Application of the Winnipeg Jets logo at MTS Centre


Registered User
May 11, 2009
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Winnipeg Jets started the process of getting the ice ready on Sunday. It will take about 4 days to complete. Here are some pictures of the logo with some new additions.

To see more pictures and a short video click here. (Update: Fixed the white balance issues)

What do you guys think? Like the Jet in the red line?
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Whiteshell Wild
Jul 11, 2006
When I was in MTL in October, I got a tour of the Bell Centre, and they already had their ice in, logoed, and even viewable to us, which was amazing since they had concerts in there the night before and after. Unfortunately, their banners weren't visible (as they retract them up into special compartments in the roof, like we do with our scoreboard, during non-hockey events). When I asked why they had ice there already, I was told it was protocol, "just in case" the lockout suddenly ended. Like the Jets, the Habs have a separate practice facility they regularly use. So I don't know what to make of that. Likely was just an arena decision... But I was surprised after hearing that, that the Jets didn't already have those things done. Not that I'm complaining -- we have a top notch organization!


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