Wrestling angle do overs


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
I hate everything about Zack Ryder, so his burial is nothing to me.

I understand and respect that Ryder got over on his own and I'm cool with people not loving the burial as that is a legit issue but if there was any gimmick that ought to be buried, it was Ryder's.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
I never saw anything with that guy. He yelled WOO WOO and acted like a turd, that to me doesn't warrant a push.

Plus, he's a ***** in real life.

The Canadian Dream

Registered User
Sep 21, 2015

I disagree with them breaking up the Shield too quickly. I actually thought they should have done it months before they did. It grew stale on me rather fast and they weren't really doing anything anyways as a stable in any creative story lines. Infact I would say they booked The Shield rather crappy overall. Could have done much better with them.

Agree that the Wyatts were broken up too fast. That should have been a stable that grew and a stable that should have been kept away from Cena (well Bray anyways).

I was actually never a big Shield fan for two reasons. 1) I knew what Ambrose was capable as a singles worker. 2) I knew what Seth was capable as a singles worker. Never knew what Reigns was capable of though and sad to have have seen it. So maybe for Reigns sake the Shield should have stuck together longer but Ambrose and Seth didn't need it. Although Ambrose hasn't been properly booked since....wonder why..he's stuck with that goof Reigns.


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Shield was clashing with Wyatts and Evolution.... And basically stealing the show at each PPV. I thought they had a bit more to do before breaking up, but the inevitable showdown between the three needs to happen. And in about three years.... A reunion.

Paris in Flames

Registered User
Feb 4, 2009
Think the reunion comes quicker than that. Don't think it should...but I definitely think it will.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
The Shield's part in the Authority against DB was the only thing I didn't like about their booking as a stable. Their face run was too short. Their split made sense but it made just as much sense then as it would have later on. They pulled that trigger because DB got hurt and they needed to make a move.

The Canadian Dream

Registered User
Sep 21, 2015
They can take Neville off tv and rebrand him anytime they want to.

That super hero gimmick garbage has been doomed to fail since day 1.

One of the quickest high spot workers if not the best they have in the company and they treat him like a childrens super hero. Ugh!!! I am not even a high spot wrestling fan but crap if I don't enjoy watching Neville work.


so bad.

Reality Check

Registered User
May 28, 2008
I never saw anything with that guy. He yelled WOO WOO and acted like a turd, that to me doesn't warrant a push.

Plus, he's a ***** in real life.

There are plenty of dickheads in real life. Hulk Hogan was the worst guy ever until smart mark hero Chris Benoit. But I digress..

The point is to connect and get over. And he did so with a crap gimmick which could have been altered afterward. But he was never given a chance.

I can also point to Dolph Ziggler being a joke, nowhere gimmick. He continued to prove people wrong and was given his token WWE title reign for a couple months.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2011
I loved Austins heel feud with Angle but other than that i could not really get behind his heel turn.


Jun 27, 2014
They blew the whole Shield/Wyatt thing in my opinion
They could have been perfectly set against each other

With the Wyatt's trying to take down the machine
And the Shield trying to prevent that "injustice"

I swear, it was seemingly perfectly booked like that, and they messed that up


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
They blew the whole Shield/Wyatt thing in my opinion
They could have been perfectly set against each other

With the Wyatt's trying to take down the machine
And the Shield trying to prevent that "injustice"

I swear, it was seemingly perfectly booked like that, and they messed that up

The big thing they missed out on when it came to Shield-Wyatts is they completely missed out on an opportunity to present a modernized War Games match by using the Elimination Chamber for a tag team elimination match. That would've been epic.

Oil Dude

Registered User
Jan 10, 2010
The big thing they missed out on when it came to Shield-Wyatts is they completely missed out on an opportunity to present a modernized War Games match by using the Elimination Chamber for a tag team elimination match. That would've been epic.

This is a brilliant idea. That is a great way to end faction feuds.


Registered User
May 4, 2009
I got a few under the radar ones...

Not an angle - but TEST in general.

Had the size, youth and athleticism. HE was really getting over, then the Steph / HHH angle happened and TEST... got buried? WHY?!?!!

What was the point in this? What was he buried for? He went to become a mid-carder and tag team specialist. WHY?!

He should've been pushed. He should've been part of this coalition against HHH and D-X (plus Big Show while tossed in there).

Undertaker as American Bad Ass

I personally liked it as a whole. I liked that we saw Taker be who he was. He really came into a more likable character since they couldn't decide if he was a mysterious character of the leader of a cult... but Uh, he just leaves for 6 months and we pretend he's "alive" again? Um, what? Have some angle where he's "resurrected" or something. Build a character to feud with him with someone who is a "Holy" figure first... Then Kane "killing" him in the end would make sense.


Okay, this likely isn't really under the radar... but this doesn't even need any explanation.


The Eternal Optimist
Jun 14, 2011
Kitchener, Ontario
I got a few under the radar ones...

Not an angle - but TEST in general.

Had the size, youth and athleticism. HE was really getting over, then the Steph / HHH angle happened and TEST... got buried? WHY?!?!!

What was the point in this? What was he buried for? He went to become a mid-carder and tag team specialist. WHY?!

He should've been pushed. He should've been part of this coalition against HHH and D-X (plus Big Show while tossed in there).

Undertaker as American Bad Ass

I personally liked it as a whole. I liked that we saw Taker be who he was. He really came into a more likable character since they couldn't decide if he was a mysterious character of the leader of a cult... but Uh, he just leaves for 6 months and we pretend he's "alive" again? Um, what? Have some angle where he's "resurrected" or something. Build a character to feud with him with someone who is a "Holy" figure first... Then Kane "killing" him in the end would make sense.


Okay, this likely isn't really under the radar... but this doesn't even need any explanation.

Agreed on Test, I always thought he should have been the replacement for Austin in the Triple Threat Match at Survivor Series, have him win it there and then lose it back to HHH at Armageddon in Vince's place where Steph turns on him then.

Edit: This also avoids a horrible Big Show/Boss Man feud that's for the title.


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