TV: 3 Body Problem


Registered User
Nov 28, 2011
Anyone else check out this show yet?
Im a few episodes in and im totally hooked.
From the thrones guys and they throw in quite a few thrones alums.
Definitely some solid sci-fi and one of the best Netflix shows I've seen in a while

Bounces R Way

Registered User
Nov 18, 2013
It was different I will give it that. Liked the concept more than the execution personally but there were some solid episodes.

Physics always weirds me the f*** out,
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Its A Kingspiracy !
Feb 27, 2005
Corsi Hill
It’s getting pretty good reviews too, I’ll probably check it out in the next couple weeks.
Definitely worth checking out, top notch sci-fi. Was going to do 1 a day, then I got so hooked, finished the last 3 up yesterday. There's also a post episode show for each one, with the guys who created it. It really helps with a lot of the sciencey stuff and other story lines make more sense. Just make sure you click on the right post-episode or you'll be spoiled.:nod:
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A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
I've been waiting to watch it until I really had time for it. I *loved* the first two books of the series and am planning on reading the 3rd one soon.

Viggo Mortensen

Gandalf the Grey
Dec 14, 2008
Im surprised it's not getting more buzz honestly. I think it's lack of marketing from Netflix, but probably doesn't help that all the media talk was about the 1st scene of the series in 60's China that is totally not representative of the rest of the show.


Registered User
May 25, 2012
Star Shoppin
I enjoyed it. Pretty interesting premise. A bit concerning that it hasn't been very popular as it cost them 20m an episode to make. So if there isn't a lot of buzz, wouldn't be surprised if Netflix pulls the plug already. But you've committed to the game of thrones creators for this so maybe by default you give them a season 2.
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Hardline Moderate
Jun 6, 2011
I loved it. It's smart sci-fi with a clever way of presenting the theme. Alien-contact stories have been done a thousand times; this one avoids the cliches and handles it as intelligently – and suspensefully – as any I've seen.


We're Touched
Oct 8, 2010
It was worth the watch. Probably my favorite show of 2024 so far, but that's not an exceptionally high standard thus far.

The visual FX quality was a bit all over the place. Sometimes it would look really good, but other times it was very clearly a Netflix-level budget and you got some SyFy-channel-esque effects for some of the bigger set pieces. The panama canal scene looked incredibly dated, for instance. One of the characters deaths was also painfully bad CGI.

Plot-wise, it's definitely Westernized compared to the source material, although they kept more of the China/PLA stuff than I would have expected. But turning all the main characters into one friend group centralized in Britain was pretty amusing. It takes plot elements from all three books, and arranges them into closer to a chronological order. But that also means there are plot elements that are introduced far earlier in the show and seem rather out of place for several episodes until the payoff comes around.

The acting is... fine? Not particularly noteworthy overall, and the characters rarely have a ton of depth anyway. This series is much more about lofty concepts than character drama, so the bits of character drama they jam in there are pretty clumsy anyway.

I have plenty of physics gripes (that's not how gravity works in a syzygy), but most of them are also present in the books (which get much weirder and conjecture-based with the physics by the end of the series, which presumably the TV show won't end up touching).
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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
I enjoyed it. Pretty interesting premise. A bit concerning that it hasn't been very popular as it cost them 20m an episode to make. So if there isn't a lot of buzz, wouldn't be surprised if Netflix pulls the plug already. But you've committed to the game of thrones creators for this so maybe by default you give them a season 2.
I wonder if the GoT ending is causing mixed excitement between people.

Viggo Mortensen

Gandalf the Grey
Dec 14, 2008
Watching this series though, I just wonder where the money went. As @Hivemind mentioned, the visual FX were all over the place and sometimes really bad. And other than a few GoT returnees, they don't have a cast that should cost a ton. So where is the 20M$/ep going?


Oct 12, 2009
It was worth the watch. Probably my favorite show of 2024 so far, but that's not an exceptionally high standard thus far.

The visual FX quality was a bit all over the place. Sometimes it would look really good, but other times it was very clearly a Netflix-level budget and you got some SyFy-channel-esque effects for some of the bigger set pieces. The panama canal scene looked incredibly dated, for instance. One of the characters deaths was also painfully bad CGI.

