Assasin's Creed Odyssey

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
Anyone else playing this?

This is the first AC game Ive put serious time into. I played Syndicate briefly but hated it. I understand this is remarkably different then rest of the series (excluding Origins).

Im pretty impressed by it. The scope of the game world and the detail Ubisoft put into recreating Greece is pretty remarkable. Like, I assumed Athens was going to be a big city in the game (comparable to Novigrad in Witcher, for example) but wow, there are numerous big cities in this game.

This map is enormous and the sheer amount of stuff to do is staggering. Ive uncovered roughly roughly 40% of the map through about 35 hours, and Ive been bypassing a lot of stuff along the way.

It doesnt do combat perfectly, but it does it acceptably. The ability to climb just about any surface is useful. My one complaint with the game is the naval segments. The ship costs way too many resources to upgrade to hope to survive anything more then a 1v1 battle. I hate that every time I leave port theres like 8 ships I need to destroy to get to my next destination.

Im playing Kassandra. Alexios seems quite boring in comparison.


sing for absolution
Mar 8, 2008
I personally enjoy the naval combat, especially when you cleave an enemy ship in two.

And believe it or not upgrading the ship (and gear) used to cost way more. That is why you should always break down your spare weapons and armour instead of selling them.

Chaels Arms

Formerly Lias Andersson
Aug 26, 2010
New York City
I tried Origins and hated it so I'm not even going to bother with Odyssey. I just don't like the combat in these newer AC games although I definitely seem to be in the minority there. Just seems kind of button mashey to me. Last AC game I enjoyed was Black Flag.

God King Fudge

Championship Swag
Oct 13, 2017
I didn't care for Origins, but I love Odyssey.

I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game this much since 2


Registered User
May 25, 2012
I have gamefly so it's on my list. If it's anything like Origins I won't play it much. I didn't even play origins for more than 30 minutes before I put it back in the nail and deleted it off my Xbox.

My friend loved Odyssey so I'm gonna give it a shot.

Voodoo Child

Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
I'm also actually playing it now.

The previous game I beat was Red Dead Redemption 2, and I'm not saying that AC:OD is better or even on the same level (to differentiate it from Origins), but it definitely does a few things better.

Forget production values, graphics, world building, music and characters - RDR2 was in development for like eight years, and there's gonna be a new AC game in like six months, of course its not up to that level.

But its combat is better, not miles better but better and certainly much more fun - a great variety of weapons and very fluid, millions of different ways to kill people.

Travel is tons easier, with an emphasis more on fluidity and less on realism.

There's stuff to do on every spot of the map. RDR2 has almost 20% of its map doing nothing but taking up space.

I enjoy the ship combat but echo your sentiments about it costing a ton to upgrade, especially ancient tablets which aren't easy to come by, but upgrading your ship and your weapons has obvious and immediate benefits (an area I feel RDR2 kinda lacks - often times I felt like I was just doing this menial task which does nothing for Arthur but it advances the story, AC:OD has a constant sense of progression). The story moves at a much quicker pace.

Let's just compare it to last year's entry Origins.


- Stealth mechanics greatly improved.
- Weapon upgrade system greatly improved (I hardly ever upgraded in Origins, I just bought or found new gear as I went)
- A slight uptick in graphical quality.
- I feel like the story is better overall.
- The 'modern day' story which no one cares about is still present but is less intrusive.
- It's definitely a bigger game.


- Using stamina to shoot special arrows is a screw up compared to just having multiple bows, which was tons easier.
- Alexios isn't as cool as Bayek was.
- Greece isn't as cool as Egypt was.
- The Eagle is weaker.
- I don't once remember Origins just freezing up and requiring a restart on me. Has happened four times now here.
- More grinding in this game, and normally I wouldn't care but before RDR2 I played Dragon Quest XI, and also it seems like a great opportunity for Ubisoft to insert their precious microtransactions that they love so much (so I'm gonna pay $75 for this game and you want me to drop another $30 on level boosts, special weapons and armor and a few missions? Kindly get f***ed, Ubisoft).

So it plays better and looks better than Origins and has a cooler story with more to do, but there's a few unforced errors in there.

I'd like to have seen what this game would have looked like with a proper 4+ year development cycle, and in the hands of a better studio like Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Square Enix or CDPR (I know not every studio makes 100% good games, but look at Ubisoft's wiki - they develop twenty pieces of shovelware for every even adequate game, and a hundred for every Assassins Creed 2 or Far Cry 3).

I can't say until I'm finished (I'm probably about halfway through), but it's trending better than Origins, but it won't be some massive gulf.

