GDT: 2019/2020 New Jersey Devils GDT Signup Thread

Based Anime Fan

Himedanshi Bandit
Mar 11, 2012
It is again that time of year where fishing starts to make way for hunting and pumpkin spice.


That also heralds the return of something very important:


It is the start of the hockey season. And as such we will neeed approximately 82 Game Day Threads, plus Pre-season and Playoffs (?).

Come all and join in to the fun... until January then it becomes the same 4 of us having to kill ourselves finding themes and ideas.

There are rules to this process:

1) Keep it clean-ish. We love memes and themes, but don't go crazy weird.

2) No tank.

3) How it works is someone will create a GDT, we will call this poster "Bloggins" Should the win that game, then Bloggins is responsible for the next game's GDT. Should the team loose, then the next game's GDT is created by the next person in the list in this thread, and should no list be properly determined, or we've already exhausted the list, then it's basically first-come first-serve.

*Note: there are special dates listed, that override the above. For instance, should the team win a game and Bloggins was the GDT poster but the next game be a reserved game for a GDT, then the person who requested that specific game gets to make the GDT. Regardless of team result in that reserved game Bloggins will then continue to GDT on the next game after the special GDT game; Reserved GDTs do not create GDT chains.*

4) Beware mid January, my crack GDTs start then and no one likes them minus a select few.

5) ANY board member can make a GDT for the HFDevils... but to be approved you have to kinda be around us and be cool with us. There was a Wild fan a bit ago who made one for us for a Wild-Devils game, but that poster was cool and chill.

6) Post Game Threads are at the discretion of the Mods. Generally it's X number of posts in the GDT.

7) Nico loves you

8) Some themes are kinda special (Spiderman, Rick & Morty, Anime); try not to overuse them as certain posters are known for certain things.

9) This only applies to Regular and Post Season games; Preseason is not subject to the rules of the GDT.


Ze Lizt:

JK3 was the last GDT of a winning Devils game, so he has the right to start the first Regular Season game!

1) JK3
2) Prezidentas Zubrus
3) SeidoN

Reserved Games:

1) January 12th NJD vs. TBL - Based Lovejoy Fan
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Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
do we always have to wait for the game on, to be a GTD thread? and posts related to game? like tonight?

They should go up at midnight the day of the game. If it isn't up by late afternoon gameday, @ whoever is in line to see if they are still putting it up. We don't usually do GDTs before midnight as tradition.


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