couldn't and you know it. Ovechkin is such a rare phenom, he could have made the NHL as a 17 years old garanteed and could have had a shot at 16.

The thing I'd say is that making the NHL as early as possible is not the ultimate indicator of top end talent. That's good for everyone, not just Bergeron. I really, really like him but I do not think he is markedly destroying the competition in an unequaled fashion. Frolov looked just as good in the WJC and people, just like they're doing here, started overreacting and calling him the next Jagr.

I'm just enjoying the WJC and very glad a kid from here is glowingly representing Canada, not to mention playing the kind of hockey I like to see. Bergeron strikes me as an old time player. He reminds me of players in the 70s and 80s. Guys who could play a creative skilled game without playing like ****ing pansies. He doesn't play like some of the manufactured products of today. He's imperfect and kicking ass.

I think he has quite a lot of potential but I'm not sure about the superstar thing. If that's all it takes around here to not know about hockey, so be it. I've been accused of that for much less anyway...

I don't think people truly appreciate the WJC for what they are and can accurately put them in their proper context when projecting NHL careers. Almost every year, people get caught up with whatever trend develops there and go crazy on irrelaistic projections.

It doesn't matter because Bergeron's performance in adult competitions so far are marvelous and I agree he is a very good player. This is much more telling than the WJC but the WJC gets a lot more coverage around here. It is the event that makes or break players in the mind of a couple of know-it-alls who press and shift the hype and panic buttons.

Good for Bergeron in making the NHL early and performs very well everywhere. This is telling and promising. But ultimately, the fact one made the NHL already and the other didn't is not the ultimate way I would compare Bergeron to, for instance, Phaneuf.

Form and Substance

Registered User
Jun 11, 2004
Well in 2001-2002 he was playing midget aaa and playing rather well i might add, but brent aubin led scoring that year and now he isn't on anyone's radar. not that anyone thought he would be. My point is, this kid has a sick learning curve and he's not stopping here. During the boston-montreal series, he was the ONE player that made me **** myself and panic. He just has oozes with superstar-like confidence, although he isn't top-end talent like say Crosby, he knows exactly what to do and how to get it. And that to me is scarier than a hundred Raw Ovechkins. (I'm obviously exaggerating)


Bergeron to me will be an all-star selke winner. Higher ceiling then jere lehtinen to me. Comparable to an NHL star right now....i dunno. Bergeron will be one of those players who is HIS OWN.

Bergeron will probably be one of those guys like claude lemieux who is average in the regular season offensively, but explodes in the post season offensively. That is what i see bergeron as.


DKH said:
I have seen Kovlachuk in person, Overchkin and Crosby on TV and Bergeron over 20 times in person never father than the 6th row. Bergeron before his shoulder injury against the Rags was the Bruins best player. He came back and was not the same player which I find amusing when so many were so impressed over his performance against Habs. To me, he was nowhere near what he was before he went out. I was curious if he would return to the preshoulder injury and he has and then some. I saw him in Lowell twice and he and Staal just looked like they belonged in another league- which they do. He was stronger on his skates, made the subtle plays, and the right plays. Would I take him over the other three- probably not but I can't tell you why accept that those guys are the 2010 superstars in the NHL and Patrice Bergeron is a second round humble kid.

Even I wait for the star to burst but it seems to be getting brighter not dimmer.
When i saw him in the AHL, defensively he was better than last year, offensively he was better passing, but not as noticable. Overall i like him more this year than last, pre shoulder.


Considering the exodus of free agents after last season, the Bruins will need Bergeron very much if they hope to be competitive in the Northeast Division.


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Jun 27, 2002
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Kovy274Hart said:
I don't know if Bergeron has the talent of the other two. But he sure has the "hockey sense." He's a smart two-way player who does almost everything well.

He was very impressive for the Bruins last year. And multidimensional in that he could play center or the right side, play on a scoring or checking line and kill penalties and get PP time.

I still can't believe the Bruins got him in the 2nd round.

Someone mentioned that Fritsche played 18 games last year with Columbus.


C 49 *DAN FRITSCHE 19 8:24 1 0 1 5- 12 0 0 0 0 19 5.3

hard to read these stats... heres what i got from the Internet hockey database
Season Team Lge GP G A Pts PIM
2003-04 Columbus Blue Jackets NHL 19 1 0 1 12

Fritsche playing quite decently in the world juniors this year ... just kinda gives u a gauge for Bergerons performance level
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