I'd give RDR2 a 9.3/10, Origins an 8.2/10 and this game so far an 8.5.
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Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
Its a grest game. I personally liked Origins A LOT more. Odyssey just seems much more hollow to me. With how silly Alexios and Kassandra acted, I get being light-hearted however, it made me care less about their journey.

Bayek in Origins was a real badass and the story was so much deeper. But like a lot of AC games there arent tons of cutscenes that take forever to get through. I like that about the AC games.

Plus, I hated the mercenary wanted levels in Odyssey. Origins did it way better with the Phylakes. I understand they wanted to have more guys to hunt and the merc's are more or less never ending but that made it less fun to me.

That said, both are fantastic games and if you like Odyssey you need to try Origins. Origins started the "reboot" of AC and Odyssey plays a lot like it. I just like the mechanics, story and setting a lot better in Origins.

King 88

Registered User
Mar 5, 2010
Loving the game. Its not witcher but pretty awesome rpg. Almost skipped this because never liked assassin's creed series.


Dec 14, 2011
I'm really loving this game. Only about 15 hours into this and have a long ways to go, but I really like it. It feels like they've taken a bunch of the mechanics from previous games and just refined them a lot more. I will say that I'm also in the same boat as the other poster who their game freeze up a couple of times which is really annoying. But other than that its a fun game. My problem is that I have got Breath of the Wild and Spiderman for Christmas so my playing time is going to be spread out across multiple games

Voodoo Child

Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
I'm really loving this game. Only about 15 hours into this and have a long ways to go, but I really like it. It feels like they've taken a bunch of the mechanics from previous games and just refined them a lot more. I will say that I'm also in the same boat as the other poster who their game freeze up a couple of times which is really annoying. But other than that its a fun game. My problem is that I have got Breath of the Wild and Spiderman for Christmas so my playing time is going to be spread out across multiple games

And we're up to six freeze-restart sequences now, but luckily the game's autosave feature is very judicious, and it hasn't made me have to redo too much stuff.

I'm still enjoying the game though I need to download the latest update.

The hardest animals to kill in the game are wild boars, bobcats and snakes - other animals featured include great white sharks, lions and bears.

What's up with that?


Dec 14, 2011
And we're up to six freeze-restart sequences now, but luckily the game's autosave feature is very judicious, and it hasn't made me have to redo too much stuff.

I'm still enjoying the game though I need to download the latest update.

The hardest animals to kill in the game are wild boars, bobcats and snakes - other animals featured include great white sharks, lions and bears.

What's up with that?

Yeah killing the alpha boar was a bitch . Killing sharks sucks too. Makes it really hard to loot the sunken ships. I'm also terrible at Naval warfare

Voodoo Child

Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
Yeah killing the alpha boar was a ***** . Killing sharks sucks too. Makes it really hard to loot the sunken ships. I'm also terrible at Naval warfare

I kind of cheat with the Sharks, stand on shore or the Adrestia and launch arrows at them, only takes 3-4 per shark.

As for the naval warfare, upgrading to fire arrows, rower stamina and the ship upgrade that allows four lieutenants helps immensely. Take too much damage? With max rower stamina just peel away until the ship's hp recovers, then sneak back in and go for the ram.
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Voodoo Child

Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
2,443 breaking glitch immediately after the chapter 8 mission 'Doing time'.

And they've known about it for two months now, and haven't fixed it in the multiple patches that have come out since then.

I want to know how this game, which up until this point had been awesome, got the reviews it did if none of the people who reviewed it could even complete it?

Ubisoft, what a bunch of f***ing amateurs, bush league studio. They should give away all the DLC for free because of this colossal f*** up but they won't.

I'm posting this here because there's no fix yet but you might be able to preempt it.

@Warden of the North
@Lias Andersson
@King 88
@Post Karl Malone
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Registered User
Mar 17, 2002
I finished the game on PS4 a while ago, but I think I had one single crash.
So I can't help you sorry.

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
Muskoka breaking glitch immediately after the chapter 8 mission 'Doing time'.

And they've known about it for two months now, and haven't fixed it in the multiple patches that have come out since then.

I want to know how this game, which up until this point had been awesome, got the reviews it did if none of the people who reviewed it could even complete it?

Ubisoft, what a bunch of ****ing amateurs, bush league studio. They should give away all the DLC for free because of this colossal **** up but they won't.

I'm posting this here because there's no fix yet but you might be able to preempt it.

@Warden of the North
@Lias Andersson
@King 88
@Post Karl Malone

Well, I was thinking of taking a break for a bit, this seems like a good time. Ubi says a patch is coming, but no timeframe yet.

