Bang On Brooks/Brooks Bang On

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Dec 8, 2003
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Russian Fan said:
I understand that your on the owners side but why insulting a guy because he thinks differently than you ? Yes he seems on the PA side but why is it a joke ? Because when there's hockey he creates funny rumors ? That doesn't make him unintelligent & without opinions.
i insult him for everything he write before the lockout. this guy flat out lies all the time. for three years everytime it was rumoured aro-und the league that a top player was available, the next day brooks would write that "slap shots has heard" that their was a rangers deal imminent and it would feature nedved going the other way. tkachuk, primeau, khabi...anyone who popped up. ive always thought he was a joke, so why would i stop now? he has so little credibilty to me that imo it hurts the pa to have this guy on their side. he could spout nothing but the truth and anyone who read him prior to the lockout would assume he was full of it. ocasionally, his ripping of his own team is at least good for laughs, but even then he typically singles out the wrong guy, or speaks only in hindsight. thats one of the main reasons i cant stand the guy, he just writes to get people all lathered up. kizla here in denver is very similar.


Russian Fan said:
Why can't you take him seriously ? Does that mean we can't take seriously anything that is pro-owners ? This is the same thing. there's 2 SIDE TO EVERY STORY & Brooks brings one side.

Also don't forget that probably the owners put pressure on some media to be on their side. In exchange to get some INSIDE stories. Like TSN (The Sources of the NHL) they get Bettman's & Daly's interview all the time because they are on their side.

So it's not impossible to say that Brooks get some real INSIDE source from the PA.

Being open minded is reading what you can't understand & trying to analyse it.

Brooks doesn't bring one side of the story, he fabricates things to support his Pro-PA agenda. That isn't called jounalism, it's called propoganda.

When you couple that with the "body of his work", which consists of pulling trade rumours out of his A$$, then it is easy to understand why he is ridiculed.

Basically he isn't bashed because he's pro-pa, but because he's an idiot.

Russian Fan

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Feb 27, 2003
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bleedgreen said:
i insult him for everything he write before the lockout. this guy flat out lies all the time. for three years everytime it was rumoured aro-und the league that a top player was available, the next day brooks would write that "slap shots has heard" that their was a rangers deal imminent and it would feature nedved going the other way. tkachuk, primeau, khabi...anyone who popped up. ive always thought he was a joke, so why would i stop now? he has so little credibilty to me that imo it hurts the pa to have this guy on their side. he could spout nothing but the truth and anyone who read him prior to the lockout would assume he was full of it. ocasionally, his ripping of his own team is at least good for laughs, but even then he typically singles out the wrong guy, or speaks only in hindsight. thats one of the main reasons i cant stand the guy, he just writes to get people all lathered up. kizla here in denver is very similar.

I understand about the hockey rumors & that's funny but why because he talks about the PA's side it would be a LIE ? Because it's contrary with your beliefs ? I'm not defending him, it's not the point of my posts but people judge him & crucify him like he's always wrong.

People don't respect other people's opinion because it's contrary to their beliefs. There's a lot of what the owners have said that manipulate the truth & probably a lot from the PA's side too but that's what it is. At least there's someone to publish what he got from the PA's side. I'm not saying it's the truth but people is having a lot of news or propaganda from the OWNERS to make people believe that the PA's is cracking & you got a few who put the PA's side. Which one is telling the truth ? I CAN'T SAY but at least you got the 2 sides of the story.

Russian Fan

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Feb 27, 2003
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Thunderstruck said:
Brooks doesn't bring one side of the story, he fabricates things to support his Pro-PA agenda. That isn't called jounalism, it's called propoganda.

When you couple that with the "body of his work", which consists of pulling trade rumours out of his A$$, then it is easy to understand why he is ridiculed.

Basically he isn't bashed because he's pro-pa, but because he's an idiot.

again why would anything being said on the owners side would be the sole truth & about the pa it's propaganda ?

again why associate the rumors he did with the articles he's doing about the lockout would be the same thing ?

I'm not defending but you're a pro-owner & you call everrything that is being said on the PA's side is propaganda. I'm not trying to convince you to change side but to see that there is other point of view than what is being said by the NHL's side


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kingsjohn said:
Exactly. Guys like Brooks and TJ Simers (here in LA) write crap like this hoping to get a reaction. Nothing more.

They'd be at home on this board then. :joker:

Thunderstruck said:
How fitting that BRG should defend Brooks. Birds of a feather and all that...

Nothing like assassinating the character of those who - horrors! :eek: - happen to have a different point of view, a different opinion than your's. :speechles

Not taking BRG nor Brook's side. Pointing out that a "closed mind" is a sad sight.
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Nothing like assassinating the character of those who - horrors! - happen to have a different point of view, a different opinion than your's.

Not taking BRG nor Brook's side. Pointing out that a "closed mind" is a sad sight.

You attempt to take me to task for my mild comment?

Are you aware of the overwhelming irony of your statement in light of Brooks and BRG consistently displaying exactly that behavior to a much larger degree?
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Dec 15, 2002
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Hockey_Nut99 said:
I don't know about some people, but if I had a business that I invested lots of money in, then I would do whatever it took to make sure I got profits. Why wouldn't I want to make a system that almost guaranteed me profits? Who cares if it's "idiot-proof". It will make me money. A person who owns a business has a right to make as much money as they can, especially when they have all the risks. I don't care how many mistakes an owner makes. It is HIS team. HIS business.

As a fan, even if I can understand the owners' POV, I would still be insulted by such a statement. If you wanted a franchise that could make you money, then tell your fellow colleagues and GMs to stop backstabbing each other and placing all the onus on the player's to fix up this problem. I am not on the player's side, but the facts totally support them. Thus, I will criticize who I see fit to mock.


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Dec 8, 2003
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Russian Fan said:
I understand about the hockey rumors & that's funny but why because he talks about the PA's side it would be a LIE ? Because it's contrary with your beliefs ? I'm not defending him, it's not the point of my posts but people judge him & crucify him like he's always wrong.

People don't respect other people's opinion because it's contrary to their beliefs. .
im not saying im against the pa because brooks is for them, im saying it doesnt improve their creditability. if im on trial for murder, i dont want oj calling a press conference on my behalf. his views arent just pro pa, they are to the point of slander. the best articles for both sides are the ones that take both point of views into consideration, and then show why they think one side is correct. brooks does nothing but call the owners idiots and saying they should fix their own problems....isnt that what they're doing? has he offered any possible plans, or new ideas? no. he just bashes the owners over and over. it gets old and you cant help but tune him out even if he ever did make a point. i dont dislike brooks because his opinion is contrary to my beliefs, i dont respect any view that refuses to see two sides to story.
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