Plot-wise, it's definitely Westernized compared to the source material, although they kept more of the China/PLA stuff than I would have expected. But turning all the main characters into one friend group centralized in Britain was pretty amusing. It takes plot elements from all three books, and arranges them into closer to a chronological order. But that also means there are plot elements that are introduced far earlier in the show and seem rather out of place for several episodes until the payoff comes around.

The acting is... fine? Not particularly noteworthy overall, and the characters rarely have a ton of depth anyway. This series is much more about lofty concepts than character drama, so the bits of character drama they jam in there are pretty clumsy anyway.

I have plenty of physics gripes (that's not how gravity works in a syzygy), but most of them are also present in the books (which get much weirder and conjecture-based with the physics by the end of the series, which presumably the TV show won't end up touching).
IIRC, they were contractually limited in the amount of Chinese(language)/China(Culture, media, society, et cetra). Knowing this, it makes why so many changes were made. It also explains why the only depictions of China used were those events that took place during the Cultural Revolution, a period which a lot of Chinese would like to see thrown into the autoclave of history.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2010
Sewell NJ
Heard nothing about this but watched it on a whim on Netflix and it was fantastic. No idea why this isn't getting more hype


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
I just finished this and didn't care for it. I liked the first few episodes, especially the scenes in China, and was hooked, but it steadily got worse from there until I was bored and didn't care what happened during the second half. I love sci-fi and was looking forward to the science, but there isn't much in it and, instead, there's a lot of soapy melodrama. The fate of the world hinges on this handful of young scientists who spend most of their time with their relationships and personal problems (including a sentimental cancer subplot that nearly takes over the series). I found only one of them (Jin) somewhat likable, one of them (Auggie) very unlikable and the rest just there or boring. It didn't help that, whenever they gave an opinion or made a statement or choice, it felt like I was expected to agree with it just because the characters are smart. The plot is uneven, switching between realistic storylines (like the one in China) and unrealistic ones (like a virtual reality game), then dropping them after a few episodes. The plot is also nonsensical, not because I didn't understand it, but because it just makes little sense. That'd be fine if the series embraced it and had fun with it, but it tries very hard to be serious and smart. It just felt sophomoric because the science is watered down and it doesn't really raise any interesting questions like smart sci-fi does. I haven't read the novels, but they're supposedly more scientific and thoughtful. Finally, the season ends without any resolution or reward for sitting through 8 episodes, just the expectation that we'll return for the rest of the story in Season 2, which I'm thinking that I probably won't.
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Registered User
Apr 24, 2004
I just finished this and didn't care for it. I actually liked the first episode and a half, especially the scenes in China, and was hooked, but it steadily got worse from there until I was bored and didn't care what happened during the second half. I was looking forward to sci-fi, but there isn't much science in it and, instead, a whole lot of soapy melodrama. The fate of the world hinges on this handful of young scientists who spend most of their time with their personal problems and relationships rather than doing any work. I found only one of them (Jess Hong's character) somewhat likable, one of them (Eiza Gonzalez' character) intensely unlikable and the rest just there or boring. They're all portrayed as being factually and morally right, so if they give an opinion, make a statement or make a choice, we're seemingly expected to agree with it. The plot is nonsensical, not because I didn't understand it, but because it just makes little sense. That'd be OK if the series embraced the absurdity, but it's super serious and tries so hard to be smart. It just came across as sophomoric because the science (what little of it there is) is watered down and it doesn't really raise any questions. Finally, the season ends without any resolution or reward for sitting through 8 episodes, just the expectation that you'll return for the rest of the story in Season 2, which I probably won't.
I finished this last night and agree with pretty much everything you wrote here. I loved the first 3 episodes or so before it nosedived. Completely agree on Auggie being unlikeable and Jin being the only really likeable one. Will was obviously a good guy but pretty boring character. Saul really had no purpose until the last episode other than being someone for Will to talk to. Sam Tarlys character was very unlikeable. Saul is supposed a genius amongst geniuses but came across as lazy and not near as smart as they say he is. The ending of the finale was so weak. Gave me no good reason to tune in next season.
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The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
Just saw the boat scene at the canal, holy shit that was crazy!

Show is FANTASTIC. There better be a second season.
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The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
That article is very misleading.

All Netflix did was say they are adding episodes so there is a conclusion. They never announced it as a new season.

Seems like they are cheaping out and we will get 5-6 more eps and they will rush to finish it. Very disappointing but better than nothing.



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