"This issue is scheduled to be resolved in a future update. We do not have an ETA available for the update, but it will be resolved in a future patch!"


Dec 14, 2011
I have Spiderman and Breathe of the Wild I can play and yet I played this for 5 hours today. :laugh: I don't think I'm that far along for this glitch, but I'll try to be careful.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
I have yet to get into any Assassin's Creed game. I played 2 a little bit but quickly moved on, and then I let myself get hyped for AC3, the American Revolution sort of one, and it was a huge disappointment. Felt so burned by it that I haven't even considered playing an AC game since.

Odyssey is just getting so much good buzz, I will definitely pick it up at some point next year when its on sale.


Three Eyed Raven
Apr 24, 2014
2,284 breaking glitch immediately after the chapter 8 mission 'Doing time'.

And they've known about it for two months now, and haven't fixed it in the multiple patches that have come out since then.

I want to know how this game, which up until this point had been awesome, got the reviews it did if none of the people who reviewed it could even complete it?

Ubisoft, what a bunch of ****ing amateurs, bush league studio. They should give away all the DLC for free because of this colossal **** up but they won't.

I'm posting this here because there's no fix yet but you might be able to preempt it.

@Warden of the North
@Lias Andersson
@King 88
@Post Karl Malone
I havent had any issues playing it. I don't know what to say.

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
I have yet to get into any Assassin's Creed game. I played 2 a little bit but quickly moved on, and then I let myself get hyped for AC3, the American Revolution sort of one, and it was a huge disappointment. Felt so burned by it that I haven't even considered playing an AC game since.

Odyssey is just getting so much good buzz, I will definitely pick it up at some point next year when its on sale.

This is, by all accounts, not really an Assassin's Creed game. Its an action RPG with optional stealth elements.


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
I stopped playing AC after Brotherhood (or AC III) and did we ever figure out what happened to Lucy? I just thought that was such a climax pitch out of nowhere, but then Ubisoft pretty much did nothing with her leading it to one of the most anti-climatic and pointless scenes ever in a video game. Not sure if I plan on getting Odyssey, but definitely will get Origins at some point (ancient Egypt just seems beyond awesome).


Feb 4, 2003
New Hampshire
I don't generally like the AC games, but I thought this one was the best version since Black Flag. I'm really enjoying it.

I certainly don't want to say it was better than Red Dead, because that's not true; but for my play style, it has been a better fit for me. Comes close to being as much fun as I had with Spiderman.

Warden of the North

Ned Stark's head
Apr 28, 2006
OK, so a lot of what I read about this game from reviewers is that there are massive level jumps that REQUIRE grinding to progress the story and that this game may be too big.

Ive never had to grind one bit in this game. Nothing Ive done felt forced. I could not figue out what the hell these reviewers were talking about.

Im about 65 hours (a guess) and I think im nearing the end game of the main story.

This article here illustrates I think why the reviewers felt the way they do.

'Assassin's Creed Odyssey' And When Length Counts Against A Game

This isn’t a title where you can rush through the main story in 15-20 hours then spend another 60-80 exploring and 100%ing the map. Odyssey locks almost all of its “important” quests behind lengthy leveling gates. What that means is that you do what main quests you can, then you do side quests to get more chunks of XP, then when you run out of those, you literally clear landmarks until you’re finally the right level to continue the main questline again and the cycle repeats. Given that for instance, hunting down the final ring of cult members is a level 50 endeavor, you essentially have to hit max level to beat the game, and through sheer XP accumulation alone, that takes no less than 50 hours of gameplay.

This is not even including going on to 100% the map afterward, or doing any of the endless “a settlement needs your help” generic bounty board quests that I did exactly one of in my entire playthrough. Yet it still took me this much time.

He completely ignored the bounty board and instead focused on landmark clearing. Of course, this means he did not get the XP boost from completing missions and instead drove his XP up at a snails pace. As well as missing the generic "go here an do this stuff" quests, hsi missing the slower paced but still important "Kill 10 of X anywhere in Greece" quests which really start to load up the XP later in the game. I had several of these open, and they all cleared in one intense fight in a Fort and it took me a while to figure out why I had like 4 quest completions within seconds of each other.

This is all I can figure for why so many reviewers are saying this. In their time crunch to get their reviews out in time for launch, they were ignoring the very mechanism used to accelerate XP growth.

For me, I quite like it the way it is. My $$$ are limited so a game of considerable length is appreciated. I want my monies worth and this game is giving me that for sure.


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